A Golden Nugget Hidden in the Trump Spectacle
… It is thrilling to watch someone in the arena of ideas not playing the game according to the dictates of the Left. For far too long, our anti-America enemies on the Left have been allowed to set the rules of engagement. The Left dictates what truths we can say out loud, what words we are permitted to use and what is racist or mean.
..This is what makes Trump’s defiance so remarkable and exhilarating. Thus far Trump has not fallen for the Left’s tactic and become terrorized into walking back his comments. As a matter of fact, Trump routinely doubles down on his original statements.
…Another trick of the Left/MSM is to claim that their hysterical reactions reflect the feelings of a majority of the American people. However, Trump’s addressing illegal immigration shot him to the top of the polls…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘Rick Perry: Trump is a ‘Cancer on Conservatism’ That Has to Be ‘Excised’
People like Perry are a cancer on conservatism.
I’ve got a better idea – how about excising RINO scumbags? That’d narrow the Republican candidate field drastically.
O/T: mailed you.
Got it. Thanks.
Back on-topic: there’s a lot to like about Rick Perry, but the correct response would have been for him to simply admit he was weak on wetbacks and offer up some explanation that would give Conservatives hope a President Perry would be better.
Of course, there isM no reasonable explanation for why illegals in Texas get (for example) in-state tuition, so it would be like Romney trying to defend Romneycare while suggesting he would rip out Obamacare. Angels dancing on the head of a pin.
HEH! HEH!HEH! For the first time in a long time I find myself actually enjoy the news, because every single day there are videos of The Donald ripping some Leftist or RINO a new asshole.
It’s like I’ve said for years – when it comes to Leftist/Islamists/RINOs AXIS OF EVIL never say you’re sorry and always double down when they call you on something – It’s kind of like what you do on your first day in prison – pick out the biggest bully convict and beat the crap out of him.
The rest of the wolf pack gets the right idea and they run away from you with their tails between their legs.
Attack! Attack! ALWAYS ATTACK!
Back O/T: from the “part of the problem” file…
Sen. Mike Lee has a video up on Facebook at the moment. He’s printing out a copy of the Highway Bill. It’s over 1,000 pages long. He received it in his office at 3:06pm. The first vote on the Bill was scheduled for 4:00pm.
So, Senators have 54 minutes to print the Bill, read the Bill, then get from their offices to the Chamber to vote on the Bill.
And party “leadership” is pissed at Lee because he will always vote “no” on a Bill he hasn’t read!
The Party only requires Senators to rubber-stamp the decisions the Party has already made.
(and people still argue when I maintain that “democracy” is a farce. )
peoplehalf-wits like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell (and so, so many more) can find themselves with decades-long tenures in the world’s greatest deliberative body, you know “democracy” is a farce.” He received it in his office at 3:06pm. The first vote on the Bill was scheduled for 4:00pm.”
The colloquial expression I grew up hearing in New York that fits this scenario is “If this deal is so kosher, then why [are you giving me] the bums’ rush?” Time the current generations heard it; even better if bum is not PC.
(Back in the day, the Brooklyn Dodgers were often called the Brooklyn Bums. Not always lovingly. :D)
As much as I hate linking to mother jones (even their YT channel), this is just too good not to.
Ted Cruz gives Mitch McConnell a swift kick in the nuts, on the Senate floor.
It’s only theatre, but it’s a big deal to stand on the floor of the Senate and specifically call your leader a liar. The bastard’s slipped an amendment for re-authorisation of the Ex-Im Bank into the highway bill!
No worries Gantt. No need to link to the MFer Jones.
Powerful stuff. But it will change nothing.
Heh! And the latest headline in the NZ Herald:
‘Exclusive: A wealthy couple who have donated generously to the National Party are cashing up more than $26 million of property in Auckland. “
The National Party has a keen interest in slowing the insane rise in property prices in Auckland, yes?
Wanna buy a bridge?
Shock Poll: Veterans Prefer Trump Over McCain By Double Digits
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. “War hero”.
That’s been the SSM’s canard since the beginning. Brought up again every time this bum was caught up to his neck in scandal. Remember “The Keating 5?” A google search of that phrase fills up with uncountable hits. Here’s a video with only one exposé of McCain’s role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxBCAaulG-k
Well, d’uh. What’s a little bit of brown-bag money between friends?
And really, who gives a damn if a few hicks go broke? So long as the Washington Cartel retains its grip, there’ll be nothing to see, so everyone just more along.
On that note, I wonder who the Chamber of Crony Capitalism has on the assassination list?
There’s no question that these assholes are behind the push to import more primitives and to silence real conservatives.
Blokes not my pick but dam is he effective…