‘Muslim policewoman now living the dream’
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“… a programme to help police increase diversity on the front line and within its ranks.”
Aaaaaaaannnnnnddddddd there it is. Diversity is good. Because diversity. And multiculturalism. And racism.
“The TWoA programme targets young Maori, Pasifika and ethnic people.”
Hang on, I’m ethnic. I have an ethnicity, can I sign up? And how come Maori and Pasifika are separate from “ethnic”? Are Maori and PI not ethnicities?
Every day. Every damned day, it’s just one more thing.
Yep. It won’t end until we force an end to it. And that’s highly unlikely, innit?
Seems so, KG. At least for now. We do what we can do for now (marginalising the moslems as much as possible), and be watchful for things to get kinetic, I guess.
That’s about it.
I like that word ‘kinetic’. It makes my heart settle down to a deep, steady beat, my visual and audio acuity sharpen and my trigger fingers itch (I’m ambidextrous when it comes to kinetics). Thanks, Gantt.
““… a programme to help police increase diversity on the front line and within its ranks.”
So – they’re aiming for religious (by their definition of the word) diversity as well, then?
Nope. They want to erase Christianity. No diversity there.
So, no Exclusive Brethren cops then?
There may well be. But because they’re not a protected species subject to affirmative action and diversity quotas, there’d never be any “news” articles written about them, so no-one would ever know.
Not likely to be a dog-handler then. On the bright side, she could be useful feeling up, sorry I meant patting down body-bag wearers in banks, looking for Caitlin Jenner type robbers. Christ, the world has gone mad.
“Christ, the world has gone mad.”
It has, Mara.
Well, if I did a crime, I would say to this muslim woman, hey you are meant to submit to me. Then I’ll know whether she is a true muslim or not.
“I demand the right to cover my face in accordance with my religion.”
Quickest promotion to SWAT team ever.
Hey! Hey!
So where the bloody hell are the Chinese, Indian and Muslim All Black rugby teams?
If we’re going to lock in NZ apartheid with a Maori AB team and muzzo plod photo-op PR puffers, there’s a need to be Inclusive and Diverse to the Max. Morality dictates anything less would be R-word serious and the UN taking the dimmest of views.
“Soft Islam” will paper over what is actually happening here and in the rest of the “West.” Most people still fall for it but our Governments should, and actually do know better. There is a bigger game going on here.
There sure is. Replacement for low birthrates in the West.
Gotta keep that “progress” and tax base going, Mara. /sarc
I wonder if the local taliban/isis/boogeyman are already planning their ‘corrective rape’, or if they’re in cahoots?
I wonder if the former GG is related?