
Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 7.17.39 AMvia David Thompson

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6 Responses to Yegods!

  1. andy5759 says:

    Daft cow. Worker bees are neutered females, bloke bees are – well – blokes. If only her kind could be neutered.

  2. MacDoctor says:

    Are you sure that’s a real person? Looks like the output of some random word generator that’s been fed a politically correct dictionary…

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: There’s a difference? These people are merely regurgitating the crap they’ve been fed in college, MacDoc.
      I note the “feminist adjacent” phrase. Feminist-related is know…yesterday. Feminist adjacent sounds far more learned and impressive.

      • MacDoctor says:

        “Feminist adjacent” means “next to a feminist”. Anyone who thinks it means “feminist-related” is an illiterate moron, not an intellectual.

        This probably explains the illiterate nature of her tweet…