This happens too damn often:
‘Claims by two young women who said they were snatched off an Auckland street were lies.
Earlier on Saturday police appealed for information about the alleged abduction after the pair, aged 18 and 19, said they were grabbed by two Maori men at about 3.50am on Queen St…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Thought so.
Should be prosecuted and made to pay the full cost of the investigation, plus a huge fine as a deterrent. A bit of time behind bars would be a good attitude adjuster, too…
Damn right, Oswald.
Now hold on just a second.
Why was it two Maori men? Surely this has to be prosecuted as some sort of hate crime.
Is it possible that these two are members of a protected species and therefore above reproach or even capable of “hate”?
Yeah – young girls. In feminized NZ they’re the equivalent of Hindu cows.
But the police reminded them of their responsibilities,harsh punishment indeed.Agree with Oswald.
The reported attack on the freedom campers at Timaru is emerging as another incident like this, or so the local police suspect!
I’m struggling to see a possible motive for a deliberate false complaint there, Cad.
Agree might be a go at their insurers perhaps? False burglary etc? Don’t know.