‘You Don’t Have To Be Venal, Weird And Creepy To Work In Climate Science. But It Certainly Helps…’ Delingpole
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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This is the last place I expected to read an op-ed like this:
That’s the NYT token conservative,read the comments,those people would fit right in at Dachau.They’re only concern is what shape lampshade to make.
I agree the commenters are loathsome. My point was I was surprised the NYT published it at all.
They publish it to push up the hit-count, Michael, knowing full well their leftard audience will react with outrage.
They can sell that to advertisers.
Just like magic Poof! Instant muslim slum-
“After all, where plans are made known in advance and the authorities take time making careful preparations for the arrival of immigrants, the buildings earmarked for them have a frustrating habit of mysteriously burning down.” Imagine that!
Any bastard in Germany wearing a state badge of any stripe or colour is a God-damned traitor to that nation, and that’s a fucking fact.
Every one of those contractors who took a job to rip up a town park and inhabit it with male muslim invaders needs to be the subject of a fucking blanket party.
Burn it all. Every grader, dozer, dump-truck and digger.
Every tent. Every marquee.
Every cop that turns up to stop you.
It’s really incredible isn’t it?Its the government blatantly flipping the finger to the people and launching what I would consider an attack.It’s high time the retaliation ramps up,and it’s time these actions get personally expensive for the bureaurats that foist this treason off on the people.
I figure, if they can organise a rally of 10k they can organise a lynchmob of 500.
The coming year will show whether PEGEDA is all bark and no bite, because you can be sure of one thing.
No amount of bark is going to stop the globalists. Bite is the only language they speak.
Merkel. Tyre. Gasoline.
Then there is this-
6.5 tons of ammo
Wild stuff.
Who the hell knows what happened here.
Who the hell knows what was about to happen, or still is about to happen.
We’ve all heard the rumours of government shipping containers full of ammunition.
Aside, when they say “an SUV designed to drive underwater” is it safe to assume this is city-slicker talk for a car with a snorkel, and not some kind of 007esque submarine car?
You never know who your neighbors really are.There was one guy in town who always drove a modest car,always went to church on Sunday,lived and worked a normal life I assumed.
One day a couple guys tried to rob him on his way home from work.He killed both in the process and not a word was mentioned about it in the paper,even though several cops were on the scene,crime lab van etc.Not a peep in the news or anything,just the stories of a couple eyewitnesses.
Years later I asked a buddy who retired from the sheriff’s department whatever happened to that case.He said the guy called his lawyer and about 20 minutes later a couple feds showed up and told the authorities involved that it never happened and he was to go on his way.Till this day nobody in town knows who this guy was really.Witness protection?Spook? He quietly moved away a few years later,but I still wonder who he really was.
Ya,SUV was probably just a 4×4 fitting with a snorkel.Most journos only know colors when it comes to cars
Damn right Australia is safer:
”Two French tourists have been harassed by strangers as they slept in their campervan at Caroline Bay, in Timaru.
Francois* and Fanny* spent eight months travelling around Australia without incident.
…”I think Australia is safer,” Francois said…’
To be fair (and without reading the article), I reckon it’s safe to say they never spent a night “freedom camping” in an outback Aboriginal community on welfare day.
The comparison is a fair one – New Zealand is one great big outback Aboriginal community, and every day is welfare day!
(mailed you)
Received … by “project”, did you mean the long-defunct PVR?
Good idea, I still have the box, wires and blinkie lights. I’ll ask the team and see what they think.
‘India’s prime minister endorses call for Britain to pay reparations for colonial rule’
Sure. Just as soon as India pays Britain for schools, a functioning public service, a decent legal system, highways, railways and non-combustible widows.
And pays royalties on all the copyright they have breached!
Without Britain there wouldn’t have been a modern India. Those fuckers would still be throwing themselves under juggernauts and burning their widows and a few other nasty habits besides.
PS And anyway, I believe Britain is still giving “foreign aid ” to India. How many other nuclear powers get freebies like this?
All this talk about there being more than 2 genders on official forms? Bring it on! The old chap is terrified that I will become gender number 21 on the next survey, or whatever, but I , perversely, cannot wait. Being old, I gotta have some fun. Society is buggered anyway.
The Magnus effect explained-
Another win for the muzzies:
‘AUSTRALIA will move to immediately suspend the importation of a new “fast and furious” $800 shotgun that threatened to undermine gun laws introduced after the Port Arthur massacre.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s dramatic intervention will stop 7000 Adler lever-action shotguns entering Australia. The imports will be suspended for at least six months, until the National Firearms Agreement review process is completed.
The review, which was initiated after the Lindt cafe siege, may yet decide to ban most shooters owning the Adler by placing tougher restrictions on the class of shooter that can buy the weapon.
The national firearms review was agreed to by state governments in the wake of the Lindt cafe siege sparked by Islamic State-inspired gunman Man Haron Monis.’
This has become a serious issue over here.
The anti-gun lobby is using it as wedge to attempt the ban of ALL lever action guns except for professional pest controllers or collectors.
The fucking idiots at NIOA decided to herald the imminent arrival of this shotgun by touting a video demonstrating just how awesome it was. The anti-gun movement reacted predictably.
12G lever action shotguns have been around since 1887 (at least). Many of us were waiting and hoping for a more modern, reliable variant to reach the market due to our stupid laws over here.
Finally one pops up and those morons acting as our national distributors have screwed it up for all of us. Can’t tell you how pissed I am about it.
Oh, and the lie in the left’s narrative on this one is that a lever action shotgun was used in the Lindt Cafe siege.
All references I’ve found to the gun used indicate it was a pump action, and how he would have obtained one of those legally is beyond me, unless he were a member of a collectors guild or professional pest controller, neither of which seems at all likely.
If the muzzies and politicians keep this up, all it will take is a few more Lindt cafe’s and Aussie will be disarmed.
Nice of Tony Abbott to do their work for them.
The anti-gunners will never admit that since it is possible to get drugs into a country by the sea container load,guns are no sweat.
On the bright side,if it is that horrible Chinese copy of an 1887 Winchester they may have saved you money and hours of frustration.There is a reason it was Browning’s least favorite design.
Scribbled on the back of a napkin after Winchester demanded a design, despite Browning’s protests.
I will now have to settle with splitting my attention between rapid fire pistol and stupid-far rifle, all the while reminding myself that I’m still far ahead of 99 percent of the population, islamists, coppers and defence force personal included.
Also remember, you’re likely far more dangerous with your rapid-fire pistol and your rifle than the average flatfoot is with his Glock.
And police stations will make excellent re-arming depots.
Delayed-onset reality:
‘Teachers are reluctant to fail students for fear of ‘harming their self-esteem’, a new study shows’
Yup,the special olympics of education,everyone gets a medal.
File under Idiot:-
Yes,we think you are looney,but not just for that
Witch doctors infiltrating Auckland
Allegations South Auckland is rife with witch doctors preying on vulnerable people have prompted a stern warning from immigration officials.
It’s probably just an economist’s convention.
Trump is not backing down and he is gaining in the polls because of it-
Looks like the possibility of a scorched Earth battle royal between the WH and Hillary
“Look for Vice President Joe Biden to jump in soon…”
Trump vs Biden has a certain poetic symmetry to it. It’ll be a bloodbath, and bloody good fun to watch!
Watch out for Biden. He has two shotguns. In his home.
The horror!
Crazy Uncle Joe should be encouraged to collect as many shotguns as he can. There’s only one person going to get hurt when Crazy Uncle Joe gets his gun!