WE. DON’T. CARE. Don’t give a damn. Are utterly indifferent .Bored shitless by the whining about it. Regard it as trivial crap. It ranks in importance somewhere below the color of our toothpaste and weeds in the lawn:
‘A look into the gender divide in the appointments made by Government ministers showed six ministers had hired less than three women for every 10 appointees..’
Every large office I visit is stuffed full of women, but it seems some gender gaps are more equal than others…
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Who cares?If anything we have too many of the wrong sort over here in charge of things they know nothing about.
Carly Fiorina gets it right-
““Once again, I’m pro-life as you know but there are plenty of pro-choice women who are horrified by this as they should be. And by the way, after hours honestly. The fact that these officials can sit here swilling their wine, eating their salad, laughing over getting a Lamborghini and talk about specimens of fetal tissue, I find horrifying and the majority of Americans do as well.”
I’ve been watching and listening a little to Carly over the past week or so – I sat and ground my teeth through the Katy Couric “interview”, watched a few more Youtubes and then just got through listening to her interviewed by Mark Levin.
She’s impressing me more and more. She won’t be the nominee, but she’s definitely a dark horse who could be there until the end.
VP to Cruz? I’d vote for that.
Me too,her and Walker would also make a good combo.
Or Commerce Secretary?
Off topic but a sign of the times..
Caleb, that’s a great article about the growing fascism in our once-great little nation.
As an aside, Bruce Simpson, the author of that article, is a legend. He runs the Aardvark Daily(http://aardvark.co.nz/), New Zealand’s longest-running tech blog, and previously ran something called 7am.com (a news aggregation service, before Matt Drudge wore long pants).
He once built a cruise missile (yes, an actual cruise missile) using only parts bought from online retailers – eBay and such. For his troubles, the New Zealand government (likely at the behest of the Americans) weaponised the Inland Revenue against him and had him declared bankrupt.
Love Bruce Simpson’s youtube channel,lot’s of practical tech know how for the RC world.
Also have been watching drone racing,it’s looking to take off
Aussie Chad Nowak took the first ever championship in the US the other day,the man can fly –
Yes, because what you have between your legs makes ALL the difference with your ability to do the job. Sheesh.
Imagine, jobs going to people because of their ability and not because the fem-nazis want women in jobs they have not earned! Wow, that would be a novel idea!
Impossible! Women are entitled to those jobs. Ability has nothing to do with it.
What are ya, a dinosaur or something?
We will have to wait for Caitlin’s opinion on this matter before we rush to judgement on weighty matters such as this.
Well, of course – being neither fish now fowl makes him/her/it the go-to person for the media.
Pronouncements from it will be treated like the utterances of the Oracle of Delphi.