Government faces higher bill for drugs under the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal…’
No, the TAXPAYER faces a bigger bill. The only “government money” is actually that taken from all taxpayers. The man is a dishonest weasel.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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He initially said it wouldn’t. F*^k it, he lies as much as Obama does…..but then that is acceptable amongst progressives, probably even a virtue.
So patients will have to fork out for the original drug instead of a Chinese or Indian knock off. The upside could be a reliable prescription vs lower cost…’let the patient choose’ is not an option in a State run Health system.
May be true, Michael. But I still object to the dishonesty.
Exactly what bargaining power does NZ have in this TPP deal? Sweet fuck all, from where I’m sitting. Some prostitutes go on the game to feed their families in the way that John key is engaging in the TPP game to keep his Primeministership. John Key is a small fish in a big pond. We will be the losers of his grandiose naivety.
Absolutely. The guy has stuff-all qualifications and is being advised by a pack of socialist wombles and greedheads.
“We have a simple thesis,” Eisman explained. “There is going to be a calamity, and whenever there is a calamity, Merrill is there.” When it came time to bankrupt Orange County with bad advice, Merrill was there. When the internet went bust, Merrill was there. Way back in the 1980s, when the first bond trader was let off his leash and lost hundreds of millions of dollars, Merrill was there to take the hit. That was Eisman’s logic—the logic of Wall Street’s pecking order. Goldman Sachs was the big kid who ran the games in this neighborhood. Merrill Lynch was the little fat kid assigned the least pleasant roles, just happy to be a part of things. The game, as Eisman saw it, was Crack the Whip. He assumed Merrill Lynch had taken its assigned place at the end of the chain.”
John Key was the part of the Merrill mob, the mentality has rubbed off, he is just happy to be part of things.
Yeah. The loathsome little smirker now has real political power to go with it.