It’s not rocket science:
‘The high price of letting IS jihadists come home
MOUNTING round-the-clock surveillance on all 350 radicalised Britons who have returned from Syria and Iraq would cost £25million a week, it emerged last night…’
Why the hell should innocent people – and potential targets of these animals – have to foot the bill for this?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Let them go,pay their airfare,track them and then kill them and their friends.
Slightly different circumstances I know, but weren’t the Tsaraev rats under FBI surveillance? And the dogs who attack Pam Geller’s Draw Mo (piss be upon him) celebration in Texas?
Yay, surveillance. Let’s watch them, until the watchers look away for a single second and something else gets blown up.
Pull their passports, and tell them if they ever try to re-enter, their parents will be tried for conspiracy.
Yup,so was the family of the Chattanooga shooter,didn’t do much good.Just like the Iran deal,when has an “nuclear arms agreement” ever worked?
Hah! It’s an interesting theory: if we watch the snake really, really closely, we can stop him from striking.
He cannot be tamed. Why not just put him in a cage ,or better yet, kill him?
Yup,back to Tuco diplomacy “if you gotta shoot,shoot,don’t talk.