Not any more – it’ll get you attacked and reviled by scumbag leftists.
Update: Francis Porretto has picked up Pascal’s post.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Them lefties are worse than the ragheads. They won’t be satisfied till all the Jews are dead and Israel is wiped from the map
I’m only a simple bloke but Iran’s got more oil than you can poke a stick at….And I’m supposed to believe they want nuclear power for peaceful purposes…
Are you aware of this
“The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran’s steeped interest in furiously pressing forward with its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West.”
DWS is a vile,repugnant leftard of the worst kind.There is nothing she won’t say or do to push forward her and her party’s desire to commit mass murder and the total destruction of western society in the whole.
That anybody would vote for this…thing is simply mind-boggling.
I asked my boss about how so many Jews fall inline lock step with those that wish to destroy them.He grew up in NYC back in the late 40’s early 50’s.He said back then there were essentially two Jewish communities in NY.The first were the older generation,the ones who immigrated here over the country’s first 150 years,they were the street vendors,haberdashery owners,restaurateurs etc,the working class.
The second set started coming in during WWI and especially just before WWII.These were the lawyers,scholars and professors,most,not all,but most were also communists and socialists and ever since they have supported anybody who they agreed with,who would see them to more power.These were the same Jews who thought Hitler was good because of his socialist policies,up until the time they realized what was in store for them.
I can see now that this same group also thinks Iran will abide by a piece of paper and that Iran getting a nuke won’t be a big deal.
The smart money says Iran has a few nukes already; however, before they announce the fact and the world goes absolutely APE, they want to have on hand the complete nuclear “kit” of ICBMs, bombers and short range tactical weapons.
This windfall of a deal with Obama speeds up the process by years and gives them the money to do the project.
Therefore, Obama has made WW III almost inevitable and when the first volley of missiles are launched some will fall into the American Homeland.
BTW, Iran used to be named “Persia” – It changed its name in 1941 to “Iran” which means “Land of the Aryans” – In those days Iran was allied with Nazi Germany…
Gee, I wonder why John Kerry fell into line so quickly with the iSlamo-nazis?
Yup,that goes along nicely with Iranian born Valerie Jarrett as Obama’s #1 in the WH and Huma Abedin as Hillarys #1 at State.
Course,thanks to Google imagine search you can go back well into the plack and white past and find all sorts of thinkgs.Like a Young Bill Clinton and Bush Sr chatting it up with George Wallace.
Or John Kerry and Bill De Blasio meeting with Daniel Ortega back when Kerry violated the Logan act by going around the Reagan administration and dealing with a foreign power.
How about that Valerie Jarrett-