More PC drivel from Mai Chen, regurgitated by the NZ Herald:
‘Pay inequality holding NZ back
White males are key in overcoming pay inequality, a prominent lawyer says…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I wonder how much she earns being the managing partner in Chen Palmer, being on the board of BNZ and through the sale of her “Bucket List” to Perpetual Guardian. She must have also earned a lot while she was doing government consulting. I know a couple of lawyers currently doing this and they are making big $$$’s. If only we had proper journalists ………
Sigh…if only. Although I suspect a real journo would have little future in today’s NZ, Mawm.
Her whining baffles me. Any woman who is as qualified as a man, works the same hours as a man and does the job as well as a man will be paid exactly the same as a man.
Shhhh!! It’s not fair to use logic.
Oh! My bad.
“the Superdiversity Centre for Law ” Kiwis must have so much money they can throw it away on a centre for non-jobs. This chink needs to STFU or take her whining back to communist china and see how far it gets her.
Or this bit:”… you have to get educated. You have to understand more about cultural intelligence and that requires training.” Re-educate those eeevil white men who built and maintain the country she moved to.
(I have an especial hate-on for the azns right now as they’ve been making life before and after work harder a few weeks now)
The corruption of language here infuriates me, but less as I get older and accept we’ve been over-run. Discriminate is actually a good/positive word that shows intelligence in decision making. All those whiteys who want a job with them are sh!t out of luck, how about an article crying about that, Mai Chen?
Maddox on the pay gap-
Excellent! Nailed it.
You want Leftist insanity? I’ll give you Leftist insanity!