Open house

Palin: Planned Parenthood, Not Confederate Flag, Killed 90,000 Black Babies in 2014…
Rubio: America’s Racist History Still Hurts Minorities


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41 Responses to Open house

  1. Pascal says:

    Breitbart headlines Wasserman Schultz Slams Huckabee for Holocaust Reference, Made One In 2013

    Her words this time are actually worse than mere hypocrisy. What Huckabee essentially said accurately (broken clock of a GOPe that he is) was that allowing Iran the bomb was allowing them to turn the entire country of Israel into an oven.

    But she reminds me of the Jews who, for a few extra ration cards, wore the following armband for the Nazis.

    And their primary job was in keeping their fellow Jews from speaking out about what was happening all around them. Preventing them from speaking of the truth parading daily in front of their eyes. Their job was to see that news of the Final Solution going on all around them was denied by all — or else!

    Back then Sergeant Wasserman-Shultz would be tasked with enforcing “You know nutting!” amongst her fellow Jews. In fact, just as she does today.

  2. KG says:

    China losing control as stocks crash despite emergency measures

    ‘..“Large parts of the market are closed, and those stocks that are still trading are selling off regardless of support measures. Clearly something very serious is happening,” said one economist…’

  3. KG says:

    I share his contempt:
    ‘A Te Aroha farming family, struggling to care for a sick toddler, claims it has no way to pay a $65,000 fine handed down by a judge for illegally dumping pig poo.
    ..Smith said McIntyre’s offending reflected contempt for court orders and the justice system…’

  4. KG says:

    ‘Your will can be ignored, say judges after landmark ruling
    The right of people to leave money and assets to whom they wish in their will has been seriously undermined by a landmark court ruling, lawyers warned yesterday…’

    • Cadwallader says:

      This is true. It has been true since 1906 when the Family Protection Act was first enacted. Since then the Law Reform (Testamentary Promises)Act and of course Relationship Property legislation has undermined the rights of testators. For me the most iniquitous aspect to all of this is that should you die without a will (whether deliberate or not!) the above legislation can be used to re-direct your assets posthumously. I get the reasoning behind this lot, but as an individual object to a Court crapping on my wishes when I am not there to be heard.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I have reasons to deposit my will with a lawyer rather than the Public Trust (Don’t trust them) to make sure those I don’t want to get anything don’t. Re: the article…the judge said that the estranged daughter deserves some of her mother’s estate so she can go in holiday!? So her kids can get clothing ?? She is on a benefit! She can get a special allowance (I’ll bet) to provide for clothing for her kids. And since when was going on holiday a right?!!

      • KG says:

        Exactly. Judges playing effing social workers infuriate me. :evil: Especially when they do it with dead people’s money.

    • Darin says:

      This has been going on for decades and not just in Mexico,it also happens here.I never,ever eat any fresh vegetables without thorough washing and I do my best to avoid anything grown in a third world country.

      The latest problem we see here is with “organic” produce.Many of these farms use animal manure for fertilizer.There is nothing wrong with that,so long as it is allowed to go through a compost heat which takes about a year or they sterilize it first using heat.Many of these farms aren’t doing that and the stuff they use is too,let’s say -fresh-.The end result is a rise in e.coli,salmonella and listeria cases nationwide.

    • Darin says:

      They keep pushing the “Venus scenario” the alleged tipping point where we have runaway warming which causes Co2 levels to rise to those of Venus (30%) by volume.It’s simply not possible in reality,but in the drug addled mind of the devout leftist all things are possible except the truth.

      • KG says:

        The unholy alliance – politicians wanting power at all costs and leftards in search of a faith.

        • Pascal says:

          “Leftards in search of a faith.”

          Bingo! KG.

          GK Chesterton did warn us of that didn’t he?
          “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything.”

  5. KG says:

    ‘Māori words and phrases of the day: Travel
    The NZ Herald is marking New Zealand’s 40th Maori Language Week with Māori words and phrases for a different theme…’

    I thought the maori word for travel was “fuckoffwhitey”. Or is it “youowemewhitey”?

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Hot on the heels of killing the flag, the next target is revealed…

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    From the “You can’t make this shit up” department. SoS John Kerry in testimony to Congress admits Iran is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism and may kill Americans or Israelis. So tell me again how that deal with Iran is such a great thing?

    • Pascal says:

      God bless the senator who has the courage to ask

      ‘Secretary Kerry. So you admit that the deal you signed with Iran, who has declared us their enemy, may provide aid and comfort to the enemy. Are you willing to accept the consequences of what that may make you?’

  8. KG says:

    NZ: ‘Colin Craig to sue blogger
    …Craig is seeking damages of $300,000 from Williams, $600,000 from Stringer and $650,000 from (Cameron) Slater…’
    I hope he does, and that he wins.

  9. Michael in Nelson says:
  10. KG says:

    ‘Prince Charles extends climate doomsday deadline by 33 years
    ‘…In March 2009, the heir to the British throne predicted that the world had 100 months “before we risk catastrophic climate change”…’

  11. mawm says:

    More from Carly.

    “…Here’s what I will do as Commander in Chief. First, we must have the strongest military on the face of the planet and everyone has to know it….”


    “On my first day in the Oval Office, I will make two phone calls. The first will be to my friend Bibi Netanyahu. I will reassure him that the United States will always stand with the State of Israel.
    “My second call will be to the Supreme Leader of Iran. He might not take the call, but he will get the message…”

    A strong lady. She just keeps on getting better. As she says, she doesn’t hide behind weasel words.

  12. mawm says:

    A Georgia man who wrote he was “ready for jihad” before buying a one-way ticket overseas to try joining ISIL was sentenced to federal prison Tuesday after he sobbed to the judge, “I am an American.”

    Leon Nathan Davis III of Augusta was sentenced to 15 years, the maximum punishment allowed. A pale, bearded man with a Southern accent, the 38-year-old Davis pleaded guilty in May to seeking to help a known terrorist organization.

    Of course Obama will overrule the judge and set one of his own free.

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    An absolutely brilliant way to piss off the muzzies!

    • KG says:

      Good stuff! :lol: Now all the owner needs to do is pump the dog’s howling through huge speakers and claim it’s his “religion”.
      There are endless possibilities for the harassment of muzzies.