It’s a start…

‘German politician’s car blown up in immigration attack
A German local politician’s car has been severely damaged in an apparent bombing. No one was injured in the attack on the empty car, which was parked overnight at the time.
But it is believed it could be the latest in a series of increasingly violent protests against asylum-seekers….’
Which makes this Iron Legion post even more interesting:
‘…The boomer conservatives inherited thriving, European nations but turned them into a Brazilian prison riot. When the youth complain about it their elders hubristically tell them not to be racist and to just deal with the mess they made. The young European man of today does not recoil in horror at being called a racist by people who will become irrelevant within a generation. The youth will deal with it, but not in a way that conservatives will like…’

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19 Responses to It’s a start…

  1. C-CS says:

    “No more foreign wars…”
    The brilliant George Washington- in his farewell address- stated that the new Republic should stay out of the affairs of Europe (foreign wars et al.)
    in other words- protect the Nation of the US – not other countries-
    now- the progressives label such a thought as “isolationism”–

    I am liking Iron Legion more and more – thank you KG – for introducing me to the site!

    • KG says:

      I’m delighted you like it, Carol. :) They at least have a vision for a way forward.

  2. Jamie says:

    Two generations of my forefathers fought in two world wars for that continent, some of them are still buried over there

    And for what???

    You Europeans can kiss my ass if you think a third generation of my family are gonna come bail youse out of the self-inflicted wound ya’ll gone and created

    • KG says:

      “Two generations of my forefathers fought in two world wars for that continent, some of them are still buried over there”
      Same here, Jamie.

      • Jamie says:

        The entire article is on point, this part really gets me…

        “Do not disparagingly refer to us as ‘Neo-Nazis’ or extremists because we want nations with borders and a future for our children. If you had had the courage to deal with the race issue when it was easy then we wouldn’t be having to explore more difficult options today. Deal with it now before it gets really ugly.”

        I’m only a simple bloke and was not an officer (Fuck knows where they’re all hiding – we got more generals than WW2 and not a one is speaking up) but I did come up with a plan to deal with all this – it’s a bit rough and ready and needed polish (like me)

        The meat of it went…

        “Train the NZ Army{Note the NZ Army is currently run by gutless tin generals} to build roads, housing, infrastructure, grow food crops like the Roman legions of old

        Fly contingents of allied nation armies to NZ along with babarians living within their borders and train them to a professional standard to build infrastructure.

        Repatriate babarians to home countries with allied nations in support to provide security and help re-build war-torn and poverty stricken nations.”

        As it is it’s too late now in my opinion and will end in genocide – one way or the other

        It didn’t have to be so


        • KG says:

          No, it didn’t. But then our “leaders” never seem to have guts and imagination, do they?

          • Jamie says:

            They’re all compromised in my book including this twat…

            New Zealand’s foreign minister Murray McCully has welcomed the Iran nuclear deal.

            “This agreement is a positive development for regional stability in the Middle East and will allow for further progress to be made in the relationship between New Zealand and Iran.

            [What fuckin relationship – oil’s NZ’s fourth largest export]

            “As the current president of the United Nations Security Council, New Zealand will do what it can to expedite any necessary Security Council action, and we call for the agreement to be implemented as soon as possible,”



        • Wombat says:

          A noble idea, if it weren’t for the fact that most of these migrants aren’t looking for a hand up. They’re looking for a hand-out or they’re the infiltrators in the first stages of jihad, or both.

          Islamic immigrants and their supporters are about the destruction of western society. Humanitarian concerns are a smoke screen. If tomorrow they had the power to march you into a gas chamber then they would dispense with the charade instantly and the legacy of your ancestors would erased in time for Ramadan.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Like Leonard Cohen – the poet/philosopher/singer famously said back in the 1980s – “I’ve seen the future and brother it’s murder.”

    Indeed, as the Iron Legion says it will be the bad old days of Iron and Blood in Europe, America and elsewhere – and yes, there is a Caesar or Napoleon among the over one billion whites on the planet – and yes, we whites will do what we do best – The Conquest.

    When the dust settles and the Man On Horseback becomes power in dozens of smoking ruins that was once first world Western countries do not expect democracy – at best we get authoritarian regimes.

  4. Darin says:

    I agree with the foreign wars part with one caveat.Sometimes foreign wars are necessary it’s a simple fact.I have always maintained that if we go to war that it be total war with the objective being to kill however many it takes to either eradicate the enemy completely or deplete their number until capitulation is the only option.Anything else is a half measure and doomed to failure.

    • C-CS says:

      barbary pirates (muslims) demanded tribute- from the new US Republic–to not hold US ships and citizens hostage-
      Jefferson said – enough- sent the US Marines (Shores of Tripoli) to end it —
      so- I agree- if we ‘get involved’ – it should be for US interests- and we attack w/ voracity – win- and come home–

      • Unfortunately U.S. interest now a’days means U.S. corporate interest… wars are no longer being fought to protect us – they do not “hate us for our freedom”… because trust me – nobody wants to piss off the United States – nobody… we have the power to end a war in one day… and the power to stop one before it starts… unfortunately we use our technology to read our e-mails and track down tax avoiders… no… the war on terror could last for ten years… twenty years… or one hundred years… as long as bullets and guns are being sold to both sides and profits are to be made from loans to both sides – any side… we will have war… start with the book ” War is a Racket” by Smedley Butler.

        All these other cluster f*ks the U.S. is involved in to liberate this country and that country have nothing to do with is… it’s just about money… and the two countries that could take on Americans – they are not afraid… and one of them particularly, does need the U.S. for a single thing – and in their opinion America is fat, stupid and gay…

        I say – if you can grow it, make it, build it in your country than do it… buy sell and trade among your own people before you make other nations rich… but that is not in the best interest of the corps. that own this country – even the emigrant issue is part of the system… the foreign illegals will be given their welfare checks to have money to spend on crap and the corporations are making their money – they don’t care were it comes from – as long as it keeps coming – the system.

  5. Brown says:

    The Iron legion talks about conservatives as though they are just above pond scum. That alone makes me think the group is a rant fest – the real conservatives I know will defend their families and patch come what may while being kind and compassionate in the face of provocation. I think Europe is stuffed but I’m not sure that I want to live under a jackboot as a new world order. Maybe Europe is forever doomed to be tribal where infighting is simply the norm.

    • Wombat says:

      Sadly “defending your patch” is what dooms us.

      There is no sense in pretending that you can be an island in a sea of tyranny. It would be nice, but it’s never been the case in the history of mankind.

  6. Mathew says:

    You keep pissing on people and treating them like trash, sooner or later they’ll come after you. People don’t appreciate being bullied and lectured by sanctimonious assholes.