Better be careful media

Trump’s lawyer is a Pitbull and he doesn’t like reporters trying to smear his boss-

The glorious thing here-

““I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very f****ing lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be f***ing disgusting. You understand me?”

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22 Responses to Better be careful media

  1. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!NTCTS*!!!!However trending notable news releases are piling up down here in BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound so if the Bog Administraitor will please ease up with he postN all the news nobody needs**however a new bodacious fine dining restaurant recently opened its doors think yvt has mentioned it earlier Richard Puller’s Pulled Pork & Jerky featuring Richard’s Famous Family Recipe Special Secret Sauce ingredients being provided by Richard himself including!!!OMG!!!here comes Diplomatic Pouch & Johnny Curry with her damn healthy children’s menu yvt gotta pull outta here later

    *NTCTS – not to change the subject
    **pls do not perceive yours very trulilily as being rude

  2. Contempt says: Please cut that Harvard dude. He is off his meds and ain’t give us no good info in a long time.

  3. KG says:

    Excellent! It’s time somebody attacked the media cockroaches head-on.

  4. Flashman says:

    Leftards no like cold steel.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    The funniest bit about this is they actually think they’ll be able to Herman Cain his arse out of the race.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    Lawyers who speak like the one referred to are invariably incompetent loudmouths…aggression and pompous hostility are not legal principles. If this type of diatribe impresses his client, then his client is a short-sighted buffoon.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It’s Trump we’re talking about, Cad. The lawyer speaks in a language that not only will the client understand, he will appreciate. Trump is likely more impressed with having his own personal pit-bull (and you can bet that the guy is (a) incredibly well-compensated, and (b) ruthlessly competent) than with some Ivy-league-educated mouthpiece who makes a good speech, but is an incoherent, bumbling buffoon absent the assistance of a tele-prompter.

      And if the activist from the Daily Beast also understands it, all the better.

    • Jamie says:

      You haven’t heard of the court of public opinion have you

      • Cadwallader says:

        The court of public opinion rarely employs lawyers. This type of loudmouth may well not know how to prepare pleadings let alone advance the plaint.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I’m not sure that’s the point in this instance. This is Trump saying he has a pit-bull and he’s not afraid to let him off the leash should the circumstances warrant.

          The Republican Primary process will be long finished before any defamation proceeding gets to a formal Court, and in the meantime Trump gets to bash the Daily Beast, Telemundo and anyone else who chooses to wrestle with a pig.

          Ultimately the only people going to come out enriched will be the lawyers, and I suspect (since he’s on the payroll), Trump’s attack dog will be a hell of a lot more cost-effective than the SSM’s.

          • Cadwallader says:

            Fair enough, but my experience reveals that those lawyers who promise to promenade on your spine are generally all bullshit and bluster. It is the quiet methodical type to look out for. Slow, clinical and vicious.

  7. KG says:

    I rather doubt Trump would employ incompetent loudmouths.
    “aggression and pompous hostility are not legal principles” That doesn’t mean they aren’t used and don’t work.
    Patronizing drivel isn’t a legal principle either, but I’ve seen more than one lawyer employ it.

  8. Darin says:

    I think this was intended to be a public shock and awe warning to the media in general not to even attempt a smear against Trump.Frankly the media have needed to be put on notice long ago and Trump may be the the first guy to do it.Freedom of the press does not include the right to slander and smear and the media needs to be taught that.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Of course it was. Combine it with the $500 million ( lawsuit against the Latino agit-prop outfit Telemundo, and it’s definitely shock and awe.

      Quite a shot across the bows of the alphabet networks!

  9. Wombat says:

    The traditional route of redress has been to sue the company that promoted the material, as they have the deepest pockets. Unfortunately, short of bankrupting the media outlet in question, it does little to alter their behavior. They might pull their heads in while the coffers refill, but in this day and age I don’t doubt that there’s a “gentleman’s agreement” between the powerbrokers and the majority of the globalist MSM that the former will quietly reimburse the latter for any losses they incur.

    On the other hand, bankrupting this reporter or that reporter may not get you close to financial parity but will have a far more reaching effect on the political outcome.

    For example, if news anchor Lenora Leftie is sued by Trump personally then it will be hard to raise a fighting fund for her without rousing suspicion. She’ll start shitting bricks because she knows the execs will be weighing up the pros and cons of leaving her drifting in the wind. After all, those wrinkles are getting harder and harder to hide, and the pressure is always on to fend off younger and more malleable tricks who are eager to fuck their way to the top.

    It would only take one Lenora Leftie to be reduced to living in a trailer home, 40 something with no legal, (except in Nevada) marketable skills and no husband, before the rest got the picture and pulled their heads in.

    Trump would be out a pretty penny, but a canned hunt like that would yield a trophy far more valuable than the cost of the guide.

    Amiwrong? As far as I know, these so-called reporters don’t have any kind of professional immunity to prevent personal litigation like police officers or firemen do.

  10. Ronbo says:


    The person sued has to hire lawyer(s) on their own, which costs big bucks even if they win…and if they do win, lots of luck getting the cash from the judgment. The sued person has to play the legal game because if they don’t, the judgment goes against them. This game is played best by someone like Trump who has a law firm and a regiment of lawyers already on the payroll.

    Indeed, what the lawyer said to the Leftist “journalist” is spot on – Trump could go against him personally – and life would be ruined.

    • Darin says:

      That’s what a buddy said yesterday,we will finally get litigation reform in this country once it’s the left and the media being sued every five seconds.

  11. Flashman says:

    The demonstration here is to put the legal frighters on the “journo” in his/her personal capacity. Their employers will back away from them…and the word will fly across the keyboard-basher telegraph to play it super-safe.

  12. C-CS says:

    if I had the $$$ I would retain him–

  13. Mathew says:

    Trumps not really my kind of guy but the way much of the sleazy media carry on, I wouldn’t shed any tears if he were to punish some of them. Severely.