Invasion. Facilitated by our masters.

 David Cameron keeps endlessly promising to stem the tide. He’s a lying bastard. What’s happening is exactly what Europe’s rulers intended.
A nation being wrecked by its naive kindness
How can it have come to this, that British citizens, paying their own way in well-appointed hotels, find that they are sharing their accommodation with newly arrived migrants, in many cases here by illegal means, supplied with all they need by taxpayers’ money?
At the same time, The Mail on Sunday reveals the existence of a government website advertising the benefits available – again at the taxpayers’ expense – to anyone who can get here and claim to be a refugee. They can even apply for free spectacles, the better to fill in the forms for more benefits…’
Free hotels for the Calais stowaways in soft touch Britain: Outrage as immigrants illegally entering UK get complimentary rooms, cooked meals and £35 cash a week within DAYS of arrival..’

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13 Responses to Invasion. Facilitated by our masters.

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    What is the motivation to weaken one’s own country?

    • KG says:

      Cheap labour. More consumers. And the Blair government openly admitted the project was to change forever the face of Britain.

  2. Oswald bastable says:

    But if you are a serviceman disabled in action and fallen on hard times- sod off.

  3. Cadwallader says:

    Maybe the Poms ought leave their social administration to Prince Phillip? I am sure he’d know exactly the right things to say to the latest crop of invaders.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Yesterday: “The sun never sets on the British Empire.”

    Today: “The sun never sets on the British Welfare State.”

    Thus proving it pays to have had ancestors who were Subjects of the British Empire.

    I wonder how many Brits are living in America/ Australia/New Zealand/ Canada on welfare – and still collecting their British welfare payments? Apparently the funds are sent to your bank account, which can be accessed from any part of the world.

  5. Flashman says:

    Standing back and watching this, I have to confess a part of me enjoys the irony of the poms being reverse colonized and their slope-shouldered government bureaucrats selling them down the river. Whitehall inflicted the same fate on its nation’s own people in faraway places like Kenya and Rhodesia, so turn around must count as fair play in the great cosmic scheme of things. Sad but there it is.

    I remember during the Bush War army medics treating villagers for weird diseases and STDs and taking swabs which medical labs in Salisbury and Pretoria recorded as strains unknown to medical science. These had arrived, of course, from terrs who’d “trained” in shitholes like the Sudan.

    Addio Pommyland.

  6. rivoniaboy says:

    Yep. The battle was lost in Kenya, Rhodesia and South Africa.

    Pommyland- enjoy your “winds of change”

  7. Ronbo says:

    Indeed, I seem to remember the Brits sold out the whites in Kenya, Rhodesia and South Africa.

    Today the white British politicians and bureaucrats are busy selling out the non-Leftist Elite whites in the formerly “Great” Britain.

    Yes, Karma is a bitch – what comes around, goes around.

  8. Urban Redneck says:

    I’ve often thought that the only hope to save the West will come from the Slavs. Everyone else, particularly the Anglosphere is too far gone.