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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Want to bet the same Republican leadership will not fight against this?
I think Mencken said voters deserve to get what they voted for. Good and hard.
I actually welcome the fact that Obama has considerable time left in office. Americans need to be exposed to more leftist insanity and I can only pray that the shifting of the economic tectonic plates will occur before that ass leaves office.
Thanks for the link, Keith. I don’t know what else to add to that subject. It’s still hard to believe that political advantage could be such an overwhelming force that causes Western politicians to betray their people. This worship of and fawning over foreigners and the COMPLETE disregard of one’s own people is just stupefying.
As I said, economic collapse will short circuit a lot of this nonsense and, I trust, lead to a return to local communities and freedom from lunatic central government commies and social justice warriors.
Col. B. I think they live in a bubble so remote from ordinary life that they don’t even see what they do as betrayal. They’re immersed in deal-making and powerbroking and a hell of a lot of them have no real-world experience.
Add greed and ambition to those, and you end up with something far less than a decent human being.
“Ultimately, politics and economics must bow down before Mars.”
Indeed, the problems facing America are so many and so serious that a united American People would have great difficulty in overcoming them, but impossible in a divided nation with a dangerous 5th Column of foreign parasites living in the Homeland.
I cannot see any peaceful solution.
“I’ve seen the future – and brother – it’s MURDER.” said Cassandra.