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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Why is it that Greenies/Lefties seem to universally despise free-trade?
Can’t speak for greenies or lefties, but my concerns about the TPP were the secrecy surrounding its provisions, and the fact that every single factoid that was leaked out showed itself to be another ceding of our liberty and sovereignty.
The finalised agreement may well have been the best trade deal ever inked, but the fact Barry Soetero was pushing for it, and had said he intended to use it as a cudgel to batter signatory nations into adopting his radical climate change agenda, all give me pause for concern.
That, plus the fact I’m a grown up and I don’t need some pretentious wanker like John Key or Tim Groser patting me on the head and telling me to mind my own business while the grown-ups negotiate the terms of my future.
“That, plus the fact I’m a grown up and I don’t need some pretentious wanker like John Key or Tim Groser patting me on the head and telling me to mind my own business while the grown-ups negotiate the terms of my future.”

Anybody who does something secretively or any document the ‘rulers’ don’t want you to read are trying to hide something from you……..and you can bet your bottom dollar that it contains things that you will not like one little bit.
These hidden deals, side treaties, secretive alliances, etc. are the new way of the elite because even the left wing press can’t be relied on to hide things so bad.
Hmmm does trade with Russia count as free trade???
The Brits fucked us with their EEC back in the day (nice reward for being staunch in WW2). The Yanks fucked us for decades and were never gonna take our product. We’re getting fucked by the Chinese-commies now.
Anything wrong with selling to the Russians?
Last time NZ did deals with the Russians, the Russians got dairy products and the Kiwis got Ladas!
I see them coppa’s been busting Tommy Robison’s balls and arrested him again
Fuckin dogs!!!
Gestapo – doing their political masters’ bidding.
Churchill’s turning in his grave
He sure must be. Muzbots preach hatred every day and the police are deaf and blind to it. Robinson stands up for his culture, and he’s a criminal.
But the Brit cops are on to the important stuff:
Yet the slimy bastards claim they’re too short-staffed to investigate burglaries!
Dogs is right. Not one of the filthy animals who’ve assaulted Robinson and his family over the past decade has been prosecuted, deported or received a sternly-worded letter.
But now, finally, they’re going after Andy Choudhary, albeit in a half-hearted way.
When the police act as the enforcement arm of politicians, then they are legitimate targets. For whatever.
Don’t blame me….I just work here…..I don’t make the rules….just doing my job….blah….blah….blah….heard it all before
Yep, we all have. Gutless bastards.
Yet to tell them that the “Nuremburg defence” didn’t wash then and doesn’t wash now is much the same as asking for them to arrest you and throw away the key!
Coppa’s act like they’re working at Mac Donald’s
No surprises here, corruption lays with corruption.
I have yet to see one official, appointee, crony, sycophant of this administration that is not more corrupt than a sewer pond.
I don’t think there is one, Michael.
Not wishing to sound negative, but basically we are fucked. We are just a little bit further away from the fuckedness than is happening in the rest of the world.
Just enough to kid ourselves we’re not, Mara.
Buy this judge a beer. I hate these jargon-ridden incompetent leeching bastards too:
The last Dambuster pilot.
Don’t kick snow at a cat:

Cats going nuts over a laser pointer-
The cat ALWAYS wins, you stupid bitch!
Man updates his PC to Windows 10 … only for his wife to find his entire PORN collection has been transformed into a slideshow on repeat
Windows-doing stuff you don’t want it to do since forever.
B-52s make a trip down under
B-52 returned to active duty from mothball fleet-
Wow, but that’s a beautiful piece of engineering brilliance!
Two graphs that show why the Clintons should be wearing orange pyjamas.
But we know they never will, which illustrates perfectly the multi-tiered “justice” systems we in the West have.
Hmmm. I wonder if the Calais palaver is another carefully engineered beneficial crisis?
a) Once the EU gets itself involved it never lets go
b) If the EU is deciding the validity of asylum claims, will it also decide where asylum is to be given?
c) “Treaty obligations” is a nice easy get out that negates every objection of a citizen or allegedly sovereign parliament.
I think this is a space worth watching. The British governing class could well be getting ready to do (have “forced” upon them under the treaty) something that they promised they would never do nor permit. The “Sorry, a big boy made me do it and ran away” excuse is wearing a bit thin.
“The “Sorry, a big boy made me do it and ran away” excuse is wearing a bit thin.”
Jeez, it was worn threadbare twenty years ago, Yokel. Yet still a compliant, apathetic populace continues to swallow it.
Here’s a turn up for the book:
Good,but I am not holding my breath that he will ever see the inside of a jail cell.