The NZ media really is pathetic. Obsessed with wimmin’s concerns and confected victimhood, they’re forever running crap such as this story:
‘Why women freeze in office air-con
Many women have thought it for years but now scientists have confirmed females are at risk of being over-chilled by office air-conditioning..’
Perhaps it’ll spur women to get off their butts and get jobs involving physical exercise..which will have two benefits. The performance in the offices will improve and women won’t freeze.
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Well if they want to play that way, how bout employers don’t employ women to do office work. Then they’ll have something to complain about.
But of course, they’d rather see office temperatures set at a level which women find comfortable, and to hell with the men. Putting on a sweater is apparently too difficult for these precious petals.
Well KG, if I had my way, I’d create a vexatious complaint tax. That anytime someone makes a complaint that is proven to be vexatious they have to pay a tax. Then the money earnt from that tax gets equally distributed to all taxpayers.
Ok well at least I have one vote in my favour, hee hee.
When you have an office full of menopausal women it isn’t possible to set the temp to please everyone. I once suggested HRT [ hormone replacement therapy] as a possible solution, never worked in that building again and almost lost my job but it was worth it to see the look on her face.
One of our book keeper drones came over to my office to use the fax machine the other day.First thing in the door,not hello,or hi how are you,but “geez why is it freezing in here?”
Simple I says,when it’s too f–king hot in here it makes me throw things and start cursing
Maybe they need to cover up their exposed ( . ) ( . )‘s that they use so much to distract men and wear a tie and collar with a jacket just like the true victims wear.
Yes indeed.
Virtual NIPPLES!!
Are you trying to suggest they wear translucent blouses as a means to distract men in the workplace and honey-trap themselves (a) a husband, or (b) a sexual harassment suit?
You sexist pig, you!
Just pointing out that having flesh exposed makes one feel cold. As far as using it as a honey trap, what is on display around me is enough to make one a monk – cellulitic thighs, bulging midriffs and pendulous mammaries …. shudder.
Ooh baby!
Gantt, you might be interested to know, that it looks like Colin Craig has had the same strategy against him. I’ve seen his defense. And all the Whale Oil Cameron Slater can say, is talk about the no circulars which he says violates the law.
But even that is a lie. No circulars means nothing that requires money. For instance if I put a lingerie catalogue in your box, I’m doing it to sell something. Sorry that’s the first thing I could think of in regards to your last post.
On hot days the girls would use any excuse to visit me in the system room which was cooled to bloody cold. I loved it, Mawm illustrated why. If the girls can’t stand the cold they should get in the kitchen.