The Iron Legion:

‘Decline of Europe: Afghanistan Model

…Instead of tackling organised immigrant crime or violent ghettos police will go after the easy targets – domesticated Europeans who will pay their fines and don’t put up any resistance. Under the guise of community policing, London’s Metropolitan Police are now only accepting applications from people who speak languages other than English, effectively excluding native Londoners from their own police force and leaving them to the mercy of a foreign mercenary police force…’
Ancient Problem, Ancient Solution
‘..We do whatever we have to and we keep doing it until they’re scared to even whisper our nation’s name. We surrender no more soil than it takes to bury them. They have somewhere else to run to. We don’t.’

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12 Responses to The Iron Legion:

  1. mawm says:

    And this whole mess is thanks to the left/progressive/socialist/communist rulers. Fortunately there still is a majority of white skins in the UK and Europe and arms will not be too hard to get hold of. The day is getting closer….

  2. Wombat says:

    I must wonder what the average UK bobby makes of all this.

    Any white male on the ground level of the police force is going to know that no matter how stellar his track record is, the diversity are going to get the promotions without a doubt.

    Methinks there will be a time not long from now when police-issue gear starts mysteriously falling off the back of lorrys and finding its way into the hands of the EDL.

    • KG says:

      “Methinks there will be a time not long from now when police-issue gear starts mysteriously falling off the back of lorrys and finding its way into the hands of the EDL.”
      Hopefully, you’re right – and the gear needs to fall into the hands of quieter, harder men than the EDL….

      • Darin says:

        What gear?Riot shields and pepper spray?

        • KG says:

          They have some decent gear, Darin. It’s just not often seen in public.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Yes indeed. Imagine all that sound and fury on display at the end of the islamic terrorist attack on the Lindt Cafe in Sydney, in the hands of men who actually know how to use it?

            That small amount of kit alone could account for a significant number of both moslems and clipboard-carrying, hi-viz-vest-wearing Elf n Safety Inspectors!

            • Wombat says:

              Personally I would love to see the day when the whitey quits the police force and the next all-diversity riot squad rounds the corner with their riot shields and batons only to come face to face with…

              …a battle line of ex-bobbys and military men with riot shields and batons.

              The ensuing battle (rout?) would be worth the price of a plane ticket to watch in person, or better yet, participate in.