The ever growing complexities of Cecil the Lion

I think if Cecil the Lion were alive to see this,even he would be shaking his head.Isis is still on a tear,Planned Parenthood is acting like the death camps never closed and Russia is eyeing more real estate.Meanwhile in Asia China is wondering how much Bamboo it will take to prop up it’s wobbly market.What are the media worried about?-Cecil the now dead Lion.

As seen before,the folks in  and from Zimbabwe aren’t torn up about it –

In the NYT no less



And now as it turns out the university unit that tagged old Cecil was partly funded by big game hunting.

Read here

Throw in the vast unwashed mobs of people acting on base emotion and we have all sorts of things being banned,property being trashed and collateral damage in the form of poor bastards with the same name as the Dentist who bagged ole Cecil,

Not one,

But two

If you dare look at the comments in the NYT article,you can quickly see what experts in big carnivores western white liberals are.I figure if they love Lions so much,maybe we should round up all the Lions in Africa and set them free in Central Park?

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15 Responses to The ever growing complexities of Cecil the Lion

  1. Darin says:

    Damn,still haven’t figured out the infernal read more function

    • KG says:

      :lol: Where do you want it? I can do it, then you could hit the “edit” button and take a look. (It’s important to leave a gap between the last word you want to appear in the post, insert the “read more” code and then another gap before inserting the text under read more.)

  2. KG says:

    I wonder how many of these clowns realize what a horrible death an ageing male lion suffers in the wild?

  3. mawm says:

    The comments in The Daily Mail are enough to make one vomit.

    Here is a reason, actually 10 and there are more, to promote trophy hunting. Stopping hunting will lead to job losses and poverty on a continent with already too much poverty.

  4. Jamie says:

    Hey KG Guess what Mr Mugabe had for birthday feast this year

    I swear them journo’s are ridiculous with the crap they be shilling

  5. mara says:

    Say what you like, but I prefer lions to most people as they only do what is required for their survival. Most humans have lost sight of this and, in any case, humans are scarcely an endangered species. Go Cecil! What shitarse Country needs visitors to pay money to shoot magnificent animals? Ah Rhodesia. What a surprise.

  6. Pascal says:


    As we can see, the SSM that triggers it is not simply the print and TV media any longer.

    I am certain even Orwell could not envision it operating quite like this, only that tyranny needs it to keep itself from being beheaded.

  7. Flashman says:

    Back in the day, lions were classified as vermin.

    And quite rightly so.