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Auckland’s future:
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Repeating your advice to me from just a moment ago … don’t give ’em ideas!
I think they already got this as a vision for the future Gantt. The quarter-acre section and family home are so..yesterday, doncha know?
I think there are now three New Zealands: Auckland, Wellington, and Everywhere Else.
That’s why John Key is trying to encourage his Chinese paymasters to send migrants to Everywhere Else – to colonise those places and turn them into Auckland, with an “ethnic” takeaway and dairy/amphetamine supply store on every corner.
Well, if that happens and the inhabitants are Chinese they will work hard, keep the place clean and obey the laws which they find. All of that in contrast to the ME and sub Saharans we get, who sponge, shit, and want to change our laws. But then why should GodZone (God’s own?) country want/need/encourage any mass immigration unless compelled to do so?
Geddoffit Andy! The chief importers of amphetamines to NZ are Chinese, and they’re also renowned for stripping the coast of shellfish wherever they go.
Oops, sorry. You’re quite right of course. Most Chinese we get and with whom I have contact are pretty bright people. As for white refuge, we need one in the north – Canada, and one in the south – New Zealand. That’s if we can’t defend Europe, or is it can’t be bothered to defend Europe.
Yes, they’re preferable to migrants from the ME and Africa.
But if we’re taking migrants from anywhere, it should be from places with people who will be capable of assimilating. NZ should be a refuge for White Flight. We should be taking Brits and African whites.
We are being colonised, and successive governments have done it deliberately, to destroy our culture (just as they have in other formerly-advanced, former First World nations).
If we’re going to take any migrants – refugee or otherwise – from the ME or Africa, we should be taking Christians suffering ethnic cleansing.
Damn right!
I agree.
I’d be there in a minute if there was a narrow 2×20 acre strip of land somewhere cold
There’s plenty of those, Darin.
Yip , absolutely
Muzzies? , Commies? , Dumb Arses?.
key is so despicable. first home buyers were looking to the regions, and now that escape route is going to be overpriced and overcrowded as well, by blocs of Chinese, who don’t assimilate and don’t respect the Kiwi way. Generation Rent is getting shunted to nowhere, whilst mass immigrants and investors are being handed prime assests, the best in the west. Can’t this govt be tried for treason yet???
What will most likely happen is that Labour will get voted in.
Out of the frying pan etc…..
He is worse than Labour; Key has no scruples whatsoever. He is running the country like it’s a greedy corporate, selling out our assets to the richest bidders. He doesn’t care about the citizens; it’s all about power, glory and him. I loathe his smug, bland face. what a shocker he is, he has no shame!!
Sounds like you hold Key in as high esteem as I do, Lara.
I am a firm believer that you don’t really truly value something until you lose it. White New Zealanders are going to keenly discover this over the next couple of years.
Many, myself included, saw that going down from the ’90s. It’s too hard to gauge how many fled to Oz as so many Islanders and 3rd worlders come here on a kiwi passport
I can never understand why Kiwis cut down their tall poppies, as these “flowers of New Zealand” provide the shelter for others to grow and succeed.
That great author Gordon McLauchlan was onto something when he wrote his book “The Passionless People.”
He sure was! I remember the furore that book caused, too.
If and when I sell my old pile in a leafy Auckland suburb I will do it by tender so that I can choose the buyer.
Why sell, Mara?
KG, I think Key is our worst PM in all of our history, bar none. Such hollowness and selfishness!!
Mara, trouble is, even if you choose the buyer, they can then on-sell it to the highest overseas bidder. If I had an old pile in a leafy Auckland suburb, I think I would cling to it for life!! So so hard to get.