This Kiwi woman is a self-pitying effing idiot

and – I suspect – a lying drama queen as well:
Kicked out of the US: 33 hours of hell

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20 Responses to This Kiwi woman is a self-pitying effing idiot

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    In the immortal words of Dr. Raymond Stantz, “Listen! What’s that smell?!”

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    All I got out of that nonsense was that she thinks people with PhD’s are superior to peoole who push brooms for a living. So not only is she a total dickhead with no understanding of how the world works, but she is also a snob and an elitist. In a way I feel dumber for reading her bollocks.

  3. mawm says:

    I’m surprised that there are no accusations that it was all Bush’s fault.

  4. KG says:

    :mrgreen: great comments!

    • Wombat says:

      Bah. Can’t see them. Have they been removed?

      • KG says:

        ??? The comments by Odakyu-sen, Phil and Mawm. I should have made that clear. Sorry. :oops:

        • Wombat says:

          Sorry, KG. I was assuming you means the comments at the actual article. I kept allowing scripts and refreshing the browser but none came up.

  5. Cadwallader says:

    As soon as I read about this rubbish it occurred to me that this incident was caused by her being too snotty to bother to read the forms required. So: Add illiterate to effing idiot.

  6. dondiego says:

    LoL. Just read of her harrowing ordeal. Laughed or chuckled all the way through it. I’ll bet she came off to the obese otherwise unemployable negroid TSA staff woman as a condescending bitch too.

    Ha ha. I shouldn’t be laughing about it, but Tyrone and Shauntavious were probably enjoying coffee and cigarettes and pornographic/safety x-ray pics [of her] while she was crying like the silly woman-child she is.

  7. Ronbo says:


    Someone entering America stopped at the border by Homeland Security and investigated?

    It must have been because they spoke English and are white people from a small Anglo-Saxon country! Now if they’d been black and from Nigeria, no problems!

    BTW, last year when I attempted to enter Canada, I was stopped at the Vancouver train station after detrained from AMTRAK from Seattle and placed me in a small prison cell ALL DAY – and to add insult to injury the Canucks made me pay for my meals! Thankfully, there was no PA system – just a nice quiet prison cell complete with bunk, toilet and desk.

    Okay granted I’m a convicted felon – but, hey! I did my time, paid my fine and served my parole. Also, as I pointed out to the Mounties several times, the attempted assassination of the President of the United States was not in the Canadian statute books.

    The Mounties were not impressed with my very rational arguments in favor of entry to the Great Northwest and frog marched me in handcuffs back to the AMTRAK late that afternoon when it returned to Seattle, with a stern warning never to enter Canada again…or else…as patted the guns on their hips.

    “THE MOUNTIES ALWAYS GET THEIR MAN!” they said with threatening smiles .

    Oh, the SHAME OF IT ALL!

  8. Dav343 says:

    She’s White, what did she expect? If she was Black, Latina or some other Non-White she would be living large right now, free housing, healthcare, food and a monthly allotment for drugs.

  9. Flashman says:

    It’s funny how hand-sanitized libtards (with NZ Phd’s) buckle when broom-sweeping realities kick their doors in. Snitty little smartarse bitch got slapped.

    Thanks for sharing KG, I found this piece genuinely amusing!

  10. andy5759 says:

    That girl doesn’t look particularly attractive, her jutting chin makes her look like a pushy cow. Never mind, there’s plenty of them crossing our paths, that’s probably not relevant. The United States has become rather shit-hot on security whilst being piss-poor at it. I was last there before 7/11, security was tight and sensible, more intrusive than I would have imagined but understandable. Her experience would have freaked me out too. Homeland Security has, probably, swept up broom pushers in its recruitment drive, and we are now seeing the council park keeper mentality visited on us at a global scale. Gotta get off this planet. Any suggestions?

  11. john says:

    I see the bitch couldn’t resist the snark at Trump right at the start of the article. From then on I was hoping to read that cattle prods had been, well, if not used at least waved in her direction from time to time.