“It was a good day’s work.”

‘SAS sniper saves father and eight-year-old son from being beheaded by ISIS maniac’
1,000 yards, 3 shots, 3 kills.

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19 Responses to “It was a good day’s work.”

  1. KG says:

    I’d want to see the evidence for the 1,000 yard/head shot claim, but a good result nonetheless.

    • Seneca III says:

      Have a look at the videos taken from/through a spotter’s scopes in Afghanistan where Canadian snipers were taking out perambulating retards at ranges of around 2000 metres or so.
      Anyway, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I could put four out of five in a head sized target (known in those days as ‘Hun Head’) using a Lee Enfield with a much less powerful scope and firing .303 7Z ammunition from the stocks left over after the Vickers MMG was replaced by the GPMG. The kit these guys are using today is light years ahead of what we hadhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

      • Seneca III says:

        Oops! In… a head sized target (known in those days as ‘Hun Head’) using a Lee Enfield…insert 1000 yards between “Head’) and using”.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

          • Wombat says:

            It would have to be a 1/2 moa rifle for a solid hit to the noggin. With marksman quality ammo it’s not unreasonable.

            I still remember the video of the freak that hit a 12″(?) gong, cold barrel at 1k from standing with a Barrett .50 aided by a BORS scope.

            A suppressor on a 50, though? Maybe it was a muzzle brake.

            • KG says:

              I repeat – I am not suggesting the shot isn’t possible, because I know damn well it is.
              What I question is the veracity of this particular account.

    • mawm says:

      Who cares if it was a head shot…..as long as it killed. A bit of suffering goes a long way.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. Brown says:

    I remember my .303 shooting in the ATC. I couldn’t hit the board the target was on let alone the target. Hopeless.

  3. KG says:

    I’m not saying the shot isn’t possible – far from it.
    But there are lots of claims of wonder shots based on no more than untrained observers (and sometimes shooter’s) estimates of range.
    “…Have a look at the videos taken from/through a spotter’s scopes in Afghanistan..”
    I have, and that’s evidence. The story above, though, cites nothing more than an unknown source. Too often those sources have turned out to be either propaganda or journos.
    So I’d still like to see the evidence.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

    • Darin says:

      Gunny to .50cal sniper-“son that was a great head shot”
      Sniper-“But sir,I hit him center mass”
      Gunny-“well the half with his head flew off over that way,so it’s a headshot” :mrgreen:

      Any day three Jihadis get red misted is a good day!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  4. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile – back in the formerly Free Republic of America – Donald Trump has apparently survived an assassination attempt by a professional hit woman on contract from the Leftist Elite Oligarchy that rules this country:


    • Darin says:

      Ya,that question was highly Katie Couric of her http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

      • Ronbo says:

        I thought Trump batted that stink ball out of the ballpark!

        The audience went wild when he made the Rosey O’Donnell comment, and I believe at that moment Megyn blew her Fox career down her leg, because the people in that audience are the ones who watch her.

        Also, Trump is not going to back down – In fact, he has doubled down and this morning has demanded Megyn Kelly give him an apology for asking him such a crude and undocumented question in a national debate.

        Would she ask Obama a question gross question like that? A question like, “Is it true Mr. Obama, what Joan Rivers said shortly before her untimely death, that Michelle is a tyranny and you are homosexual?”

        Figure the odds…

        • Darin says:

          It was a silly gotcha question well below her usual standard,which tells us it came from the top which answers exclusively to the RNC.

          The quip about Rosie was brilliant and as Walter Mondale figured out,voters love sharp wit.His follow up was shaky,a better response would have been “you think that’s bad,you should hear what I call the guys” “you want women to be equals right?Well that means getting a good cussing when you screw up”

          • Ronbo says:

            Trump has a new name because of his “affair” with Megyn Kelly at the debate – THE TEFLON DON = nothing sticks!

            Oh, Trump’s lead has increased to 32% in the latest poll – The man is like Forest Gump – the world keeps throwing shit at him, but he always comes out smelling like roses and gets more popular with each attack! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

            I agree with Rush Limbaugh and others that Trump has tapped the anger of millions of Americans who have waited YEARS for someone to tell the powers-that-be and the political correct to go fuck themselves.

            Also, I think there is something to else at work to explain Trump’s popularity – THE MAN IS AN AMERICAN PATRIOT!

            The USA is sinking like the Titanic into the cold North Atlantic and the average Joe and Jane is at wit’s end – they vote in election after election to place those in office they think will turn things around, but it only gets worse – Americans want a stalwart nationalist leader to get behind to save the country from defeat by enemies – foreign and domestic.

            Americans may have found their man in Trump – warts and all…

            Like I’ve said before the REVOLUTION needs a leader…We could do worse than Trump – he wants to make everyone RICH.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              While I applaud your enthusiasm, Ronbo, and absolutely agree Trump has tapped a nerve of fury in the American people …

              Trump won’t be the GOP nominee for 2 reasons: (1) he has ADHD and he’ll lose interest long before the Convention, and (2) he’s a stalking horse for Clinton, and since Clinton won’t be the Dem nominee, there’s no reason for Trump.

              The caveat to that is if by some miracle Clinton is the Dem nominee, and Trump isn’t the GOP nominee, Trump will definitely go Third Party and then it won’t matter who the GOP nominates.

              The good news is when Trump implodes or (unlikely) voluntarily withdraws, his supporters will naturally bleed to other “anti-establishment” candidates, and that means Cruz and Carson.

              One thing I know for sure. If the answer is either Bush or Clinton, the wrong question is being asked.

              • Ronbo says:

                Whatever…..the future is not ours to see – Que Sera Sera…but one thing is for certain – Trump has blown Jeb Bush out of the top spot.

                Also, he’s focused a lot of attention on what is usually a very dull portion of the nomination process.

  5. john says:

    It’s in the genes. The Donald is half Highland Scot. You mess with them at your peril.