The Environmental Pollution Agency

Oh boy this is a major stuff up-

Read it here

It is estimated that Arsenic levels in the river are now 400 times the legal limits.There go all the fish and animals that depend on the river,plus the livelihoods of everyone that depend on the river to make a living. 

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17 Responses to The Environmental Pollution Agency

  1. KG says:

    The EPA you know and love…….

    • Darin says:

      It’s getting to be the norm,all these government agencies failing miserably in their core responsibilities.

      Homeland security hasn’t secured anything.Border Patrol isn’t patrolling the Border.The Environmental Protection Agency isn’t protecting the environment.

      The only agency doing it’s job is the Internal Revenue Service which is raking in the Dough. :evil:

  2. andy5759 says:

    I suspect that this incident will be filed under “Industrial Pollution”. No heads will hang in shame, or roll for that matter.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Bush did it….Don’t ask me how, but he did cut EPA’s budget in 2007 and put them on a short chain when he was president.

    So Bush is to blame…Certainly not Obama, who was as shocked as everyone else when he read about it in The New York Times.

  4. andy5759 says:

    There’s a shortage of brooms in America. Thank God the various government agencies have useful employment opportunities for the redundant broom pushers.

    • Darin says:

      It’s looking like the biggest financial mistake I have made occurred in 2008.I should have invested heavily in hardhats,clipboards and hi-vis vest manufacturers.I would be posting this from the beach on some island in the Caribbean if I had.

      • Pascal says:

        No all that easy. Because the .gov is your biggest customer, you’d first have to find a minority who fits the Affirmative Action profile to run your company, and they don’t come cheap. That’s just to get in the door. The graft costs extra.

  5. Pascal says:

    “An accident.” Accident?

    Is it making the people who live nearby miserable? Putting life at risk? Gonna cost a mint to clean up? Media mum on the incident because it’s a gov agency?

    You to the idea right up front KG. Environmental Pollution Agency.

    Like every other Prog programme, if they SAY protection in their name, seeking exactly the opposite is their game.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Like any country with Republic in the name, isn’t.

      P.S. KG, at sea for another 2 weeks.

    • Darin says:

      Yup,and they did what they usually do,they ran and hid.Nobody can find out from the EPA what is in the water exactly,no mention of bringing in potable water for the people who depend on that river for drinking water,nothing,just shut up we’re the government! :evil:

  6. mara says:

    Global warming is bullshit but pollution bothers me very much.

    • Ronbo says:

      Relax! Mother Nature cleans up the mess man makes on the planet.

      Of course, the downside is that Mother Nature is not in a hurry.

  7. Pascal says:

    Hey KG. Let me renew my admiration in your titling.
    Your instincts remain keen no matter your age.


    A week before The EPA disastrously leaked millions of gallons of toxic waste into The Animas River in Colorado, this letter to the editor was published in The Silverton Standard & The Miner local newspaper, authored by a retired geologist detailing verbatim, how EPA would foul the Animas River on purpose in order to secure superfund money…”

    Call this Environmental Pollution Agency part II. Developing…