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Next there will be an app for breathing
There certainly doesn’t appear to be one for thinking.
Un-invited house guest
I confidently predict that I will go to my grave without ever having used an app. of any sort.
Me too.
Coastguard has a weather, now-casting (for the uninitiated – current wind speeds and directions at various points around New Zealand ) and tide app. Great stuff, although you can get it on VHF.
I can see the usefulness of that. But a spring cleaning app?
Me 3.
For john, from the Detainee Thread, and the edification of any interested parties…
It’s real alright~
About time!:
‘JUDGES IN THREE STATES have issued rulings criticizing the so-called ‘affirmative consent’ standard in sexual assault cases, saying it requires the accused to prove innocence, rather than the prosecution proving guilt.’
Thank God.
From Tim Blair:
Tim Blair – Tuesday, August 11, 2015 (3:21pm)
Examples from the University of New Hampshire’s now-deleted bias-free language guide:
Problematic: foreigners
Preferred: international people
Problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: “non-disabled” is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
Problematic: rich
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: American
Preferred: U.S. citizen or Resident of the U.S.
!!!WCWBFA!!!*BlackBerry has requested that Yours Very Trulilily release trending developments concerning developments in BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound and as frequently queried the Codes extant from levels 1-10 and 11-17 concerning procedures pertinent to the general public not to include sexual perversions found on Level 13 which knowledge of may cause the Sausage Factory on Level 13 to shrivel up to a tenth of its original app. However this information precludes a need to know from those concerned individuals needing to know whether the Jewish question has been resolved to the satisfaction of all involved. Later, a special presentation and debate thereafter will open the subject “O’Keefe’s Bar & Grille: Do it cook its enough to purify fat and calorie content to acceptable levels or not?” The debate wilst be led by Diplomatic Pouch and her Mother following a Saddlebag display in the lounge which offers said saddlebags in a silent auction to benefit Green Fees Worldwide.** Well that is it for now, yvt must attend to other more pressing details. Yours Very Trulilily HarvardPotatoHead
*WCWBFA – why can’t we be friends app. **Developers@the.Harvard.BusinessSchool.edu will determine where and which Green Fees will be appropriated for exclusive use by Friends of The Greens.
What did he say?
The plot thickens in Ferguson, Missouri – the scene of over a year of communist inspired black racist riots and looting – ARMED WHITE MILITIA SHOWS UP.
On the six o’clock news today – “RACE WAR BREAKS OUT IN FERGUSON!”
Gee, thanks Obama!
And yet it was armed blacks that got this ball rolling.
Morning news anchor of the year-
“I’m sick of this family,everyday all we hear about are the Kardashians I can’t take it anymore!”
The Lamestream Media focus on “not shit” like the worthless Kardashians in order to put up a smoke screen between John Q. Public and what’s really happening in the world like the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, the collapsing European Union, the opening stages of WW II, the black racist assassinations of innocent whites in America, the opening stages of the Great Depression II, the opening shots of the Second U.S. Civil War, the flood of illegal aliens into Europe and America with overtones of the barbarian invasions of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century A.D., The new Sino-Russian alliance, the communist seizure of public education in America?
Did I miss anything?
Yes, far better to cover “not shit” news like Madonna’s 50th face lift and the ghost of Elvis seen by drunks in Las Vegas at Caesar Palace.
At last! I am so tired of the airtime given to sluts and wankers who are famous for being famous.
Rod Beattie preserving history and the story of the fallen-
“As the 70th anniversary of the war’s end approaches and its veterans dwindle by the day, the aging Australian still slogs along the 415-kilometer (257-mile) length of “Death Railway.” With his own money, he maps its vanishing course, uncovers POW relics and with his vast database helps brings closure to relatives of the dead — not only those who perished building the railway, but also those who went to their graves never having shared their traumas.”
I bet many of those British, Australian and New Zealanders POWs wished they would have either fought to the death, or committed suicide rather than fall into Jap hands during WW II.
Like they told us when I was an infantryman, “Save the last bullet for yourself.”
This was one of the saddest chapter of WW II – 250,000 Commonwealth troops murdered by slow death in the jungle.
Yes, a quick death is better than a slow, hideous death in the jungle by starvation, abuse, overwork and disease.
Okay, I overestimated the number of Allied deaths:
…but I stand by my “Jap bastards” and “deserving the nuke” statements.
H>illary for President!
The smart money says the Hildabeast will not be the nominee – the Democommies hate her worse than the Republicans – at the moment the commie love feast is on old Bernie Sanders, the socialist.
The smart money also says old Bernie won’t be the Dem nominee because (1) He’s a Jew – and the Democommies are raving anti-Israel, anti-Semites and (2) Joe Biden wants the Nod and to be the third term of the Obama Administration.
Hildabeast won’t be the nominee. For the reason you stated, but most importantly because everyone in the Obama White House – most particularly Valerie Jarrett – despises the Clintons. They don’t want “their” White House being turned from niggaz-in-the-ghetto back into an Arkansas trailer park.
(2a) is spot on.
The Dem ticket will be the up-and-coming Youth Wing (Average age: 71 years) of the party. It will be Biden/Fauxcahontas (she brings the “minority” element).
Electoral College Math is pretty tight for the Republicans – they can win – but only if all the “Purple” states like Florida fall into line.
The Blue states will vote in lockstep for whoever the Democommies nominate – be the Hildabeast, “Hair Plugs” Biden, or that fake Indian woman…what’s-her-name?
HOWEVER – maybe good for us/maybe not – there is a Joker in the deck of 2016 and that’s Trump – who seems to have a draw even in the Democommie population – even in the black community….
ON THE OTHER HAND, Trump may go third party, Perot style, in which case it will be 1992 repeat with the election going to the Democommies.
Speaking of jokers, this will tell you who the democrat joker. The context of course is it was a different election. But I thought it was just really funny.
“…that fake Indian woman…what’s-her-name?”
Fauxahontas. Probably too clever for the average schmuck, but outstanding comedy IMO.
The Coddling of the American Mind…….and it’s not only at American Universities.
The press has typically described these developments as a resurgence of political correctness. That’s partly right, although there are important differences between what’s happening now and what happened in the 1980s and ’90s. That movement sought to restrict speech (specifically hate speech aimed at marginalized groups), but it also challenged the literary, philosophical, and historical canon, seeking to widen it by including more-diverse perspectives. The current movement is largely about emotional well-being. More than the last, it presumes an extraordinary fragility of the collegiate psyche, and therefore elevates the goal of protecting students from psychological harm. The ultimate aim, it seems, is to turn campuses into “safe spaces” where young adults are shielded from words and ideas that make some uncomfortable. And more than the last, this movement seeks to punish anyone who interferes with that aim, even accidentally. You might call this impulse vindictive protectiveness. It is creating a culture in which everyone must think twice before speaking up, lest they face charges of insensitivity, aggression, or worse.
And the result….
Nearly all of the campus mental-health directors surveyed in 2013 by the American College Counseling Association reported that the number of students with severe psychological problems was rising at their schools. The rate of emotional distress reported by students themselves is also high, and rising.
….and more on trigger warnings and catastrophizing. It’s no wonder our little petals struggle so in the outside world.
…..Also, a college education is getting less and less popular – high tuition costs – student loans that take forever to pay off – AND NO HIGH PAYING JOB AFTER GRADUATION!
Why put up with the PC crap for four years at the University of Washington and over $100,000 for the privilege? A smart young man can go to work in downtown Seattle on one of the dozens of construction sites and make big bucks even without experience.
The last time I was up at the UW, I noticed most of the students were women…The young and smart guys are downtown working construction – and the more ambitious ones no doubt doing Internet college on their free time and at a faction of the cost.
Well Ronbo, if these people want to have guilty till proven innocent on campuses if you are a man, than their will be less men to take the burden. I was thinking along the lines of a men only college, or more vocational schools, but internet college will do the trick to.
I just hope employers turn this silly stuff down, and employ the real people. That’s what it’ll take for things to change.
One encouraging sign are the number of college aged students opting to skip college and use their tuition money to start their own business instead.
More practical experience instead of indoctrination.
That’s even better Darin. You either take jobs or you create jobs. We need more people creating jobs, less people taking jobs.
The RNC has no clue at all!
If they continue trying to get rid of Trump like this his support will just keep on growing. It is time they took a hard and honest look at themselves and admit that the republican voters do not want what they are trying to shove down their throats.
They’ll never do that, Mawm. Never.
The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow.
They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant retreat on the other – until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the Country’s official ideology. Ayn Rand.
And Rand was absolutely right. Again.
A couple of absurdities:
1. Why do we need Universities to tell us things like this? Surely everyone who reaches adulthood should have worked this out based on their own experience of both cooking and eating, shouldn’t they?
2. Oh what a shame! Or lesson 946 on reading the small print first!
So the Icelanders did what the puppeteers demanded, but not a whisker more!