“I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for the intelligence community, said State Department officials had warned that there were “potentially hundreds of classified emails” on Clinton’s private server.”
Wouldn’t it be great if Obama and Hillary destroy each other?
I predict that it will “unexpectedly” turn out to be the fault of one of her minions – to be determined later.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the FBI investigated the WH’s use of private servers (and they probably do use them, or at the very least different email addresses to their official ones) for hiding all the shenanigans that they lie so much about.
Obama might think he is holding the trump cards, but BJ knows how to have his enemies eliminated. This could get nasty. (popcorn)
“…the server hadn’t yet changed hands as of Tuesday evening and Clinton’s team is working with the Justice Department to arrange the logistics of the handover.”
Decoded, that means they’re pointing to the sky and shouting “What’s that shiny thing”. Then, when the g-mens’ heads are turned, they’re shoving the hard drives into a microwave just as fast as they can!
The smart money says that much as the Obama Regime detests the Hildabeast, she and her rapist husband are good Leftist pigs – and come under the “Progressives Defense Act” – so will never see the inside of a courtroom while said Regime is still in power.
However, post Jan 20, 2017 (if a Free Republic comes to power) criminal prosecution of all bad actors in the Obama Regime would be possible – and perhaps likely – if the poop hits the fan and the public is looking for targets.
It is perfectly obvious that the truth is not important here. It is all about politics. Remind me why so many people don’t vote.
Everyone votes in Australia – it’s the law – and seeing as how they have a conservative government, maybe there is something good about it.
I don’t think they have a *conservative* government Ron,just one that is less leftist than the previous one.Kinda like Bush 43 compared to Clinton.Australians and Canadians are two great peoples I love,but unfortunately like here too many have drank the koolaid.
The government isn’t “Conservative”, ronbo. They’ve caved to the left on any number of policy issues which mean the place is pretty-much the same leftist pit it was under the previous corrupt, union-owned, Fabian government. And, because they’ve done so, there’s a fair chance the Fabians will get back in next time around.
And, since the “Conservative” government was voted in at federal level, the governments of both the most communist and least communist states have turfed out the government of the same party, and install socialist regimes happily wreaking havoc across their states.
A perfect summary.
Everyone is -told- to vote in Australia.
Which is to say, they demand your participation because it infers that the people have been represented.
I’ll vote when a candidate represents what I stand for, which is to say not lately or for the forseeable future.