…but some are more equal than others.

‘Road safety staff broke speed limits thousands of times
Staff at the agency charged with making our roads safer have been caught illegally hooning in work cars at least 8500 times in nine months – twice at 145km/h – and not one will get a ticket.
The speeding staff at the NZ Transport Agency include a member of the senior leadership team and a handful of managers.
In a three-month sample of the data, at least 45 of NZTA’s 139 cars were found to have been driven “consistently at speeds over 110km/h and sustained high speed over a number of kilometres”.
…NZTA is the government department responsible for road safety and for setting speed limits. It has repeatedly pushed through taxpayer-paid advertisements the message “Speed Kills”….’

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6 Responses to …but some are more equal than others.

  1. Ronbo says:

    More complaints from the lower decks?


    I don’t have to explain: Your Lords and Masters do as they damn well please!

    Now be so good as to get out of my way and shut up, or Mr. Christian will lay the cat on your backs!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

  2. Brown says:

    Utter, utter useless, troughing, sanctimonious bastards. Think of the wasted fuel and the extra CO, CO2, climate change and the whales.

    • dondiego says:

      O/T: Remember when Tim Shadbolt got grief about the radar detector in his Mayoral Falcon (station wagon, that he used to tow a concrete mixer for doing driveways on the weekends :) )

      Back on topic: I wonder how/if this will effect N.Zs ranking on the UN ‘corruption free scale’? Sarc/H Somebody should be getting sacked http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

  3. Yokel says:

    It is good for those who can see. These folks have demonstrated the lie in their own propaganda.

    Speed patently does not kill.

    It is not being in control of the vehicle while driving that kills. Speed merely increases the kinetic energy available during impact, thus making the impact more effective in Darwinian selection. (Except when hospitals interfere in the process).