There ya go, Darin:

r620-e339d8a8d7c0d58c07ca2e7b664c4dfa Hillary. Orange pantsuit.

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8 Responses to There ya go, Darin:

  1. Darin says:

    Ouch!My eyes,the goggles,they do nothing!

    She was in horizontal black and white stripes the other day.Maybe she secretly fantasizes about life in women’s prison?Maybe Bill is the one leaking all the e-mails?

  2. Ronbo says:

    How true it is – KARMA BITES!


    According to Trump she gets 20 years in the federal pen for her private – unsecured- server – even if someone on her staff stripped the classification label off the top of the documents.

    I’m a former soldier in U.S. Army Military Intelligence – and can tell you – without fear of contradiction – that you sign and a mountain of document swearing nondisclosure of classified material – and if you do talk out of school, or release classified information – ten years in the federal pen – PER DOCUMENT! PER CONVERSATION!

    Then you have at least one day of classes in how to deal with classified information, which really is quite simple, you leave it in a secure area in a safe, or secured computer system….NOTHING CLASSIFIED GOES OUT OF THE SECURE AREA!

    In my years of service, I knew a number of soldiers who got in a jam for security violations – for instance – throwing a low level classified document into the regular trash instead of a burn bag.

    Yes, the Hildabeast is going down because I seriously doubt it would be investigated without Obama removing all the stops – and letting the FBI – which is controlled by his lackey DOJ – to investigate her.

    • Darin says:

      Yup,I think Obummer is trying to Torpedo her chances and I do pray they take each other out :twisted:

    • GW says:

      Hillary managed not to sign much of anything as Sec. of State, including all of those attestations she should have made when she left the office. No matter, she is already on record as saying “I understand” how to handle classified information. And if she wants to make the defense that she is dumb as a rock over the next several months, have at it. This woman will never be president.

      And just how tone deaf does she have to be to go walking about in a prison orange pants suit.

      • KG says:

        “And just how tone deaf does she have to be to go walking about in a prison orange pants suit.”
        Very. It goes with the sense of entitlement, doesn’t it?

        • Ronbo says:

          The most powerful man in the world at the time – Julius Caesar – was given the knife in the back by the only people in Rome who could get close enough to do damage to him – the Senators – therefore, it should be possible for a latter day Caesar to secure prison time for a former Senator.

          This is Obama’s most common tactic when dealing with his opposition – destroy them – he can’t very well allow the Clintons to run free range and maybe get back in control of the Communist —err — Democrat Party, now can he?

          Did Stalin allow Trotsky to get away?

          I wonder what Obama has in mind for Billy Boy Clinton?

          We do know he has the FBI files on old Bill.

          If you take out Caesar, you’d better take out Mark Antony as well.

  3. George Romero says:

    Yip , she’s dressed up and ready for her new home , in the nicest prison money can buy.
    And she will have as many girlfriends as she wants.
    Barry and his wife should be joining her shortly as well.