Open house

Fluid dynamics

Smoke angel

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32 Responses to Open house

  1. mawm says:

    Definitely not a Newtonian fluid in the first link, probably behaving like one in (air and gasses probably more Newtonian than fluids)) the second link.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Leftists ruin the small economies in Africa and endanger villagers!

    Nice going LEFTIST PIGS! SPIT!

  3. Darin says:

    If you have ever been curious about the internal workings of a C-130 turbine now is your chance to get a look

    • Wombat says:

      The powers that be in Germany are well capable of counting up the numbers coming down the road towards Berlin.

      This is all stagecraft. They are blunting the anger of those who say “enough is enough” rather than adding them to the ranks of the “too much already” crowd.

      Well the muzzos are already kicking off in their new home. If Merkel plans on surviving this she better clear out the welfare districts of whites and cram those islamists in there quick smart.

      Islamic ghettos create an “out of sight, out of mind” effect, both for (most of) the locals and the invaders. If she can do that in short order then she might buy some time.

      That is, assuming that winter actually stops the inflow. But if they don’t stop arriving then all bets are off.

    • Ronbo says:

      Relax the New York Times is on the patriot proscription list (PPL) for total destruction and this includes personnel and buildings. Ground Zero for revolution!

  4. Ronbo says:

    Death coming for both the British Labour Party and it’s clone – the USA Democrat Party?

    Stay tuned…

    Next: The Death of the British Conservative Party and its clone – the USA Republican Party?

    Could be….

  5. Yokel says:

    I know not everybody here sees this the way I do, but here is another example of something publicly tagged as “tackling extremism” in a context that implies it is Islamist extremism that is the target actually being used to sweep up Christians and Jews as well. Now what was that interpretation of the End Times prophesies saying that there will be a “One World” religion to go with the “One World” state they are so obviously busy building at present?
    Sadly many, possibly most, so called Christian leaders will see nothing wrong in this and will lead their flocks down the broad path to …

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      That’s a vile incursion that smacks of the repressive Chinese Communist regime. How long until they revoke charitable status for Churches whose Pastors refuse to register? How long before such Churches are branded “extremist”?

      • Yokel says:

        How long?

        Five years ago, I’d have said “within a decade”. These days I reckon we’ve got five years before it is the accepted, expected practice.

        Hell, meet Handcart.

        • Wombat says:

          Religion does not drive sentiment, no matter how hard the preachers preach.

          Sentiment drives religion, and the first Christian men to get on a street corner and start preaching the story of the Crusaders are going to have no shortage of supporters.

          The only ones that give a shit about charitable status are the greedy pricks who worship money when they should instead be worshiping God.

          And many people are going to be looking for God in the days ahead. They might go first to the church, but they wont find him there.
          In this day and age they’ll find him at the shooting range or the MMA dojo. :evil:

  6. Wombat says:

    Assuming they don’t have some far left opinion on gun ownership then I intend to become a member.

    This manifesto is 99% on the money IMO. Yesterday I might not have bothered yesterday, but today it’s a new nation under Turnbull. The right needs a new champion and this party might just be it.

    AFAIC it’s this party or its secession.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I too, want to see their firearms policy, and I’d also like to know who is behind this new movement. Those questions aside, their manifesto looks very solid.