‘Angela Merkel: enemy of the German people.’

Thanks to Colonel B. Bunny for this. Jaw-dropping!

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22 Responses to ‘Angela Merkel: enemy of the German people.’

  1. KG says:

    This is easily the greatest crisis in my lifetime:
    ‘Millions to join the invasion of Europe’


    • andy5759 says:

      This dwarfs in its potential for Armageddon the crises during my life; Korea, Malaysia, Mau Mau, Vietnam, Falklands, Cold War, Scottish Independence. These are all pissing contests compared to what is happening. Happening now! I can understand some guilt ridden angst from German liberals, so why are the rest of us so eager to die – yes DIE – for God knows what future horrors? Maybe the Germans aren’t really any different from seventy years ago, maybe they now think that they hit on the wrong targets then, maybe they have lots of Zyklon B stored and think the Jews will forgive them if they can come up with the Final Final Solution. There must be some rational reason for this apparent madness.

      • Wombat says:

        My take is this. European populations are declining but this is survivable by the Europeans themselves. It would be hard, but it’s not by any means impossible.

        What is not survivable in terms of population declines is heavy tax-and-spend big government. That is to say, the EU and the ambitions of the globalists in general.

        And we all know what the first and foremost priority of a government is. Not the wellbeing of the people but the continuity of that government.

        Let’s say you’re living with a room-mate who’s in deep with some loan sharks. So he takes your share of the rent to the nearest poker table, knowing his odds are poor but that they’re better than no odds at all.

        Of course, he couldn’t care much less about the morality of the act, or whether it puts you in peril through no fault of your own (except being stupid enough to trust him). He is simply concerned with his own outcome and gambling with your future is his best shot at getting through next week.

        That’s the Merkel gambit in a nutshell.

        • KG says:

          Yep. Exactly.

        • Col. Bunny says:

          The globalist aspect is key though I think there is blame to be assigned to such as Barbara Lerner Spectre who thinks Jews should lead the way in making Europe a non-white area. She says Europe won’t survive unless it’s multicultural but that’s just fatuous flapdoodle.

          On the globalist point, I recently read thru a collection of quotes of Western political leaders and thinkers who were all mad, crazy for the NWO. A lot of very illuminating quotes whose accuracy I have no reason to doubt, notwithstanding some numerology nonsense in that listing about how such and such occurred __ years after so and so. Take it as an interesting listing and filter out some of the more, um, exotic and excessive theorizing. Just offered as raw data to give a neutral reader just a taste of what kind of thinking might come under the heading of NWO.

          The quotes revealed that idiot intellectuals and politicians have been besotted with the idea of world government and how awful nation states and nationalism are. Forget looking for any respect for the common opinions of mankind! Many ideas expressed being the political equivalent of that Chinese ground rhino horn fetish that we were joking about elsewhere. Always in a very refined manner, it goes without saying. What else would you expect to find at “Crusader Rabbit”?

          The E.U. is just the purest distillation of this FU attitude toward mere mortals who happen to live in these nation states. Those over-educated utopian idiots think it will all turn out well if they can just be in charge. Merkel has to in some way be solidly on board with this though it is absolutely impossible for me to understand how people can be so casual about what is obviously — OBVIOUSLY ffs — a ground invasion by very savage and primitive people. (Cue photos of shia morons cutting their backs and scalps with knives.)

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    I couldn’t watch the whole thing. As my late father would have said, she is talking out of her arse. What I can’t fathom is how someone with so little grasp of reality can be Chancellor of Germany. How does she not understand that she has as much to lose as anyone else? I almost felt like I was watching a stroke patient.

    • mawm says:

      Easy to be confused as her face looks like an arse.

      One wonders how intelligent these politicians are. She sounded like a school kid trying to find an excuse for not having done her homework.

      • KG says:

        Yep. It pays to never confuse cunning with intelligence.

        • Wombat says:

          As always, we will never know for sure.

          A useful idiot?
          A well placed saboteur?
          A misguided patriot?

          The answer is this, Germans. Don’t waste your time fiving a guck.
          ‘taint the fault of a dog when it contracts rabies, but you gotta put the bastard down anyhow.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    Angela means angel which means messenger.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    There goes Germany’s economic edge. Germany’s capital intensity (machinery, equipment and tools) per person is double what NZ’s is. Its like saying we mow with a push mower, and they mow with a petrol mower. Which is why they can get double per hour what we can.

    Well that’s not going to be true no more is it, not for long. So if Angela means messenger, I wonder what Merkel means. If Merkel means destruction, messenger of destruction that would be right.

  5. tranquil says:

    If *my* links are right, Merkel has flipflopped and Germany is now reinstating border controls –

    Also this –

    I’m also sure that Denmark has put in border controls too. Yes!!!! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Maybe the public pressure made her change her mind.

      • tranquil says:

        Hopefully so.

        Yep, Denmark has indeed closed its borders (with Germany anyway) –

        Quote – “Danish police said many migrants are refusing to leave the trains because they do not want to be registered in Denmark, where **the new centre-right government has promised to get tough on immigration**http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif.

        About 3,000 people have entered the country since the weekend – but refugees are reluctant to register in Denmark which has **slashed benefits for new arrivals and restricted the right to residency**.”


        • Wombat says:

          Merkel sent out the call knowing that by the time she slammed the gates that there would already be a million more on their way and at least a quarter of that already inside the EU.

          “Other countries will have to do their share”, she says, knowing full well she has given them no choice.

    • tranquil says:

      Thanks for the link, KG.

      That link confirms how despicably evil the EU is.

      • KG says:

        Sure does, Tranquil – every crisis an opportunity to grab more unelected power. :evil:

        • Warren Tooley says:

          Well actually, KG, that’s what they did with Roast Busters. An American group of entertainers who took advantage of young girls. It was used as an excuse to get tougher on kiwi men. But wait a minute, the 14th Amendment says a US citizen is under the jurisdiction of the US. And in my law dictionary a state (NZ is a nation state) is a sovereign entity, and citizens are subject to the privileges and obligations of the state.

          In other words those roast busters were under US jurisdiction. How does changing our laws make it safer? No MP has been able to answer this question. Nor has anyone answered my question as to where the term Hollywood came from. Hollywood is a paganistic term for rape and violence to appease the holly god of the Druids. No MP has been able to answer where the term Hollywood came from. They just parrot we need to do more to protect women.

        • Yokel says:

          “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

          Wasn’t that Saul Alinsky?

          One will know a tree by the fruit that it bears.