Tell us where he’s wrong:

‘DR. BEN CARSON, a Republican presidential candidate, has come under heavy criticism for comments in an interview broadcast Sunday in which the retired neurosurgeon said he ‘would not advocate’ electing a Muslim president and claimed Islam was incompatible with the Constitution…’

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17 Responses to Tell us where he’s wrong:

  1. Darin says:

    Well we have one in the White House now and look how f—ked we are.

    • Ronbo says:

      ….but according to the Muslims, Obama is a heretic, which is why they burn him in effigy and plot his assassination.

      Of course, it can be argued that he’s lying about his conversion to Christianity and as a Muslim, he has the right and duty to lie about anything in order to advance the cause of Islam.

      On the other hand, this guy may be right and Obama worships at the Church of Obama like a true, blue psychopath.

      I say whether not Obama is a Muslim, Communist, Fascist, Progressive – or any other type of totalitarian – In the last analysis it really doesn’t matter, because I think all right minded people can agree he’s a MASTER CRIMINAL TRAITOR!

  2. mawm says:

    Ben Carson to atheist; I believe I came from God, and you believe you came from a monkey – you’ve convinced me you’re right.

    • andy5759 says:

      Both were correct.

    • Mike says:

      Carson demonstrating his willful ignorance of human evolution, which typical of creationists. Humans and modern apes share a common ancestor who lived about 2 million years ago, the evidence for this is overwhelming. Where is the evidence we were created in situ by a god? We are most definitely NOT descended from monkeys as he claims.

      • Mike says:

        We are most definitely NOT descended from monkeys as he claims *atheists believe*.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Oh, stop. He wasn’t arguing the science (although he could). He was treating a prog troll with precisely the contempt said troll deserved.

          • Mike says:

            Yes he probably was. Militant progs can be pretty irritating. I think he is absolutely correct about islam and the constitution though. I would expand his statement to “islame is incompatible with anything that is not islam”.

      • mawm says:

        Humans and modern apes share a common ancestor who lived about 2 million years ago, the evidence for this is overwhelming.

        Surely you mean “primates” and not “modern apes” and the missing link is still missing.

  3. Brown says:

    Carson is correct about the incompatibility of Islam with the US constitution. Islam is a political movement and cannot see church and state separated.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Absolutely no doubt. Of course he’s correct, and it’s a very, very easy argument to make. All that’s needed is for someone to line up the plain-language Constitution with the plain-language quran and the incompatibilities are glaring.

      What amazes me is how the so-called “right” have fallen for the whole “Barry’s a moslem” thing … again. Like it’s relevant.

      Was the guy who asked the initial question of Trump a plant? Not sure, but it doesn’t matter. It’s proven that stupid is as stupid does.

  4. mara says:

    Obama has been a great success. I look forward to more “success” before his term is up and indeed after his term as POTUS has expired. All going to plan.

  5. Robertv says:

    Of course he’s correct but Dr. Ben Carson is a Bush man. For me that’s a BIG problem.