‘A “hero” helicopter pilot is facing possible jail-time over the dramatic rescue of an injured hunter who says he owes the pilot his life.
…Local pilot Dave Armstrong stepped up to complete the rescue after another helicopter had already turned back.
But now  he faces charges because his licence was at the time suspended, due to a medical scare from a diagnosis which had already been called into question…’
Nothing will change until these assholes behind desks start to suffer real consequences for their decisions. Time to remind them who the country is supposed to belong to – and it ain’t the leeches persecuting the taxpayers on the taxpayer’s dollar.

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  1. Pascal says:

    There are those far too many who resolutely choose to remain blind to the misanthropy that hides behind regulations and “blind” justice prosecutions, prepared to strike under the colour of law.

    That such prosecutions might deter others in future from saving lives is the intentions here, and not an unintended consequence. So I tend to favour your inclinations that the offending parties suffer real consequences. Fully intended too.

  2. Alan says:

    It seems to me that the world has run out of plain common sense.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I once had a teacher who used to refer to it as “uncommon sense.” This behaviour by a taxpayer funded bureau-rat is despicable!

  3. PC says:

    No good deed shall go unpunished. There are times when you just want to grab their clip-boards and beat them senseless with them.

  4. Ronbo says:

    This reminds me of the infamous Arms’ Room clerk on Dec. 7, 1941 who refused to open his door and issue guns and ammunition – while the Japs were shooting the hell out of his base – because the enlisted troops didn’t have the proper paperwork signed by an officer!

    Fortunately, the man threw open the door when his First Sergeant showed up and threatened to do strange and gross things to his body if he didn’t…

    No word if the Top received an Article 15 for doing the right thing…

  5. GW says:

    The left is all about laws and regulations, and unless it is a leftie breaking them for a leftie cause, then they are applied to the point of absurdity. Perhaps the best example on this side of the pond is the young child suspended after biting a pop tart in the shape of a gun. True, there is an idiot bureaucrat behind this, but the larger purpose is to promote the idea that government laws trump common sense and all other sources of law, such as the judeo Christian ethic. Two hundred years ago, this would have been effectively taken care of by a mob showing up outside of the bureaucrats residence and hanging an effigy of said idiot with an invitation for him to come outside and publicly announce that he was withdrawing his prosecution of the man. We haven’t evolved since; we’ve devolved.

  6. andy5759 says:

    GW’s comment links the left with total control of the individual. Just like religion, if you think about it. Thinking about it a bit more made me wonder if the left’s infatuation with Islam could be something to do with the total control such a religion could offer them. I have stopped thinking about it, the thought gives me the heeby jeebies. Commissar Corbyn cosying up to the mad mullahs is a horror show which both devout Muslims and free men must prevent at all costs. Failure to pay your tax justifies the axe, stoning of apostates every Friday outside the town hall, the sound of screaming children punctuating the night. Good Lord, I pray it does not come to this.

    • KG says:

      “Good Lord, I pray it does not come to this.”
      Prayer won’t prevent it – only courage and guns will do that.