“Satire is frighteningly close to reality “

Says Tim Blair.
‘Inner-city residents of Sydney have today put forward a proposal to local council that enforce an official gluten-free zone in the main street of Surry Hills.
After months of petitions and meetings with barristers, local blogger Lynne Seede has officially met with Lord Mayor Clover Moore to discuss the plan, which has been gathering momentum for months.
“We aren’t asking for this. We are demanding it,” she said…’
Clover Moore is a green/socialist lunatic. She’ll approve of this move.

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8 Responses to “Satire is frighteningly close to reality “

  1. Richard says:

    Thinking outloud here, what is to prevent you fine folks from placing a bag over the heads of selected individuals to dispose of them into the Bass Straight in winter? (or wherever there exits a swift current running out from land)

    Oh, so you think mafiso style tactics does not become you. So, would you rather continue to allow the wasting of your land by the hands of a few misbegotten faggots? War is hell mates. This is war.

    • Ronbo says:

      How about this for satire?


      Quotes from the alleged book:

      “Everyone on the inside knows that Obama is gay and a Muslim, it is common knowledge,” Horner said. “I saw many men coming and going from Obama’s room, at all hours. I would say a good portion of the men, over fifty-percent, were Muslim.”

      Downey: “In your book you talk about several rituals Obama preformed to unwind from his busy schedule. Can you elaborate on these for our viewers?”

      Horner: “When no one was around, except his security, Obama couldn’t wait to get out of his suit and into his Muslim tunic. He would wear it while praying to the prophet Muhammad throughout the day. During these prayer sessions he insisted that he not be disturbed.”

      Downey: “Your book spends a whole chapter devoted to the various “tortures” that Obama and the First Lady would subject you to. Can you explain?”

      Horner: “Because I was white, Obama would force me to listen to Diana Ross at full volume, every day, at all hours of the night. It was horrible, I never got any sleep. This is one of the main reasons I finally had to quit.”

      Good satire always has an element of truth in it.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  2. MacDoctor says:

    I wonder what the chances would be of gathering all greenies together and declaring a respiration-free zone? We could couch it in greenie terms quite easily “prevent global warming by reducing carbon dioxide output”. Could be a winner…

    • Darin says:

      We just need to impose a stupidity limit of no more than 1 Part Per Million.

      • andy5759 says:

        They have over achieved in that department already. Stupidity has been dumbed down by the idiots called teachers. Elsewhere they are called mullahs. Strange innit?

  3. Ronbo says:

    The Greenie are unemployed Communists from Cold War and by definition traitors who should be put to death.

    The only good Commie is a dead Red.

    • Wombat says:

      I disagree. Communism is like a weed in the mind of men. You might think you’ve gotten rid of it but the seed of it lies somewhere beyond our capacity to destroy.

      Someone dreamed it up from nothing and it would inevitably happen again.

      No, I suggest that collectivists are kindly banished to a suitable island nation where they can demonstrate for the rest of the world the kind of utopia their ideals will inevitably create.

      Monitored heavily from the outside, the results will be taught in a sterile non-political manner in every school.