
‘Thinking Beyond the Trump Headlines’
Some food for thought there….

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10 Responses to Pascal:

  1. Robertv says:

    U.S. Political Prisoner Irwin Schiff dies in Prison

    Irwin Schiff (Feb. 23 1928 – Oct. 16 2015) at the Libertarian Convention 1996

    Schiff was serving a 13-plus year sentence for tax crimes at the time of his death.

    This is what happens when you are brave enough to fight the Mafia government. You die in prison (if you are lucky).

    • Ronbo says:

      Taxes are the life blood of the Imperial Federal Government – and he who would protest the tax policies of the Machine are advised to touch the third rail of the subway line for a quicker and less painful end of life experience.

      R.I.P. patriot!

  2. Ronbo says:

    Pascal: Did you ever hear the story about never looking a gift horse in the mouth?

    Trump has been a game changer….and very likely the next president.

    • Pascal says:

      The single biggest thing Trump did was he proved he could buck the old saw “you don’t engage in a battle of words with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” He has demonstrated to everyone how to fight with the media so that everybody is entertained — most of all him, and his delight is contagious.

      Everybody here knows you have expressed the wish that Trump is the American Caesar. And you know I understand your inclination even if I agree that should there be a dictator to arise I’d prefer a Sulla to a Caesar. Nevertheless, please forgive me that I’m not as welcoming of the final demise of our great republic as you have become. You may be right that it’s over for the republic, and I myself have lamented that the republic is toast, but I still hope retain some hope that we can recover. It won’t be easy and I see no instance in history where it actually was accomplished. Sulla had tried, but Marius’s granting of citizenship rights to Latins that weren’t Roman sealed Rome’s fate. Given that the policies of both the Dems and GOPe have just about accomplished inviting the same poison-pill into this republic, not even Trump will solve the problem you seem to envision he can. The corruption of voting rolls have gone that deep.

      But that wasn’t even the point of what I wrote. I’m glad to discuss the historical significance of a Trump with you, but I’d rather you discussed my warning about how the SSM is masterful at manipulation and enervation of rebels.

  3. Wombat says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

    I don’t expect Trump to win the nomination, but the outright fraud it would take to deny him would push people away from the sham of a democracy that now imprisons them and toward secession or outright rebellion.

    If by some small miracle the GOP was forced to give him the nomination and TPTB were forced to rig the election in favor of Hillary then…

    …the outright fraud it would take to deny him would push people away from the sham of a democracy that now imprisons them and toward secession or outright rebellion.

    • Darin says:

      I believe Trump and Carson have already come to an agreement.Both are tied for top slot in the polls,both have a lot of enthusiastic supporters.One of the talking heads on Fox this morning mentioned a meeting where a group of Hispanic businessmen were in attendance.Half of them said they were backing Trump.If true that is good news on several fronts.

      Carson as it has come to attention raised a lot of money last quarter,most all of it from small donors.He also spent a lot of it campaigning via direct mailers.The question that should be asked is,who is he trying to sway?The answer might be very bad for the Dems.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Pascal, my friend, I would like to see the American Republic restored to its former glory of the late 19th century when Great Men of Industry – wrongly called “Robber Barons” operating under a near laissez-faire capitalism and a weak federal government – made the United States in world’s number one country.

    However, today – after 100 years of Progressive destruction of the U.S. Constitution – there is not very much of that Old Republic still alive – and like the late Roman Republic – America is a multicultural state that can only held together by a strong man backed by a strong party.

    The Democrat Party is dead…The Republican Party is dead. There are only two parties in existence to fight over the corpse of Lady Liberty – one is a barbaric third world totalitarian party of the International Socialism that rules with a mixture of anarchy and authoritarianism and seeks to destroy America – and the strong party of Caesar who would uphold traditional American values, but ruthlessly crush the opposition.

    American want the CEO -the commander- the Man On Horseback -THE AMERICAN CAESAR – call him what you will – to crush the Left and restore sanity to government – AND THERE IS NO CONSTITUTIONAL WAY TO ACHIEVE THIS END.

    Read your Aristotle – it always ends this way.

    • Pascal says:

      Aristotle’s world was not formed based upon the same moral code and by historically informed men as ours was. The difference here from there is the Jacobins. The ancient Sophists in a new dress with their selfish goal to take what was good in society and claim it for their own while it lasts. Then as now they are girly men in that they refuse to show their faces. They shun the spotlight to their hirelings so they may avoid accountability. The difference then from now is that we have drones now. They use them and so must we. Else, your “Caesar” will be their spotlight man. Count on it.

      • Ronbo says:

        “My Caesar”? I detest kings. I spent four years in federal prison proving my opposition to the dictator class! Pascal, my friend, I the umpire who calls the game as I see it….and what I see is an era when the vast majority of Americans want stability and wealth – they thought that Caesar Obama in 2008 would give them the utopia, but he failed…and now they search for the next Caesar who will likely be Trump.

        I think most people in this country could give a rat’s ass whether they live in a free republic or an enlightened empire ruled by an oligarchy with a Caesar at its head who allows them the freedom of building their small empires.

        In the words of John Adams . . . “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams is a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and our second President.

        Americans are no longer a moral and religious people and are not capable any longer of the maintenance of a free republic – We have become the Roman mob who elect Caesars to rule over us….and at some point the elective dictatorship will end and the oligarchy/military/bureaucracy will select the next dictator.

        HAIL CAESAR! I once played the role of Marcus Brutus and moved against the dictatorship, but my efforts came to nothing, but by an odd twist of fate, I’m still alive, free and still love our sacred republic.

        • Wombat says:

          I’m not sure where the Rome analogy has a place for trilionaire shadow-governors working to dissolve nationalism and build a global government.