Largely a waste of time

Technology to lead fight against terror
All the bloody technology in the world is useless without the will and the cultural confidence necessary to use it as ruthlessly as necessary.
As long as Western forces are hamstrung by lunatic rules of engagement, as long as our so-called “leaders” refuse to even name the real enemy, as long as our media and schools and churches are in the grip of cultural Marxism – which is destroying our faith and our pride in our civilization, as it was designed to do – we will continue to lose this fight.
And make no mistake, we are losing it. The enemy’s enablers are within our own gates. They are us.
The latest beeping flashing superdooper gadget is useless against iron-willed fanaticism and a willingness to die for a cause.

Too weak and divided to save ourselves

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7 Responses to Largely a waste of time

  1. MacDoctor says:

    Reminds me of the scene in Robocop 2, where Robocop is programmed with a thousand command lines of politically correct drivel and become a useless hunk of tin instead of an enforcer of the law. You can just picture drones self-destructing over Syria because it is trying to comply with : ” Abort if you – might kill a child/woman/TLGBTXYZ/ endangered gerbil” “Abort if you are within – 30k of a hospital, 50k of a school, 10k of an ambulance, 30k of a mosque, 200k of a heritage home or half a light year of ecologically significant swamp land” “Abort if it is Ramadan or if terrorist is at prayer or if explosion might otherwise hurt his feelings”

    This is assuming someone actually goes to the trouble of launch the poor thing in the first place.

  2. KG says:

    via Francis Porretto:
    ‘ If lawyers had had to approve our World War II target lists, we couldn’t have won. War is never clean or easy, and the strictures imposed on our military today just protect our enemies. Collateral damage and civilian casualties are part of combat and always will be. The most humane approach is to pile on fast and win decisively — which results in far less suffering than the sort of protracted agony we see in Syria.
    The generals who won World War II would start by leveling Raqqa, the ISIS caliphate’s capital. Civilians would die, but those remaining in Raqqa have embraced ISIS, as Germans did Hitler. The jihadis must be crushed. Start with their “Berlin.”
    Kill ten thousand, save a million.
    Unthinkable? Fine. We lose.

    [ Retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters]..’

  3. Wombat says:

    “Technology to lead fight against terror.”

    Not even remotely, having just learned that the man behind the Paris attacks organised the whole thing through unencrypted sms.

    This leaves either one of two possibilities.

    1) They powers that be foresaw the attack but allowed it to happen, or

    2) The emperor has no clothes and the supposed all seeing surveillance state is in fact blind.

    If the latter is the case then let conservatives be emboldened to do what must be done. If the former is the case then we have a much harder, bloodier fight on our hands than we’d ever suspected.

    • KG says:

      I think the answer is..both, Wombat.
      (2) U.S. intelligence had the Paris guy’s name weeks before the event, French intelligence had hundreds of suspects on their radar but the attack still went ahead.
      Without the resources to process and act on intelligence data, huge volumes of it are a serious drawback not an asset. Conservatives – I’d guess – could overwhelm the government’s efforts with a simple “keyword campaign” that throws up thousands of false positives.
      (1) Our masters have decided that a certain level of casualties is an acceptable price to pay for the global labor market project and they’re confident that they can keep it below the threshold at which a largely unarmed population will finally revolt.
      Anybody who values freedom should pray for more and bigger, bloodier events like Paris.
      And soon. Before the relentless pinpricks succeed in making domination by and fear of muslims normal background noise in the West. A point we’re perilously close to already.

      • Darin says:

        “Anybody who values freedom should pray for more and bigger, bloodier events like Paris.”

        Actually I am hoping they take out a lefty leader’s family.They almost got Hollande,until elitist blood is spilled there will be nothing of consequence done in regards to muslim terror.

        Everything we have seen the French government do since the attacks has been nothing but theatre designed to keep the masses sedated.Taking tough on terror while still allowing 30,000 of the batards in the front door is proof positive they aren’t serious.

  4. Mathew says:

    Exactly, once you give away your balls, you’ll find you’ve also given away the will too.