‘Cool Civilizational Death Wish Goes Viral!’

Mark Steyn:
‘After 9/11, it was the fashion among the western left to demand that we ask ourselves: “Why do they hate us?” As I wrote in America Alone all those years ago: ‘Why do they hate us?’ was never the right question. ‘Why do they despise us?’ is a better one. Just in case our enemies needed another reason to despise us, today the inactivist group Somnolent Tilty-Headed Wankers for Peace launched an exciting new graphic: the same old clapped-out hippie peace symbol but incorporating the Eiffel Tower …Isn’t that a cool, stylish way of showing how saddy-saddy-sadcakes you are about all those corpses in the streets of Paris? It’s already gone viral! And that’s all that matters, isn’t it?..’

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13 Responses to ‘Cool Civilizational Death Wish Goes Viral!’

  1. Tom says:

    I should add,my comments on this article were of course deleted

  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    I misread part of that. But Somnolent Titty-Headed Wankers works even better IMHO.

  3. MacDoctor says:

    Prefer your peace sign to theirs…http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  4. mara says:

    Muslims teach their toddlers beheading skills practising on teddy bears. The West teaches its toddlers to be respectful and tolerant towards them. What could possibly go wrong?

  5. mawm says:

    Why even ask “why”? They are evil monsters and their evil book is like a disease that worms itself into their brains as they kneel with their arses in the air chanting mantra of hatred. They hate/despise us because their book tells them to.

  6. Mathew says:

    One silver lining if islam does one day take over is that we won’t have to see one of these weepy effing platitudes from these sniveling cowards again.