The estimable Colonel Bunny:

Kabuki kombat (2015).
Simple as that — replacement.

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3 Responses to The estimable Colonel Bunny:

  1. mawm says:

    The enemy is the UN…..and our PM (as are most of the others) is slavishly devoted to their program.

    • KG says:

      They’re merely agents for the U.N., certainly they don’t regard themselves as servants of the people who vote and foot the bills.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        Great quote from John Derbyshire at

        We must face the fact: the national institutions of the West are now fiercely protective of Muslims and hostile to the native ancestral populations. (Link removed.)

        I’ve got to find a replacement word for “bizarre.” It just doesn’t suffice to convey the madness.

        Thanks, as always, for linking to my posts, KG