What is it, if not an armed invasion?

‘Drivers Say Migrants ‘All Have Knives’ As MPs FINALLY Wake Up To War Zone Calais’

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18 Responses to What is it, if not an armed invasion?

  1. Ronbo says:


    Liberal PM in Parliament speaking on the violent “migrants” in Calais….http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  2. MacDoctor says:

    It is all so utterly predictable that I could probably write the major news headlines for the next ten years right now. Perhaps I could pass myself off as a psychic. Not that anyone will care in Europe in 10 years time. They will either be dead or wishing they were …

  3. Robertv says:

    An Islamic student group at a London university confronted a human rights activist during a speech this week and accused her of violating their “safe space.”

    Maryam Namazie, a former Muslim and Communist from Iran, had her presentation on blasphemy and apostasy interrupted momentarily Monday by members of Goldsmiths University’s “Islamic Society.”

    As noted by EAG News writer Victor Skinner, the university’s feminist group came out against the female speaker in favor of the Islamic group as well.

    “We support them in condemning the actions of the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society and agree that hosting known islamophobes (sic) at our university creates a climate of hatred,” the Feminists wrote.



    • Wombat says:

      A feminist supports an Islamic front.

      Proof positive that all these progressive “movements” have no moral standing, and are merely multiple soft fronts for the destruction of our society.

      They may as well be the Hitler youth teaming up with Pol Pot’s Communist Youth League of Kampuchea, working towards year zero of the thousand year reich.

      Budget for ammunition accordingly.

      • Ronbo says:


        What’s happening today is pretty much the same thing that occurred during the Nazi-Soviet Pact of Steel in 1939/41 – the Honeymoon alliance when the two branches of totalitarianism agreed to settle their differences at a later date – and together crush Western Civilization – which they might have done in 1940 if it hadn’t been for the RAF, Royal Navy and Sir Winston Churchill.

        Today the International Left is in a de facto alliance with Islamofascism in order to bring down Western Civilization – an odd couple even more odd than the Russian Communists and German Nazis – and they disagree on everything EXCEPT the destruction of Western Civilization.

        Yes, the day will come when one partner stabs the other in the back as Hitler did Stalin in 1941 – but it won’t happen until both parties believe Western Civilization is dead, or on death’s door.

  4. Kirly says:

    Did you all see this? Hungarian trucker on an epic rant as he drives the Calais route. it’s about 15 minutes long but it’s worth every second.


  5. Kirly says:


    trucker attached pig parts to the back of his truck. watch the vid. it’s great. doesn’t really even NEED translation!

  6. mawm says:

    Daniel Greenfield says it best.

    They don’t like us. They really don’t like us.

    Some sobering statistics: a pity our ‘rulers’ don’t read them.


  7. tranquil says:

    The headline says “MPS finally wake up…” .

    I won’t believe that MPs have “woken up” until I see Muslim immigration banned and every mosque and Islamic “school” in the West demolished.

  8. Robertv says:

    Five gay asylum seekers in Amsterdam have been moved to a new location after they were spat on and attacked by other people in their refugee centre.


    The end of gay pride. With a bit of luck they also will forbid women to drive a car.