‘The green blob:

who will protect the victims of environmentalism?
…….On Monday Mr Obama quoted an Indonesian girl he met recently who was worried about climate change. I wonder how he managed to find her. The United Nations is carrying out a huge online survey of people’s priorities. Called ‘My World’, it allows people to rank 16 categories of things they care about. So far more than 8.5 million people have voted, mostly from poorer countries, and the number is growing all the time. Education, health, jobs and good governance come top. Action on climate change comes last — and not by a narrow margin either: it lags well behind the second-least popular priority (phone and internet access). Even among people aged 15 or younger, it comes last….’

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6 Responses to ‘The green blob:

  1. Wombat says:





  2. Brown says:

    Indonesian Muslim girl. It will be his cousin not very far removed.

  3. Ronbo says:


    ….not since the 18th century Bourbons has a ruling class been more out of touch with We The People and reality…

  4. Contempt says:

    is it just me or what is the commander N chief getting a whiter shade of pale? Pix from his non-address last night shore do make he look like he mother..

    • Ronbo says:

      The word is that switch hitter Obama is HIV positive – going back to the 1990s in Chicago where he had many homosexual affairs – and this could account for many physical conditions like a change in skin tone. Obama is very thin at a time in life that most males gain weight, which is another indication that he may be HIV positive. Finally, there is his mental condition – the rejection of reality and other bizarre ideations are common in HIV positive persons as the disease progresses to full blown AIDS.

      Yes, AIDS is a killer – but with our current level of medical care and drugs, a person can be HIV positive for decades and lead an active life, to include golf and basketball – before the inevitable progression to full blown AIDS.

  5. andy5759 says:

    Right from the get-go I thought that Baz O’Barmer was HIV positive. When I read about his Chicago bath-house rent boy days I was certain. On another note: American Thinker has an essay which reports on the linking of Warble Gloaming and Terrorism. The author states that there are two enemies, gloamist left wingers and unemployed frustrated people turning to terrorism. I firmly believe that this is ONE enemy, two battle fronts. If I continue this theme I will be barred from Crusader Rabbit for being a moon-bat crazy conspiracy theorist. Which I suppose I am. Or not.

    Doctor, I think I am paranoid.

    No, you’re not. They ARE out to get you.