Open house

Got her priorities right….
‘Kate Camp shares her experience of visiting the former battlefields of Ypres in Belgium.

There are so many things that will break your heart when you think about the fighting in Belgium. The bunkers by the canals where doctors operated their butcher’s shops. The gas attacks that left the ground littered with rabbits, mice and moles, driven from their holes by the low-rolling cloud….’

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78 Responses to Open house

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Please!!! Won’t somebody think about the bunnies???

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    There have been adverts on Sky TV about Bear Gryllis taking HBSC out on a survival jaunt. The short clip they show is very telling. His dumbness looks like he is ready to go to a restaurant. The whole thing reeks with falseness and exposes him as an arrogant a$$hole

  3. dondiego says:

    Thought the Wabbit would be stoked to get an honorable mention…

  4. Darin says:

    One day before he became president Lyndon Johnson was in a helicopter flying over the swamps on the Ms/La state line when he looked down below and saw two white men in a boat towing a black man on a log down the river.

    LBJ told the pilot,”look down there,you see those men? Pilot Yes sir! Well see if you can land us over there on that sandbar,I want to say a word to those fellas”

    Pilot sets the chopper down,LBJ gets out and walks over to the water’s edge and calls the men over to him.”Hello,my name is Lyndon B. Johnson and I saw what you were doing and wanted to congratulate you on your fine example in helping to mend race relations in this country by giving that black man a ride down the river” Then he shook their hands,walked back to the chopper and off he went back on his trip.

    Soon as the noise of the Chopper faded the two men looked at each other and one said “Boudreaux,who was dat man?”

    “Thibeaux,I don no,but he ain’t never seen anybody troll for Alligators that’s for sure”

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    In a communist state, the state owns the means of production. There is no private enterprise. The people live in poverty and misery. Innovation is stifled.

    In a fascist state, the government and their favoured companies collude in the means of production. The only private enterprise is that which the government allows. The people live in poverty and misery. Innovation is stifled.

    In a free market economy, the government’s role is to protect companies from predatory behaviour from their competitors (and from government). Private enterprise is the engine of prosperity. Innovation is rampant, working to lift as many people as desire out of poverty and misery.

    Can someone please read this article, and tell me which of the above three examples describes New Zealand society?

      • Wombat says:

        I’m currently engaged in an interesting debate with a man who thinks capitalism is the bane of society.

        When asked about work ethic in terms of reward for effort he replied “work ethic is a euphemism for race.”

        Take a guess at what race he is.

        • KG says:

 It’s a mystery……

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          “work ethic is a (sic) euphemism for race”?

          Get off your arse and get a job, you lazy black bastard!

          • Wombat says:

            He’s up to “basic income and free college” now. Because that’s worked so well in boosting productivity rather than creating an army of parasites.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I love those conversations! I quite often get into them with trendy-leftie types.

          Every single time, like sheep they go straight for the 2008 “Global Financial Crisis”. Then we get to play a fun game of “follow the bouncing ball” with questions like “in an unregulated, free market system, why would ‘the banks’ loan money to people who they knew had no hope of ever repaying it?” Apparently: greed (not sure how the maths works there).

          When the bouncing ball lands on Government, specifically ProgLib Hero Jimmy Carter (Community Reinvestment Act 1977) and First Black President ™ Slick Willie Clinton (who doubled- then tripled-down on CRA), the grey matter starts to rumble. Apparently the CRA was required because ‘the banks’ wouldn’t loan money to poor people. In Trendy Leftie Land, poor = black (but of course, not in any racist sort of way) and therefore, ‘the banks’ = racist.

          Of course, the logical conclusion in Trendy Leftie Land is that the banks should have either (a) taken the hit when the poor people defaulted, or (b) given the poor people the houses because owning your own house is some sort of Yooman Rite or something. The Banks, in repayment for all those years of ‘institutional racism’ (because again, poor = black), had no right to try to protect their shareholders’ investments using derivatives and mortgage bundling ( in Trendy Leftie Land, retirement and pension funds don’t invest in such evils as banks and oil companies, they instead prefer wind farms, solar plants and unicorn fart harvesting facilities. Meaning of course that although they have absolutely no idea what their retirement fund invests in, they’re absolutely sure it isn’t banks or oil companies because that would be evil. They say as they type a text message into their iPhone, sit comfortably on a metal or resin chair, and walk to their Toyota Prius in a cloud of self-righteous piety – which is really the mist caused by their heads exploding!)

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Apologies for the novel.

            • andy5759 says:

              I can’t wait for the sequel.

              • Wombat says:

                When the GFC crops up, my response usually runs to “do you know what fractional reserve banking is”?
                The answer is inevitably “no,but…”, to which the only reasonably reply is “well go and fucking learn about it, because otherwise I might as well have this conversation with my labrador.”

          • Andrew Berwick says:

            The only conversation worth having with a lefty involves a loaded pistol.

          • Andrew Berwick says:

            mist caused by their heads exploding

            excellent, so you followed the first rule of talking to a commie then!

  6. Wombat says:

    In the wake of the November 13 Paris terrorist attacks that claimed more than 130 lives, the French government is ordering up to 160 mosques to be shut down in the coming months. Raids have revealed large stashes of weapons and ammunition.

    Imagine the amount of weapons that are being moved as we speak.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      cluster bombs, ten dead just leaves another 100 refugess to kill us.

      nuclear bombs, ten million dead, no one left, no risk.

  7. KG says:

    What’s with these idiots, who think they deserve special treatment? :evil:
    ‘Mother’s anger after she was fined £50 for over-running her car park time limit because she was breastfeeding her baby ‘
    She couldn’t plan it better? Breastfeeding is never that urgent.

    • Ronbo says:

      Obviously, you didn’t meet me when I was a baby!

      • Darin says:

        Great,I guess now they will want special breastfeeding meters or parking lots just for mother with small children or some BS.

        I average one or two calls a week by people wanting me to chop up steel for them without a deposit so they can “swing by” and pick it up.They get all pissy when I tell them unless they have an account with us it’s strictly cash and carry.People who think I’m a banker or their f–king secretary,typical lack of consideration for others and common sense.

        • Wombat says:

          All parking meters to be installed with baby burp detectors in order to allay the injustices against time-poor breastfeeding mothers.

          Kee-ripes. I have a lot of patience for mothers in our society, God knows we need more children, but some of them seem to think that popping out a sprog entitles them to walk a rose-petal covered red carpet that ought roll endlessly before their feet.

          • Darin says:

            My grandfather told me that my father came into the world around 9:00 PM on a night in September 1937 and to his great astonishment grandmother was up and going at 5:00 am the following morning fixing breakfast as usual.But those were the days of cast iron women.

            • Oswald Bastable says:

              I married one. Two deliveries without yelling, screaming or bitching. Just totally focused on pushing at the right time.
              And she is not a big gal!

  8. Darin says:

    VFA-27 “Shoot ‘Em If You Got ‘Em”

    • Ronbo says:

      Aren’t all Western nations fascist?

      Yes, even the once proud “Land of The Free” where We The People have had no say in the federal government since 2009!

      Of course, there is still the façade of representative democracies with parliaments, congresses and such along with elections – but like Roman Republic after 31 B.C. – the West is once again ruled by the dictator/oligarchy.

      Revolution, anyone? Death to tyrants, anyone?

      When the government becomes a tyranny – it is the DUTY of the citizen to kill the traitors and restore liberty – SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS – “Thus always to tyrants.”

      Yes, even peaceful New Zealand needs a night of the long knives.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “Aren’t all Western nations fascist?”

        Prima facie, there is only one conclusion to that (rhetorical) question. And but one logical outcome to their tyranny.

      • Pascal says:

        “…needs a night of the long knives.”

        Given the “Anti-Fa” with their masks and thuggery used to silence protests in the streets, and that this is happening in Germany, your reference is more apt than too many may recognize. More especially this contemporary SA when Merkel has no more need for them.

  9. Darin says:

    GG said-“When the bouncing ball lands on Government, specifically ProgLib Hero Jimmy Carter (Community Reinvestment Act 1977) and First Black President ™ Slick Willie Clinton (who doubled- then tripled-down on CRA), ”

    Oh,and there is so much more they did than that.Reagan always gets blamed for the massive military spending during his two terms.Never mind he wouldn’t have needed to spend what he did if Carter hadn’t hollowed the military out.

    Then we had Clinton,who with one stroke of a pen did more damage than all the Hurricanes to hit the US since it’s inception.We’re talking NAFTA,which completely devastated the timber and textile industry as well as all the peripheral industries that supported them.

    The demorat party,the party of trickle down poverty.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “trickle-down poverty” Love that one, gonna use it.

      And if you think Reagan had to spend up large to rebuild the military, just imagine how much President Cruz is gonna have to spend!

      • Andrew Berwick says:

        We don’t need a president who will spend on the military: we need one who will USE it. Cruz said last night we’re at war with Iran. So the day after he’s elected, I hope Global Strike Command and the Med fleet have blasted all of Iran into gently glowing rubble.

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    This case SCOTUS is considering could have dramatic ramifications on the drawing of electoral districts …

    I wonder what effect, if any, it will have in Dem strongholds with massive numbers of non-citizens?

  11. Darin says:

    Hoover Dam documentary,best I’ve seen because it shows much better detail of the Penstock and Powerhouse construction.

    The most amazing thing?The total cost was $170 million :shock:

    • KG says:

      That is one very good doco!

      • Wombat says:

        These days the cost of the dam would be dwarfed by the cost of the high visibility underwear you were forced to provide to everyone within 500 miles of the worksite.

        • Darin says:

          And it would take 30 years,not to build,but to do the environmental impact studies at the end of which some three toed ground snail would be found,labeled endangered and the whole project s—canned.

  12. KG says:

    Good article:
    ‘To Obama the radical jihadist movement is the tip of the spear to bring down Europe and the West…’

  13. KG says:

    At last, a patriot!
    ‘Putin signs law allowing Russia to overturn rulings of international
    rights courts’

  14. mawm says:

    Mark Steyn nails Obama’s blatant treachery. And nothing said by the MSM……again.

  15. Redbaiter says:

    Interesting article on speed camera use.

    Good facts that show what a scam it is.

    The whole business is so obviously dishonest.

    Why can’t we ever seem to get hold of the scum doing this (councilors, bureaucrats & politicians) and make them accountable?

    • KG says:

      Partly because (I think) people vote for candidates without making those candidates answer a few vital questions first.
      Bureaucrats will never be accountable until the days of pitchforks and torches arrive.

    • Ronbo says:

      I loved the old sci-fi novel “Starship Troopers” by Robert Heinlein where the only people who could vote and hold office were military veterans/retired police officers with honorable discharges, and those volunteered to do some dirty/dangerous/nasty job for the public good like volunteer to be first to try new meds.

      Everyone else was a citizen with full civil rights EXCEPT for the one noted above – the right to vote and hold office.

      Of course, the well ordered and wealthy society the protagonist lived in had a very low toleration for the criminal class – who were as a matter of routine flogged in public and hanged for serious crimes like murder, rape treason, etc. (media was invited, details in living color at six)…

      The public schools were “zero toleration” for unruly students, no “fluff” courses allowed, solid core subject like math, science, etc. and was very strict.

      Also, the schools had a required course that could only be taught by veterans called, “History and Moral Philosophy” in which the ignorance of the young students was exposed daily by retired NCOs, who looked down on their charges and DISCOURAGED enlistment in the federal service, often saying the young students were “wimps” who could never “measure up” to high standards of the mobile infantry or the space navy.

      I think old Heinlein was on to something….

      • Darin says:

        We made speed traps illegal over here several decades ago with a few hold out remaining until recently and I’ll be damned if that’s all these cameras are,speed traps to make $$$ for the local sheriff and of course the company that provides the service since they get a percentage of the haul.
        Several cities have done ballot referendums and had the things removed and there have been many cases of vandalism against the cameras including people stealing them-

        The portable trailer mounted ones are the most fun.Hook a log chain to one and give it a yank and they flip over amazingly easy…..or so I have been told.
        I’ve been hoping someone would steal one and hide it from the cops :twisted:

      • Andrew Berwick says:

        Great idea and the movie is even greater!
        The Constitution is very clear on one thing: there is no “right to vote”.

        Everyone else was a citizen with full civil rights EXCEPT for the one noted above – the right to vote and hold office

        whereas Citizenship and all the Rights it bestows really only belong to full Citizens.

  16. KG says:

    ‘DANGER ALREADY HERE? Syrian immigration tops 100,000 since 2012
    A PROPOSAL TO ADMIT 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the embattled country have quietly come to America since 2012.’

  17. KG says:

    $1,100,000,000,000 Omnibus Increases Number of Unskilled Guest Workers…
    …GOP, Dem Leaders Hide Plan To Outsource 200,000 Americans’ Jobs…
    Congress Allows $500 Million To Go To UN Climate Fund
    Majority Of Europeans Think Migrants Are ‘Burdens’ Who Take Jobs, Housing, Healthcare
    Merkel: Nations Must Give Up Sovereignty On Migrant Crisis
    Saudi Millionaire Who ‘Tripped And Penetrated Teen’ Cleared Of Rape
    Poll: Highest Opposition Ever to ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
    ‘Texas Will Not Sit Idle’ as Feds Allow Flood of Foreigners into State, Says Governor

  18. KG says:

    Hopefully it will become a popular sport….
    ‘Spain PM punched in head’

  19. Darin says:

    More Quad Drone flying-

    This guy is good and keeps getting better,makes me want to burn mine

    • Wombat says:

      Can only imagine what the love local birdlife make of it. Wish he had a second person filming the drone itself.

  20. Darin says:

    Hans Zimmer and Christopher Nolan on the creation of the score for the movie Interstellar-

    Here’s the scene where the score helps make the scene -“No time for caution”

  21. KG says:

    Nice, if you’re a member of “The Club”:
    Auckland Council boss gets $60K pay rise

  22. Michael in Nelson says:
  23. Wombat says:

    Via Vlad Tepes.

    For my money this it the most important sentence in the article, emphasis mine.

    Images and videos of the incident showed dozens of youths tearing down fences, throwing beer bottles and fireworks at police, and chanting slogans against the proposed center for asylum-seekers.

    No longer does “young” equal “progressive”.

      • KG says:

        From your link. Interesting to see an old Soviet word revived, eh?

        ‘The incident was the biggest display of anti-migrant sentiment in the Netherlands since hooligans attacked a Syrian refugee center in October…’

  24. Wombat says:

    Some more from Vlad Tepes.

    You get a note on your door. “3 days. Convert or die.” This is precisely why countries that insist you rely on the police for protection are so utterly fucked. Tommy Robinson, former leader of the EDL, got a scare the other day and called the police. Despite the nearest PD being a 10 minute drive away, it took them 45 minutes to arrive.
    By that time they could have decapitated him with a rusty spoon. :evil:

    • KG says:

      Buy guns and ammunition, legal or not.
      Husbands and fathers HAVE A DUTY TO IGNORE THE LAW if necessary to protect their wives and children. (And having guns locked away in a closet or safe doesn’t cut it.)
      Not an obligation, not simply a necessity, but a fucking duty. Any man who doesn’t is no man at all and should be shunned by decent people.
      Women also need to accept responsibility for their own protection – to the point of lethal force when necessary.

  25. KG says:

    Britain’s lying weasel Prime Minister:
    ‘Cameron tells Trump: The whole of Britain is united AGAINST you’
    Sky Poll: 30% Of Britons Support Trump On Muslim Ban Call