Open house

Been very busy, now knackered.

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93 Responses to Open house

  1. Wombat says:

    What’s her name?

  2. KG says:

    Nothing exciting. Just doing some woodwork.

  3. KG says:

    Traitorous, leftist bastards. They could have attacked the Kenyan on any number of fronts, instead they choose to perpetuate the cozy two-party dictatorship. :evil:
    ‘Republicans Respond to Obama State of the Union — By Blasting Trump!… Resist ‘siren call of angriest voices’… ‘Turn down the volume’..’

  4. KG says:

    The President of the United States stands up at the SOTU and tells lies, and these pricks attack Trump!
    They really are shit-scared of real people power.

  5. Victor says:

    things just keep getting stranger and stranger and trying to make sense of it all can keep you up at night with your head spinning like a roller coaster. It is hard not to develop your own conspiracy theories trying to connect the dots of insanity but what can one do on a quest for truth – up is down, right is wrong, ugly is beautiful, the perverse is moral and the moral are fascist.

    I tried not caring about the problems of the world… it has always been easier to just not give a damn about anything or anyone and I was perfectly happy… but there is no place left to run in our technical age, there is no way I can hide from the world any more… I am left with no other choice but to participate in it – but if I must, I’ll be damned if I will live in a world ruled by homosexuals and lesbian communists… I’ll be damn if I live only to serve the state, I’ll be damn if I except their filth of legal sodomite marriage and Marxist lies – I’ve had enough of their political correctness and their “hate speech” fears… What the f*ck happened to the United States of America that we are raising such delicate faggoty men – black and white… how did you lose your spirit… your work ethic… your morals and you f*cking balls – how did you let your government convince you that you must be afraid of every damn thing under the sun then label you an intolerable racist for not accepting the very people they told you to go to war with… how did you let yourselves become so afraid of the labels others will place on you simple for acting according to your nature – men and women…

    Now that we have reached the boiling point – and we have… we are ready to explode and erupt into chaos that the world has not seen since God separated the nations at Babel… and what side will Americans turn to. I am living in a world where I, as a Christian cannot send aid to other Christians in Palestine because that makes me a terrorist… If Russia said it was going to protect the Christians in the Middle East I ran off to join them – I would become an enemy of the United States for helping those that truly need help – my people… the innocent Christians the are being eliminated by those my country sends aid to… is this a bad dream… somebody please medicate me and lock me away… give me one of those neat white coats so that I can hug myself all day long in…

    I am building a gang – I am forming a tribe. We are not a militia, we are a nation. we are traditionalists. we are Christians – we do not accept your labels of conservatives and extremists – we are liberated and united in one belief and one God. we are strong, determined and proud and we will not grovel before you – you have nothing we need or want. We are intelligent, we are creative, we are independent of your world… of your system. We are among you but separate from you – we are not participants in your decline. We will not protect you, we will not defend you in the chaos… you will come to us, if you have nothing to offer our society the gates shall be closed to you. we seek men of strength and conviction – fearless in mind and spirit. We seek women of tradition that wish to help preserve their culture with dignity and honor – the future of your people is in your hands. We are not afraid to fight – when the fight comes. We will stand up for what we believe in. We prefer to live among you in peace if we are left alone to live as we chose – but we are not afraid to throw fuel on the fires of chaos… because we have a plan, we have a tribe of brothers to fight at our side… you will abandon the stranger next to you when the shit hits the fan…

    We are not afraid.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Hand salute to Victor!

    “Duty, Honor, Country, GOD!”

  7. Wombat says:

    Holy smokes!

    Mozilla has added a link on the firefox home page to an anti-government-cyber-intrusion guide.

    It’s no joke either. They’re going to whole tin-foil hat on this one. For example:

    “Cap your camera. Put a sticker in front of your webcam when you’re not using it.

    It even suggests learning about encryption.

  8. KG says:

    Buy that man a beer! Diogenes would be pleased, eh?
    ‘Rep. Steve King Walks Out on Obama SOTU Address’

  9. KG says:

    ‘Obama Chief of Staff Promises ‘Audacious Executive Action’ in Final Year…’

  10. Ronbo says:

    John “I was in Vietnam” Kerry – our Grand & Glorious Secretary of State has apologized to the Iranians for not surrendering our two small naval assault boats they captured yesterday earlier – and he’s sorry the sailors armed themselves and pointed their loaded weapons at the Iranian Navy briefly said Kerry, “I’m an old sailor and I can tell the government of Iran – without fear of contradiction – that the U.S. Navy trains its personnel to stand to arms when a foreign military unit approaches them in hostile manner. Of course, I gave them orders to surrender as soon as I heard of their aggressive actions – and I want the government of Iran to know the United States is sorry for upsetting the Iranian naval personnel as they looked down the barrels of our weapons.”

  11. Contempt says:

    Re: Audacious oBowa executive actions final year. These God Damn America Americans will be working 24/7. They will be working in unison. Expect to be slammed. Pray that this is “all” that happens this year. And I do not expect any miracles from the Right’s new president whoever it may be IF it even happens.

  12. Contempt says:

    KG, the prostate cancer cure would be helpful to several of my 70ish friends. The extended benefits to other cancers would be a perfect blessing. So far so good for me.

  13. Warren Tooley says:

    Some good news:

    Even democrat voters are going to vote Trump.

  14. Contempt says:

    Rush defines the Repubs and my Gov Nikki Haley. This is soooo simple – close our borders, hold up on immigration and think about it for 10 years or so.

  15. Ronbo says:

    Contempt said,

    Re: Audacious oBowa executive actions final year. These God Damn America Americans will be working 24/7. They will be working in unison. Expect to be slammed. Pray that this is “all” that happens this year. And I do not expect any miracles from the Right’s new president whoever it may be IF it even happens.


    I expect civil war in 2017 to be launched by the Left if an anti-Establishment candidate is elected in 2016 – and I expect a revolution in 2017 if the Left steals the election of 2016 for the Hildabeast or Bernard Sanders.

    In fact, we may have a situation in 2017 where the American Revolution 2.0 runs head on into the Russian Revolution 2.0….

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It won’t be Queen Cacklepants and it won’t be the Love Child of Stalin and Einstein.

      Hillary Rotten Clinton is gonna be dressed up in an orange pantsuit and stainless steel bracelets. Watch for Lynch to drop the hammer just after the Dem convention.

      When that happens, Bernie will #feelthebern and experience a sudden, fatal heart attack.

      Martin O’Malley will be unable to be reached for comment.

      Then, in will step … a ticket comprising Crazy Uncle Joe and The Mooch.

      You heard it here first.

      • Wombat says:

        Makes sense. Low information voters don’t want to know much about their candidate. It inevitably spoils their feelz. Hence the later in the game they can inject their candidate the more popular they’ll be.

  16. Darin says:

    The montage 140 SOTU promises unkept by Obama-

    • KG says:

      Sure ain’t!

      • Wombat says:

        It’s coming. Consider that many laws regarding health and safety have been made in part to reduce productivity, thus creating the need for more workers that would otherwise be unemployed. The entire occupational health and safety industry for example.

        When driverless cars start crashing they will simply drop the speed limit to 50kph everywhere. The rationale will be “it’s safer for everyone including pedestrians and animals, and you get to spend that extra time in the car doing whatever you want anyway, right?” iPhone addicts the world around will rejoice. Of course, manned vehicles will not be allowed to do more than 50 either in order to avoid them having to dangerously zig and zag around the driverless vehicles.

        The immense drop in productivity this causes will “create” more jobs by requiring more people to do the same work as a non-transit-time burdened society. (consider that if a plumber or an electrician could teleport from one job to the next then we’d need far fewer of them to do the same number of jobs).

        Add a whitewash over the cause of the crashes (manned vehicle “spooks” driverless car) and the corporations making the megabucks will have it their way in the end.

        People living in the sticks will, as usual, be the ones to get dicked the hardest. Given the distances they travel they will spend half of their lives in transit. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      Plenty of cars being driven around New Zealand where the driver is totally absent.

  17. Darin says:

    Is there a Bernie Sanders supporter that isn’t a whiney little bitch?

    The man asks a good question,seems ALL of them are the most pathetic and useless amongst us.They should form a “Wheel Chocks for Bernie” PAC

  18. Wombat says:

    Sorry to open an old can of worms, but I’m still not convinced the Oregon standoff is a false flag event.

    These guys are still out there and there’s been bugger all media attention. Why manufacture an event and then studiously instruct your media vassals to ignore it?

  19. Redbaiter says:

    Want some laughs?

    Read this Twitter thread from a female professional Islamic victim who received the finger from another UK driver..

    Some gems.

    ie- if a suicide bomber is gay, what does Muhammed have in store for him?

    What’s it like driving in Saudi Arabia?

    Maybe the guy just gave you the finger because you’re a Shi’ite driver.

    • Darin says:

      Hilarious! I think driving while wearing a potato sack on one’s head should be a $500 fine.

  20. KG says:

    Of course not – they’re the MSM’s protected species. :evil:

  21. KG says:

    Buy this man a good single-malt:
    ‘Man sets fire to mosque in Scotland’

    • KG says:

      People will still see what they want to see in those pics. Male ‘roos are not cute and cuddly and I’d certainly give an injured or cornered one a wide berth. (Or a round of .308)

      • Darin says:

        Handy wall chart
        Squirrel = Tree Rat
        Kangaroo = Giant Rat
        Wallabee = Smaller giant Rat
        Quokka= Cute Rat
        Ferret=Slinky Rat
        Prairie Dog =Target Rat
        Meerkat = Eric Holder
        Sugar Glider=Flying Rat
        Chinchilla= Fat Furry F–king Rat
        Badger=Underg….Oh :shock: !@%$#@ run!

  22. Ronbo says:

    I didn’t know shooting a potential dangerous Kangaroo was murder – but what do I know?

    I’m still so old fashioned that I think U.S. Government funded and approved Planned Parenthood is responsible for mass murder in which babies are not only killed, but chopped for up body parts.

    …now that’s something real for Obama to cry about on national television.

  23. KG says:

    Where to begin, when dismantling this dishonest trash?
    ‘Every rape accuser deserves anonymity – it’s the least we can do
    There are, of course, cases where people have lied about rape and made false accusations. These are appalling crimes and anyone guilty of doing so should be punished – but it’s important to remember that the number of false rape cases are minimal. Over five years, 109 women in the UK were prosecuted for false rape claims. Considering an estimate of 425,000 women would have been raped over that time period in England and Wales alone, it is a tiny figure…’—its-the-least-we-can-do/

    It’s a “tiny figure” because the feminazi lobby has made it a risky business indeed for police and prosecutors to bring allegations of false rape claims to court. And that’s just one of the inaccuracies, exaggerations and careful omissions in this disgraceful article.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yes, it’s bloody difficult to bring a prosecution against a woman who falsely yells “rape”. But the whole equation is a false dichotomy. Actual prosecutions vs estimates of suspected events? When none of the facts of those events (a large minority of which will be a simple case of buyer’s remorse) have been tested? Does “mattress girl”, for example, feature in that number? Or Tawana Brawley?

      So tired of this filthy fucking propaganda.

      • Ronbo says:

        Hits on my blog this morning listed below.

        I have no idea why ole Ronbo’s ramblings are so popular in Russia and Germany, but get little attention from the English speaking world for the last several years.

        This wasn’t always the case – for years my blog was very popular in Britain, Canada, India and New Zealand and Australia. In fact, from Britain alone I have received 1.5 million hits.

        “Something is happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear…”

        United States — 654

        Russia– 530

        Germany — 117

        Canada — 55

        United Kingdom — 47

        France — 35

        Ukraine –28

        Netherlands –12

        Australia –11

        New Zealand — 1 This must be KG :-)

  24. KG says:

    ‘Scarborough on Trump Pensacola Rally: ‘I Never Saw Anything Like That in My Hometown Before’ —- ‘I Don’t Get It’..’

    They still don’t “get” the level of anger out there among ordinary working people. And they probably never will, short of a guillotine in Times Square.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “I don’t get it” is likely to be the inscription on the headstone of the political elites everywhere.

      • KG says:

        We can hope those headstones are due to voter dissatisfaction, expressed kinetically. :evil:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I’ve been pessimistic for the longest time, but I’m starting to see some hope that the Viking and Anglo-Saxon genes are beginning to stir.

  25. KG says:

    ‘Republican debate 2016: Donald Trump outclasses Ted Cruz in bruising debate’

  26. KG says:

    Colonel B. Bunny:
    ‘The resurgence of German fascism and Merkel’s war against Poland.
    What the German government is about here is full-throated fascism. I mean the real-deal, left-wing, f$ck you, keep-your-mouth-shut-rightist-scum repression. The speed with which these cops react is almost laughable in contrast to their cowardly, useless response to mass sexual assault on their women. The banner’s message is beyond poignant for here we see the state’s protection is of repression, not the women of the nation:
    Defend your women, not our democracy….’