Another slimy, propagandist NZ Herald editorial

Editorial: TPP signing an honour, let’s respect it’
The first comments are worth reading. No wonder the Herald says “comments on this article are now closed”. Bastards.
Update:    Another view, and one I suspect is far more in tune with public sentiment.
‘TPP signing a denial of democracy’
‘…It continues a process that has been throughout characterised by secrecy and the contemptuous refusal to take any account of public opinion.
Yet it is clear that the TPP is not just a run-of-the-mill trade agreement but a major concession of the powers of self-government to large, international (mainly US) corporations. The treaty provides those corporations with the power to over-ride elected governments and to re-write the laws of this country in their own interests…’

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3 Responses to Another slimy, propagandist NZ Herald editorial

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Link ain’t workin’

    Found it. The writer’s slip is showing quite badly (insofar as the skirt is hiked up over the head and they’re not wearing knickers). Immediately after (rightly) saying those who protested the TPP were (in addition to the usual gaggle of greenies, socialist wankers and assorted other anarchist trouble-makers) “medical professionals and IT developers”. Both of these professions have benefited hugely from international trade and (to use leftist weenie Thomas Freidman’s term) “flattening” of the world; they are among the most pro-free-trade people around. And yes, in the paragraph immediately-following, the writer implies that only those “philosophically opposed” to free trade would turn up at the signing of this Grand Bargain Among Devils to protest.

    The Cultural Marxism is strong in this one.

    And yes, the comments are heartening. Do I sense a turning of the worm, or is that too much to hope for?

  2. Wombat says:

    I’m seeing about 5% for and 95% against in that comments section.

    This is only possible for one reason. Because the powers that be have crossed a threshold with this TPP deal from national rule to corporate rule. While the globalist socialist mob hate nationalism they hate corporatism even more, and of course nationalists oppose the deal bitterly for obvious reasons.

    Who’d have ever thought we’d be turning up to the same protest on the same side of the fence?

  3. KG says:

    Link fixed :oops: