Oh dear! How sad!

ZIMBABWEAN president Robert Mugabe has collapsed after suffering a heart attack, according to reports in Africa.

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22 Responses to Oh dear! How sad!

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Can;t talk, to busy searching for a single flying fuck to give. I can only hope for the sake of the good people of Rhodesia that the bastard breathes his last very soon.

  2. mawm says:

    http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif He deserves a special place in hell.

  3. rivoniaboy says:

    I hope the kaffir rots in hell!

    • Wombat says:

      Hard word to judge now, what, with all us kaffirs opposing muslim domination. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_whistle3.gif

      I suppose there’s kaffas and kafeers, and some that are both.

  4. Robertv says:

    The death of a dictator does not mean tyranny is over. For the population it even could get worse in a power vacuum were different fractions now fight for the throne.


  5. Darin says:

    One evil tyrant down,one to go! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  6. Flashman says:

    Die, kaffir.

  7. Oswald Bastable says:

    Let’s hope it’s not an easy death…

  8. Col. Bunny says:

    This is so sad. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif

    It will be interesting to see what comes after Mugabe. Can one corner of Africa say to itself, “You know, that was an outstandingly bad experience where may have plumbed the all time low of political and economic stupidity. Let’s try something different.”

    Risky prediction: the siren song of leftist bullshit will be as sweet as it ever was, as will the song of tribal antagonism. Absolutely no lesson will be learned from 30 years of tyranny and thinly-veiled comedy. Not ONE. Therefore, steady as she goes, full steam ahead port engine, full steam astern starboard engine. Wake captain in case of trouble.

    Forty years ago — maybe — I’d have laughed at African stupidity but since then the West, with far more going for it in resources, culture, tech, and an educated populace, has reached even lower depths of depravity, stupidity, and treason. That is a fisking achievement without peer in the history of what is known as “civilization.” That’s just amazing to watch go down. Western nations have worked assiduously, energetically, and ingeniously to bring themselves down to the level that would embarrass a banana republic.

    I may be wrong but I think even Mugabe was not a traitor to his own tribe. Tell that to me about Cameron, Merkel, Löfven, Hollandaise, Obama, or the other frightened rabbits at the top of the pile in Greece, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Denmark.

    The reference to Obama’s “own tribe” is a stretch I know. He’s faithful to his actual tribe but since this is the U.S.A. we preten’ we ah part one big ass tribe, yo. It’s a fantasy that amuses us greatly over here for some unknown reason.

    Why discriminate between fantasies really? We are governed by a giant seething pile of them now. If we had the integrity of the people who run Disney World we’d at least have clarity on that issue. Not that we’d change anything ourselves, of course. For change, we’ll have to wait for that to be jammed down our throat. We are different from those silly Africans, we are. Yes, we are.

  9. mawm says:

    Oh yes he is, Mugabe has been a traitor to his own tribe, the Shona, but even worse to the other Rhodesian tribe, the Ndebele.

    Apparently his heart attack is a hoax. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif But whether he lives or dies will make no difference as the power behind the throne is the trio of the heads of the military and security apparatus. They cannot afford to lose the grip of power and surely they have Grace Mugabe lined up to take over. She is a combination of Hillary Clinton, Imelda Marcos and Marie Antoinette without any of their likeable characteristics.

  10. Col. Bunny says:

    Mawm, you are more realistic than I. Of course there won’t be any kind of an assessment and governments are a constellation of actors. Chavez went permanent walkabout but was followed by Chavez 2.0. Fidel retired but no change. There was some legislative change in Venezuela stimulated by some privation. A bit more of democracy and maybe less primitive military helped. Zimbabwe not so much so much worse privation won’t lead to change.

    That’s the permanent power structure view.

    There’s also the seemingly intelligent fellows interviewed on Fox Business News in Illinois. Both, after seven years of Obama’s racial resentment, weakness, and lies, said they were Obama fans and no way Trump, etc.

    That is the permanent delusion view. Seven years of this did nothing to shake their worthless views. 100 M died in the last century but these guys think they live in a video game where you just hit reset if you get into trouble. Things are happening that will permanently change their lives for the better but they are clueless about the forces at work.

  11. Darin says:

    “Can one corner of Africa say to itself, “You know, that was an outstandingly bad experience where may have plumbed the all time low of political and economic stupidity. Let’s try something different.”

    No,a friend of mine who just returned from contract work in Africa described it as a Jack in the Box.If one cranks the handle there long enough,out pops a nasty surprise-islam.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      Good point. Islam wouldn’t be even the tiniest of problems if Western leaders weren’t traitors and cowards. Check this out from Merkel:

      “We should not follow those who — with coldness and even hatred in their hearts — make judgments about what it means to be German, and seek to exclude others from this definition[.]” Source

      Germany, Sweden, France, the U.S., Britain, among others, are led by monsters. The voters of those countries revel in the weakness and treason of their leaders. They re-elect them and thrill when patriots are smeared with the label “neo-Nazi.”


      • Darin says:

        Yup,all western leaders are enablers.We should not be importing this filth into our countries and we should be on the offensive exterminating the muslim scourge in Africa.