The Iron Legion.

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‘..It’s telling that the only real pushback against the third world invasion of the West has come from football hooligans and motorcycle gangs – counter-cultural fraternities which exist outside of polite society and have their own codes of honour and personal loyalty…’

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12 Responses to The Iron Legion.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Once again GMTA, what the author proposes has long been written about starting in the 1960s and called, “The single anonymous cell theory of resistance” in which individuals United only by a common plan of action against an oppressive regime. These cells are impossible for any government to crush, as they have no central command and control. At some point in the resulting civil war, the cells would surface and a formal governmental structure created. Interestingly, this is what happened in the pre revolution period in America. The resistance to British oppression started with pissed off individuals like Sam Adams, who got on the Internet of the day, the Royal Mail in his colony of Massachusetts, the word quickly spread to the other 12 colonies and thus was born, “the sons of liberty”

    Kind of like what is happening today on the Internet, heh?

  2. C-CS says:

    it is time- don’t forget the women of the Revolution–1776- and- how does one get a burn phone?

    • Jamie says:

      You can get em anywhere that sells phones – just go in and say your name is Jannet Smith

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Over here it’s markedly more difficult. You have to hand over your driver’s license and have your details taken when provided with anything containing a sim card.

      Options remain. Buy phones (complete with sim) second hand from low-income types with short attention spans and defective long term memory. Alternately find said type with correct identification give them enough money to buy you a phone, activate it (prepaid service with long expiry credit) and then give them whatever amount of money you agreed to for the service they have provided.

      Needless to say (or is it) pretend your personal phone is like gasoline and your burner-phones are like fire. Never allow the two to come anywhere near each other.

      Rules for burner phones include but are not limited to:
      *Never have your burner phone active near your home address, your regular phone or same of your associates.
      * Never travel with an active burner phone. Your journey can be logged and compared with phones that have similar travel logs. Remove battery and reinsert when you need to use it if possible.
      *Unless the battery is removed your phone is assumed to be active.
      *SMS only, and tape over the microphone hole if possible.
      *Tape over any camera ports.
      *Avoid smartphones where possible (or at least make sure to tape over BOTH cameras)
      *Do not use the phone where CCTV cameras are prevalent.
      *It’s called a burner phone for a reason. Use it, wipe it for prints, burn it and bury the remains.

      It’s late. I’m probably forgetting a bunch of stuff. Anyone else please feel free to add more details.

      • KG says:

        Good advice, Bo. Thanks.
        The hard parts of course are acquiring the phone anonymously and topping up the credit.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          Top up by voucher purchased with cash at some dinky hole-in-the-wall store with little to no surveillance. Low brim hat. Sunglasses. Scarf. Anything short of being mistaken for a robber. You’ll look like an idiot but who cares? Be aware of the possibility of your movement being reverse/forward tracked through a series of cctv cameras and plan your route accordingly.

          Of course, all of this is a matter of how badly they want to find you or how keen they are to track your movements. This ranges all the way from “nobody’s interested in me” to “I have my own satellite”.

          Burner phones are a lot of trouble. Unless you’re engaged in some seriously heavy shit or you’re building skill sets for same then there are other ways to do coms that are almost as secure but a LOT less difficult to maintain (keeping in mind you only have to screw up once to blow the whole thing).

          • KG says:

            “(keeping in mind you only have to screw up once to blow the whole thing).”
            It pays to remember: assumptions are the mothers of fuckups

            • Darin says:

              Like my boss says about design and cost estimation -“anytime we assume all it does is make an ASS out of U and ME”

              • Bo Chandler says:

                Also worthy of note is that being caught in possession of such a phone will soon get you a charge of “possessing materials with intent”, much the same as if you were caught after dark with a ski mask in your pocket and a crowbar in your backpack.