Bawaahaha! Reality bites leftards:

‘Leftwing Guardian to CLOSE Comment Sections On Articles About ‘Immigration and Islam’…’

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10 Responses to Bawaahaha! Reality bites leftards:

  1. mara says:

    Those comments were so heavily moderated this makes virtually no difference.

  2. Darin says:

    Typical leftist behavior,tell them something they don’t want to hear and they stick their fingers in their ears and go LALALALALALALALA.

    That’s why leftists are like Slinkys,they are pretty much worthless,but pushing them down a flight of stairs is still fun

  3. rivoniaboy says:

    The major South African news sites closed down their entire comments section, as the overwhelming majority of comments dispelled the “rainbow nation” bullshit.

  4. K2 says:

    If a couple hundred of those commentators showed up in the Guardian’s offices they’d close down the Guardian. Goose – gander.

  5. Jamie says:

    It don’t matter what the journos do – Check the video…

    Zee Germans are almost in revolt

  6. KG says:

    It does demonstrate that the lines the media are pushing Do NOT represent the thinking of most people.
    It’s propaganda, pure and simple.