
‘A stark account of political betrayal.’

Col. B. Bunny has the video
If no politicians hang for this, there is no such thing as justice.

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5 Responses to Calais:

  1. Robertv says:

    And this is just the beginning.

    In Saudi Arabia they have a different approach .

    Last year, the body, in coordination with Riyadh police, arrested 8,757 beggars.
    Statistics released by the committee showed that approximately 70 percent of those arrested were non-Saudis.

    ‘RIYADH: The anti-begging body disclosed in Riyadh on Monday that 373 beggars were arrested by the security committee for begging during the last three months.
    Among those held are 254 women, 27 men and 92 children. They were rounded up by the anti-begging office in Riyadh, where a social services cell will seek to rehabilitate them.’

    • Col. Bunny says:

      Gee. In the U.S. the Supreme Court struck down vagrancy laws. Now New York doesn’t want interfere with people urinating in the street. The legit functions of government at the very lowest level are undermined. But the vicious functions at the highest levels are enabled.

  2. KG says:

    I’ve changed the link for the video, linking instead directly to the Colonel’s own blog. (which would have been more bloody sensible in the first place) :oops:

  3. Col. Bunny says:

    Thanks for the link, KG. As always.

    The saddest line of that woman’s speech was where she said the police retreated from the rioters instead of the reverse. As I like to say, Europeans possess extraordinary military capability. Some nations’ weapons can harness the very power of the sun but they are useless against rubber rafts and people arriving by tennis show (trainers in that odd dialect of yours?). Yes, there’s a police force in Calais but it’s not really a police force, see? Just show. Handle the occasional drunken tourist? Bob’s your uncle. A pack of screaming primitives? ‘Af a mo, mate.

    • KG says:

      (trainers in that odd dialect of yours?) Felony flyers, Col. B.
      “The Camp of The Saints” pointed out just how powerless the police and army would be in the face of an unarmed invasion, minus the political will to deploy them “as designed”.
      This is a slow-motion horror story.