Why Trump?

Here’s why, and here’s why.

Little else matters at this point.

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28 Responses to Why Trump?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    And here’s but one of many, many reasons why not.


    Questions of policy aside (and apart his tax policy, he’s a screaming liberal across the board), the man has the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old.

    • KG says:

      *shrug* All you can offer is that, when set against the record of Republicans outlined in the second “here’s why” in the post?
      At his point, all I hear is the line from Shakespeare: “and break it all to pieces…”.
      Because nothing else will break the ruling duopoly and I think a hell of a lot of people sense that and share that feeling.
      Kinda like the equivalent of ramming the enemy ship. :lol:
      Voting doesn’t work – hasn’t worked in a very long time and I refuse to fit the definition of insanity by expecting a different outcome from any of the GOP candidates on offer.
      (Levin is a Cruz supporter and contributed to his campaign, and I long ago stopped listening to what he has to say. Like Beck and O’Reilly, he’s merely an opportunist exploiting the lack of conservative media commenters. Like them, his “conservatism” would evaporate overnight if the cashflow dried up)

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        No my friend, what i offered was but one example of many.

        And yes, while Levin is a Cruz supporter (and has been since Cruz was running for the Senate against David Dewhurst) that doesn’t mean his points are without meaning. I would also point out Breitbart has become a 24*7 rolling Trump campaign commercial.

        If all we have to go on is each candidate’s words and deeds, I’d rather support the guy everyone in the Senate fears and loathes, the guy who has form standing up to everyone in Washington AND the UN, who has pledged to shrink the size of government and return power to the States and the People, than the guy who’s been a progressive his entire life, whose ‘great business acumen’ has resulted in the evaporation of 60% of his net personal wealth and who has pledged to do deals with every bad actor from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to Vladimir Putin.

        I get it, honestly I do. I used to support Trump, likely for the same reason other Crusaders do. But as time’s gone on, he’s revealed more of himself. He’s been all over the map on policy, and in recent weeks has lurched so far to the left that his foreign policy position quite closely resembles Sanders’. Trump is all about Trump; everything is personal. He will have no more fealty to the Constitution than Obama.

        • KG says:

          I suspect you’re right, Gantt, but I keep hoping for a wrecking ball, not a compromiser because I truly believe that is what’s needed.
          And what IS needed, without a doubt, is somebody who can channel widespread anger at the RNC and kneecap the traitorous bastards.
          At this stage Cruz can pledge whatever he likes, but his chances of fulfilling those pledges if elected are somewhere close to zero.
          Better to attack and cripple the system – to force a rebuild – than to attempt to debate and compromise and negotiate with a sworn enemy.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          Cruz’s little scam to punk Carson for a narrow lead out of the gate in Iowa shows his true colours.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            You mean letting his precinct chairs know Carson had told the media he wouldn’t be going to NH or SC, and they should therefore caucus for Cruz?

            Carson punked himself.

            • Bo Chandler says:

              Not how I heard it went down. Can you find an attribution pre-poll to Carson saying that? For someone who knows he doesn’t have a shot at the title he seemed pretty pissed about the apparent “misunderstanding”.

  2. Brown says:

    Empires come and go. The US is just going to be a brief flurry with freedom in an ocean of servitude that is the status quo because we can neither behave at a personal level nor stand up to bullies. Mankind is forever shitting on or being shit on. I think the US is probably lost and when a nasty blowhard like Trump is the answer the questions are pretty serious. I love that the established troughers are frightened of him but he craves power as much as they do and that’s inherently a bad thing.

    There are always groups within a culture that are better and more noble than the masses but they never seem to carry the day for long. The masses are like an acquaintance who prayed like heck when his Christian wife got cancer but now that she’s recovered and can cook his dinner again he’s back to being an agnostic. His wife coped amazingly well while he was a weeping basket case. He knows he’s a hypocrite but accepts that is his norm.

    Mankind’s default position is shitty and politicians are shittier than most.

    • KG says:

      “Mankind’s default position is shitty ”
      Mankind can be better than that and very, very many are. Don’t fall for the bullshit peddled by the MSM and Twitter loudest voices, voices which give the impression that there’s far more support for their shit than really exists.
      (I assume you’re talking about the West)

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Via American Thinker: Thomas Sowell endorses Ted Cruz

  4. Darin says:

    Ben Shapiro gets it right.We heard in 2009 “we can’t do anything unless we take back control of the house” so we went to the polls and gave them the house.Then we heard “we can’t do anything unless we take back control of the senate.” Now we are hearing “we can do anything unless we take back the White house”.

    So if we go to the polls again and we hand them the White house what will the excuse be then.”we can’t do anything unless we take control of city dog catcher in Peoria,Illinois”?

    So in review we got-
    Kasich -Amnesty
    Trump is the ONLY choice we have left.We the people can overcome terrorism,we can overcome financial ruin.What we cannot overcome is the massive expansion of the welfare state that amnesty would bring and the additional 20-30 million gate crashers that would head north afterwards.If we allow 60-80 million people who do not speak our language,do not share our values and do not care to,if we allow that to happen we cease to be a nation and a culture,the now dim light of Liberty will flicker out and the world will plunge into the abyss.

    • KG says:

      “If we allow 60-80 million people who do not speak our language,do not share our values and do not care to,if we allow that to happen we cease to be a nation and a culture,the now dim light of Liberty will flicker out and the world will plunge into the abyss.”
      Our fathers and their fathers fought tooth and nail for liberty and I hope to Christ we get our chance to do the same before I die.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      (1) yes, you are the only bulwark against the death of western civilisation (which is why you generally, and this election specifically, are so fucking important)
      (2) yes, if you allow the illegal immigration problem to continue, that bulwark will disintegrate
      (3) yes, Trump has definitely pushed the issue to its deserved place of prominence in the national discourse
      (4) yes, Trump would be infinitely better than either Clinton, Sanders or Biden.


      The Trump detailed immigration plan:
      (a) build a wall
      (b) deport the illegals
      (c) let them back in (yes, he really did say that)
      (d) unicorns.

      The Cruz detailed immigration plan:
      (a) all-of-the-above border enforcement (walls, drones, humans)
      (b) strong, mandatory e-verify
      (c) no federal funding for illegals (i.e. no welfare)
      (d) no catch-and-release
      (e) immediate deportation of felons
      (f) no funding for sanctuary cities or states.

      Active deportation of undesirables, plus incentives for the others to self-deport.

      Further stipulations:
      (4) yes, Cruz has radically changed his view on the H1-B programme, in response to Disney’s blatant fraud

      If Trump’s the answer, you’re asking the wrong question.

      • mawm says:

        It really depends on what you want, doesn’t it. If you want to give the finger to the “political class’, then it is Trump. If you want a President most likely to set America on a course of clawing power away from the bureaucrats and the left then it is Cruz. Militarily and on foreign policy Cruz can only be better than Trump. Personally I love the way Trump gives the finger to the MSM and eGOP but I’d want Cruz as my leader.

        • KG says:

          I want somebody who will destroy the political class, which is, after all, a relatively modern phenomenon in its present incarnation of wall-to-wall crooks, weasels, corrupt appeasers and traitors.
          Not that those never existed before, but it seems to be a requirement of office nowadays.
          Trump, I think, is doing far more than merely giving the finger to the MSM and GOP. He’s giving voice to a widespread,deeply-felt anger against the present system and reminding people that they’re not alone and not merely fringe loonies.
          The turnout for his appearances dwarfs those 0f any other candidates and with luck will light a fuse that forces change.
          In some ways I hope Cruz will win, because it will give me some pleasure to watch him demonstrate the utter impossibility of trying to fix the Washington problem using Washington methods.
          “I told ya so” is a cheap buzz, but I’ll settle for that. :mrgreen:

          • mawm says:

            My problem with Trump is that you cannot rely on him to do anything once he is Prez. He’ll just cozy up to the pollies. He’s another Winston. Cruz I think is probably made of stronger stuff.

            • KG says:

              Maybe. I doubt it though. All his rhetoric over the past year or two could have been aimed at positioning himself for a run at the Presidency.
              I would be willing to bet the bottle of fine Merlot in the kitchen cupboard here that he’ll be captured by the rotten Washington system should he win and he’ll achieve SFA.
              Recent history tells us that his kind are ineffectual and I don’t see him as any different.
              We shall see, eh?

              • Ronbo says:

                …the game ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings.

              • mawm says:

                Oodles of lucre….especially Saudi gold can sway the most steadfast man.

              • Bo Chandler says:

                The question to ask is “what would Cruz’s campaign be like if Trump never came along” and the answer is inevitably “the same centrist bullshit everyone else was peddling before Trump forced them to grow a fucking spine”.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Personally, the reason why I’m for Trump is he’s a son of a bitch and great commander like many a fine officer I served under in the U.S. Army like the legendary Colonel “Bayonet” Millett – who received a Congressional Medal of Honor for leading the last bayonet charge in American history during the Korean War in 1951.

    When told by a British general years later in London – where he was military attachĂ© in early 1960s- that what he had done in Korea was “unique, glorious and brave beyond belief” it simply wasn’t modern warfare.

    Millett smiled and said, “What would you have done if you were down to less than 100 infantrymen, surrounded by thousands of screaming Chinamen, out of ammunition, and about to die as soon as their artillery came up the hill to blow your company away? Yes, we charged at the surprised slant eyed devils with our long bayonets on the ends of M-1, screaming at the top of our lungs like the rebels at Gettysburg, and – major miracle! – they dropped their loaded Russian submachine guns and ran like hell down the hill away from empty guns….Cold steel, not hot lead won the day, sir! We American officers do read British military history, you know.”

    Wikipedia on Colonel Millett: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Millett well worth the read.

    What can more I say? I was a professional NCO in the American Legions who marched many a mile behind the Eagles.

    The president is the Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces.

  6. Warren Tooley says:

    Anything to win; like rig the election results. That’s the first thing that comes to mind, as it is electronic voting.