Open house

NZ politicians and bureaucrats: corrupt, arrogant, secretive.
Not that that makes them unique, but I wish Kiwis would stop patting themselves on the back and telling us how “least corrupt” NZ is.

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70 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Here we go…..

    They’re about to use a stunned and gutless mouse to derail a rebellion.
    And, via Breitbart:
    ‘In order to defeat Donald Trump, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol admits he is prepared to hand Hillary Clinton the Oval Office. On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” the Republican Establishment leader laid out his plot to deprive Trump of the 50%..’

  2. Pascal says:

    The object of the GOPe and its media hacks remains to keep the legitimate antiEstablishment candidate unmentioned so as to drive passions to defend Trump instead of Cruz. Keeps the anti-establishment splintered.

    A good number of Crusaders already see this and figure that when Trump turns out to be the Manchurian Candidate then the rebellion will start. But I see it as not so easy since the alleged enemies would then be united — in the manner of the 1st Triumvirate. It will be too late for us if that happens, just as it was for the patriot Cicero. When my analysis of the dumbassery of our enemy becomes proven — that they are too stupid to come up with a new way of stealing power in a republic and so have to rely on copying what has been done before — it will be too late to stop by voting.

    For those who do not see the manipulators behind the curtain, I add this latest inconsistency — Trump declaring the Christie would make a great attorney general. OMG, one of the most antigun governors from maybe the most corrupt state in the nation (and that takes some doing). Plus Christie is the Obama ass kisser. What more evidence do skeptics [American spelling] need that Trump is a lib?

    • Darin says:

      All true,but who would Hillary appoint and would Trump be more or less liberal than her?
      Further that than just what are our options?Is there a conservative candidate running that we don’t know about that has a snowballs chance in hell of clobbering Hillary?

      It still comes back to Trump will maybe be a disaster,but Hillary will definitely be a disaster.

      • Pascal says:

        Yes Cruz does. The media and establishment is far more fearful of a Cruz presidency than of a Trump one.

        Darin, you don’t live in California. The same technique to allow Trump to steal our anti-DC movement was used to allow Schwarzenegger to steal the recall election. And the same GOPe message was sent to the conservatives then as now. “McClintock can’t win, but Arnold can.” It was lie then and remains so.

        McClintock has been elected both to State office and to Congress from liberal strongholds — even surviving gerrymandered redistricting — and he remains mostly true (as far as I can see anyway) to his conservative principles. Voters do know when a man means what he says. And they vote for one like that simply because they are that different from the rest. The only way Trump is different from other politicians is that he has not yet won any office. He’s showing new signs every single day that he’s as bad as any other GOPe — willing to make outrageous deals.

        They tried to convince us that Reagan couldn’t win because his principles made him too extreme. But voters liked a man of principles.

        The only caveat I have about Cruz is not that he can’t win — it’s that I fear that he too is a good actor and that the alleged hatred of him by the GOPe is also an act. Orwell said we’d have days like this.

  3. Alan says:

    Republican establishment is increasingly desperate. It seems as though they will stoop to any low tactic they can to derail the electoral process. No wonder the ‘grass roots’ of the party are in the throes of revolt against the political class. The thought of an uninspiring centrist like Romney jumping in at this stage underpins how out of touch the Washington establishment types are with their electorate.

    • Pascal says:

      Out of touch is not the words I’d use. Feel themselves above those they claim to repressent. A truly nascent Ruling Class that is determined to institutionalize its status. Now that a very large segment of armed citizens see that they’ve removed their representative mask, their behavior is that of a coward who recognizes the die is cast and so they must act to take power quickly. Rightly so I think they view it as a matter of good life or horrid death for themselves. Or close to it.

  4. Contempt says:

    @Darin. Precisely. We have no one else to vote for. This is a gut punch vote. If the RNC does not like it, too bad. These times are truly weird. People believe Cruz, Trump whoever are the next Hitler. This is so screwed. Even if there is an election, I will wait and see if oBowa descends from his throne.

    Other side, the only Bern I feel from Bern or Hill is the burning ashes of America as I knew it.

    • Pascal says:

      Total horseshit. The only people who see the next hitler in the GOP candidates are the same ones who refuse to see the next stalin in Bernie. Media works overtime to convince normal people that they are surrounded. Good. Hard to miss the target then.

  5. Ronbo says:


    My friend, the Republic is over…Obama was our first emperor – our Pompey The Great – and it looks like The Donald will be the second emperor – our Julius Caesar.

    …and I wouldn’t be surprised if his son Eric turns out to be our Caesar Augustus.

    I think the American Republic tempted fate by modeling itself on the Roman Republic, so we get the full monty. The Empire. Maybe a Golden Age? Maybe not.

    Like they told us at the NCO school in the U.S. Army many years ago, “Accept the situation. It very likely it won’t be fair, but there it is!”

    …and never forget that if life gets too shitty, there is always a cliff to jump off.

    Freedom = Free Doom.

    • Pascal says:

      I love you man. How many times have I exclaimed that the republic is toast? But I don’t stop trying to get the derailed train back on track.

      Were we the same person, we’d tear ourselves apart. Your half the pessimist and my half the optimist for some things, and vis-versa for other things.

  6. Pascal says:


    Another point about “All true,but who would Hillary appoint and would Trump be more or less liberal than her?
    Further that than just what are our options?Is there a conservative candidate running that we don’t know about that has a snowballs chance in hell of clobbering Hillary?

    It still comes back to Trump will maybe be a disaster,but Hillary will definitely be a disaster.”

    Darin, there is another aspect of American politics that I’m pretty sure you can verify. Let’s assume Trump wins the general. He is then titular head of the party. Do you remember what happened to conservative Republicans who had any complaints about W’s gifts to libs? He got laws passed with R majorities that a lib Prez would have found impossible. Patriot Act? TSA? Expansion of the Dept of Education? Medicare prescriptions? Implementing rules of engagement for soldiers almost indistinguishable from that of blue city police departments? Think back to 2001 and how the GOP would have reacted to any of such laws, appointments and regulations under President Gore. Maybe he’d pass them, but they’d not be what they became under a soft GOP Prez.

    And knowing you now, though I didn’t know you then, I bet you had plenty of complaints with W.

    How many GOPers charged you with Bush derangement syndrome because you had substantive issues and not the harebrained charges of the Left? I bet you got lumped in with the Left by W and GOPe (but I repeat myself) defenders for daring to question your president. Hell, this time if you have problems with what Trump does that are too liberal, you won’t merely have to worry about being charged with Trump derangement syndrome — from Trump’s own words, you may have to worry about being persecuted for libel when you present proof of his lies.

    So, if I’m right about your displeasurable experiences under Bush, please reconsider that last line of yours. It could be rewritten thusly: ‘Hillary will definitely be a disaster, but Trump could be a worse one.’

    • Darin says:

      Pascal,it was the same then as it is now for me,pick the lesser of two evils.I didn’t like Bush,but I hated Gore.I hated him,and still do,because I knew precisely what he was and what he would do.Everyone that started in on me about Bush I asked a simple question-what would Gore do?In other words it’s 9/12/01 and Gore is your president.Ya,that’s what I thought.

      See I think you’re looking at this from the long view and I think from a different angle so is the establishment.You’re thinking we have time to do damage control if Hillary gets in there.The establishment sees the same thing,but from the fund raising angle.After all if Hillary gets in,two seconds later the GOPe will start running adds and building PACs for the next election.

      The difference is,I don’t think there will be another election.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Last line. Bam!

        • Bo Chandler says:

          P.s. even I’d there was one, the amount of socialist illegals in the country by that point would mean democracy was a one way street to hell.

      • Pascal says:

        No. I am convinced Hillary will never be in there. In part because she is so hated. In part because Obama hates her too and she him. He cannot permit her to be elected because he’d not be safe after she gained power.

        A stray dog would beat her. In fact, I think a rabid dog could.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Anyone gearing up to fight Hillary is looking in the wrong direction.

          The donkey ticket will be Biden/Warren or (more likely) Biden/Moochelle.

          • Pascal says:

            Yes. Exactly Gantt. The GOPe would be content with that.

            I warned about a year ago that the danger to the real Right is accepting the establishment’s conditioning us for battling the wrong opponent.

  7. Ronbo says:


    “It still comes back to Trump will maybe be a disaster,but Hillary will definitely be a disaster.”

    My friend, Trump is the end game for the old republic we both love. The Hildabeast won’t be president. Everyone hates her. She can’t deal with the public.

    However, The Donald is loved. He intelligent, wealthy beyond belief, but like Julius Caesar, he has the common touch. The people love him. They love his talk of American Greatness. “AMERIKA UBER ALLES? Why not? We are the world’s only Superpower, although the Chinese and Russian would beg to differ – but we are.

    When we were the Good Republic, we treated the rest of the world with respect. Our right hand was out to shake their right hands. All nations, regardless of how small knew that America would treat them fairly and that we wouldn’t take one inch of foreign soil.

    But thanks to Obama all that has changed. My friend, you totally underestimate The Donald. The man is playing his own game – just like Julius Caesar did over 2,000 years ago in Rome. Yes, Trump wants America to be great, powerful, the superpower for the simple reason that a powerful country will make him powerful – a vehicle to put him in with the great men in history.

    I would suggest you read his books. I’ve read two of them. The Donald has game planned his putsch against the Republic for years…maybe decades. A part of me loves the patriot in him…A part of me fears him…A part of wants revenge on the those who have destroyed the most noble republican experiment in history…A part of me really doesn’t want to be alive to see my republican ideals thrown into the dust.

    Four times…Four Times! In my military career I swore a sacred oath before almighty God to support and defend the republic.

    Cato The Younger committed suicide rather than ask Caesar for pardon. There was a true republican for you! But me? I don’t have Cato’s courage.

    • Pascal says:

      Wherever have I left the impression that I underestimate Trump? Could you not infer that, like Caesar, I believe he is in league with others? It’s simply that we do not yet know who are the particulars.

      To add history to our dialogue so as to give more substance to your perspective, here is what Sulla said of Caesar after the dictator lifted the latter’s name from proscription. “that this man, for whose safety you are so extremely anxious, will, some day or other, be the ruin of the party of the nobles, in defence of which you are leagued with me; for in this one Caesar, you will find many a Marius.” In this one, Trump, you will find many an Obama. And this one has never even been high-priest of Jupiter.

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    Well, regardless of anything else (and I’ve made my feelings well known), I for one am glad Ben Carson has decided to pack it in. Honestly, I think he’s damaged his brand by staying in so long.

    And Ronbo my friend, you’ve touched on the very reason why this election is so vitally important not just for your nation, but for the world. America is the world’s only superpower. Since the end of WWII, it is the US that has regulated the globe, keeping back humanity’s worst elements. Ironically, it is the US that is to blame for the disastrous situation we now see in Europe, insofar as if they’d had to pay for their own defence they would never have been able to afford their experiments with ‘democratic socialism’ and ‘multi-culturalism’ and ‘cradle-to-grave welfare’. Absent the US as the world’s only superpower (the US has never been the world’s “policeman”), the world is a much darker place. Absent the US, China, Russia and the iSlamo-nazis have free run. And that scares the crap out of me, which is why I care so deeply about the restoration of your once-great and -free Republic. Which is why I advocate Cruz (but you all already knew that).

  9. rivoniaboy says:

    Russia – not so much as the other two.

  10. Darin says:

    This is just neat

    The building of it-

  11. Darin says:

    Carson to run for Rubio’s Senate seat?

    I think that’s an excellent idea

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Fan-damned-tastic idea. Although I was listening to Dan Bongino the other day and he said the reason he isn’t running is there’s already a solid Conservative stuck his hand up. Can’t remember the name, but Bongino said he’s solid.

      • Pascal says:

        As long as it is not Allen West. He blew his credibility in 2011 when he backed Boehner’s actions rather than the TEA Party caucus he was elected to Congress with.

  12. Oswald Bastable says:

    Shades of NZ when the voters ran out the socialist Helen Clark and put in socialist light John Key.

    An improvement, as in Vaseline is used before you get one up the chocky…

  13. KG says:

    Mark Steyn – After America Get Ready For Armageddon

    (apologies for my lateness in joining the fray – I’ve been lounging around under a general anaesthetic today)

  14. The Gantt Guy says:

    And the word for the day is … NO!

    NO! Just go home, Willard…

    If the GOPe foists Romney/Rubio on the party at a brokered convention, Trump and Cruz MUST break away and run Third Party. Hell, they’d likely win the Presidency and kill off the GOP completely.

  15. KG says:

    ” Hell, they’d likely win the Presidency and kill off the GOP completely.”

  16. Darin says:

    Just finished watching “Uranium:Twisting the Dragon’s Tail” a two part documentary on the history of Mankind’s experience with the Element.

    Completely fascinating

  17. Lara says:

    I look at Key’s face and all I see is corrput, same with the rest of them.
    In it together, corrupt to the bone, and I bet they fire up their barbies and laugh at the
    cannon fodder they consider their ‘constituents’.

  18. Lara says:

    why bother even voting, they are all the same. In fact, I think the Gnats are doing more damage than the red lot. Your NZ/versus Singapore post is excellent. But how sad !!!

    • KG says:

      Well, I’m not going to be voting Lara. (Except to retain the current flag).
      Voting is now just legitimising tyranny.

  19. KG says:

    How cats and dogs differ:

    I like cats.

  20. Darin says:

    Modern Sawmill fly through-

    Grandad would be amazed

  21. Bo Chandler says:

    Anyone else unable to get the VladTepesBlog to load?

    Firefox gives me “cannot connect”.

    Internet Explorer gives me “connection timed out”.

  22. KG says:

    A perfect example of the kind of shallow dickhead babbling that passes for “journalism” in NZ:

    It’s a symbol of colonialism, you see…. Never mind that the sons and daughters of colonialism created a nation by dint of hard work and sacrifice, never mind that the union flag is an inescapable part of NZ’s history, never mind that most Kiwis come from that stock, never mind that the flag “debate” is being driven by prog assholes who would get rid of every trace of history and replace it with their preferred “narrative”.
    That this drivel can appear of the front page of a national news outlet is an indicator of just how far down the slope of trivia and shallow “thinking” the people of this country have slipped.
    Perhaps adopting a version of the Red Chinese flag would make this clown feel comfortable?

  23. Darin says:

    More and more like us everyday :lol: