
‘Researcher’s survey of migrants finds racist overtones but police say they take cultural concerns seriously.

New Zealand’s African minorities – many welcomed here as refugees – claim the police are targeting them unfairly and sometimes in a racist manner.
Young Africans have told AUT researcher Dr Camille Nakhid that police have stopped them on the streets or in cars for no apparent reason except their colour, beaten them, called them “n*****s”, told them to “go back to your country” and even told them to go back to Mt Roskill when they visited the North Shore…’
I’ve often been a strong critic of the police, but cops in NZ simply do not behave this way. Sure, there are some individual exceptions – there always will be.
But I’ve been up close during many clashes between cops and lowlifes and not once did I hear a cop verbally abuse them.The culture within the force simply doesn’t tolerate it.
I suspect a “researcher” trying to justify her “job” and make a name for herself found some Africans happy to play the common raaaacist! grievance game.

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7 Responses to Liars.

  1. mawm says:

    Typical fallback position to cover for their deficiencies. Currently the Universities are being trashed and burned down in SA by the whole bunch of ineducable idiots who are finding the vastly simplified course too difficult for them.

    • KG says:

      Soon, anybody who wants a decent education will have to go to Singapore or Taiwan. They still have standards, I’m told.

  2. Brown says:

    It begins. There are now enough to claim that any attention attracted by behaving badly is race based. Its worked everywhere else and will work here.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      It begins.. Quite right Brown, now that they have a spokeswoman and have gained some traction it doesn’t end there. Hello New Zealand, you have just been launched into the world of black grievance.

      Good luck with that one!

  3. KG says:

    Yep! Spot-on, guys. And it’ll work brilliantly (for them) here in NZ. We all know why….

  4. andy5759 says:

    God help us all, and I really do mean ALL of us – black or white. Before very long we are going to be forced into the ring against one another. Wars have been waged for the entertainment of those on Mount Olympus. What more indignities shall we suffer before we bring down the mountain?

  5. Mathew says:

    They’ll always complain about racism, but just watch, no matter how unbearable and horrific it is, they’ll never go back. It’s just make-work and such crap.