The ruling class hits back:

On whose instructions, one might ask…..

‘North Carolina Law Enforcement Considers Charging Trump with Inciting Riot’

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39 Responses to The ruling class hits back:

  1. Bo Chandler says:

    “At one point during the rally, Trump described a previous event in which a protester traded punches with his supporters. Trump told the audience, “They started punching back. It was a beautiful thing.”

    What Trump refers to being “a beautiful thing” is middle-class America growing a pair of balls and refusing to back down.

    We have been taught all out lives to take our licks and retain some kind of moral win by never fighting back. It’s a sham foisted on us to make us better slaves.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    They may have considered it, for about a nano-second. But it ain’t happening.

    • KG says:

      From your link:
      ‘..In a statement, Trump’s campaign said, “the arena was rented for a private event, paid for by the campaign and these people attended with the intent to cause trouble. They were only there to agitate and anger the crowd. It is the protesters and agitators who are in violation, not Mr. Trump or the campaign.”…’

  3. KG says:

    “We have been taught all out lives to take our licks and retain some kind of moral win by never fighting back. It’s a sham foisted on us to make us better slaves.”
    Damn right it is. The so-called “moral high ground”. Graveyards are full of people who followed that advice.

  4. Andrew Berwick says:

    On whose instructions?

    Let me think, couldn’t be the same people telling the FBI not to charge Clinton – let alone arrest and jail her?

    The difference between the way this “administration” has treated Clinton and say Hanssen or Ames are staggering…

  5. Warren Tooley says:

    Well KG, well Gantt guy with more riculous ideas, you only get more angry voters, meaning more trump supporters. All it does is help the push to start up a revolution. So I’m not entirely surprised that they would have backed down.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’ve re-read your comment several times, and can come only to the conclusion that you are accusing me of having ‘ridiculous ideas’. Can you confirm, and provide a single example of one such idea, or please clarify/correct your statement?

      • Warren Tooley says:

        No Gantt Guy, I’m not accussing you of ridiculous ideas. Its the people in North Carolina who have ridiculous ideas.

        Well KG, well Gantt guy with more riculous ideas (the people from North Carolina), you only get more angry voters, meaning more trump supporters. All it does is help the push to start up a revolution. So I’m not entirely surprised that they would have backed down.

        When I said KG and Gantt guy, I was asking you for your opinion on my statement about North Carolina, and the Trump revolution.

        I can understand though how you could interpret it that way. So I’m sorry for that. So again I was asking you and KG for your input on the ridiculous ideas of those people in North Carolina.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Ahh well then Warren, you may be able to tell I get most of my exercise leaping to conclusions! I apologise for the unintended slight.

          Yes, I think the actions of the North Carolinian law enforcement officials will only serve to increase Trump’s popularity. I think it was a tactical blunder, and yet one more participant in the circular firing squad.

          For what it’s worth (viz. the Trump ‘revolution’), I have gone from ambivalence to #NeverTrump. Trump is a Clinton agent, hell-bent on (and successfully) destroying the GOP. The media and the GOPe are to blame for Trump, but he’s very, very successfully parlayed that into what looks like an unstoppable campaign (not that he’s running a political campaign – it’s more of a reality TV show). What saddens me is how many people can’t see what Trump is, and – more importantly – what he’s doing. He is a person who will say whatever the person before him wants to hear, even if it directly contradicts something he said 10 minutes prior (big, beautiful wall – plus touch-back amnesty – on illegal immigration being but one egregious example). It saddens and depresses me that Conservatives have searched for 30 years for a genuine Constitutional, Movement Conservative to take up Reagan’s mantle, and now they finally have one, they’re being suckered by a proto-fascist; a strong-man dictator who will usurp the Constitution in exactly the same way Obama has. And they’re cheering him on.

          Trump is weak on policy and is weaker on character and integrity. Absent Cruz as VP (to try and keep him from going full-Mussolini), the future looks incredibly depressing with a choice of Trump, Clinton or Sanders as POTUS.

          What Trump has done to the Breitbart news network is what he will do to America. The Conservative movement will survive Trump, because men crave liberty, but I’m not sure the American Republic will.

          I know plenty of Crusaders have a different view of Trump, and I’ve tried – at least in recent days – to reserve my opinion of Trump for twitter (where I’m generally among people I couldn’t care less about), in order to retain peace and harmony here, among people I genuinely like and respect. But if a friend was injecting heroin into his scrotum, I’d ask him to reconsider his life choices. And I see Trump as a speedball direct to America’s balls. Sorry you asked?

          • KG says:

            For what it’s worth, I’m coming round to your assessment of Trump, Gantt.
            Nonetheless, I see a GOP-wrecker as something that’s badly needed and long overdue.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              I suspect that’s exactly what will happen. If Trump is the nominee, (Reagan) Conservatives will leave in droves in favour of third-party. But hey, I could be wrong. It’s happened before. Once. Or at least, I thought it did.

              • Warren Tooley says:

                Hi Gantt Guy, first of all I’m glad things are clear between us. Having said that, if Trump is no good that’s really depressing. I looked at Bernie Sanders webpage and he wants 12 weeks paid vacation minimium, and he wants to do something immediately about climate change, and wants to dramatically raise the minimium wage. Bernie Sanders is not going to be good for America. The US debt is $19.1 Trillion


                Bernie would make it $25 Trillion if elected.

                Now I’m hearing that Trump is bad. In that case Trump is witty like Winston Peters, and Bernie Sanders is as interventionist and Jim Anderton. When I think of it, I’d like to see Cruz in power, if what you’re saying about Trump is correct. Oh and as for Hillary, Hillary is just like Tracey Martin. Tracey Martin makes me want to throw up everytime I hear anything she has to say. So all I can say is hold on to your guns if you have any.

                • The Gantt Guy says:

                  On trade, Trump and Sanders are pretty-much the same. Both want to give every single person in the US a pay cut, by making imported goods more expensive (that’s what tarrifs do) – those goods won’t be made in America for cheaper, since they can’t (that’s why the work was offshored in the first place).

                  It’s exactly the kind of trade practice that caused the Great Depression. Markets are already twitchy about any of the likely three (Trump, Clinton, Sanders). If any of them get to actually implement any of their policies, the market is going to dive 5,000 points overnight.

  6. Ronbo says:

    There are other news reports saying the North Carolina (Democrat) sheriff said he wouldn’t file riot charges against Trump – but let’s say the reports are true and some little bush league little Democrat sheriff/ and or county (Democrat) prosecutor pulls crap like this and actually charges The Donald with starting a riot, he can always up the stakes by going federal:

    Also, there are civil charges – sheriffs can be sued – and The Donald has buildings full of attorneys ready to go full bore against his opposition for chicken shit crap like this.

    The bottom line is that Trump is not going to take any shit from the Leftards – and they know it.

    This incident was a bluff.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Speaking of the disrupters – the Leftards in Chicago who turned out in record numbers to stop Trump from speaking last weekend were given the run of the city because the cops were on stand down.

    It figures. Democrat city…Democrat mayor…Democrat city council.

    The Leftards were laying for The Donald – this was a coordinated Leftard plan to take him down.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      One of the sources (you might have to scroll down a bit).

      He lists off some of the catastrophic failures of police command but stops short of suggesting the brass threw the game intentionally. To my mind, that conclusion seems inescapable. :evil:

  8. Warren Tooley says:

    Ronbo, they know they aren’t dealing with Donald Duck. Donald Duck is a cartoon character, Trump is the man who always has his trump card.

    • Ronbo says:

      Do they, Warren?

      We are talking about people who see the world filtered by their Leftard ideology.

      Take the almost Chicago riot last weekend against Trump – Clearly, this was inspired by the 1968 Leftard Chicago riot against the Democrat Convention being held in that city.

      So the Leftards thumbed back decades in their playbook for this idea, which did work in 1968 – but failed in 2016 – when Trump decided not to engage and the CPD stood down.

      No, I don’t think the Ruling Class Democrats, or the Establishment Republicans understand that this election is not about a single personality named Trump. As I’ve said before, Trump did not create the Second American Revolution – the revolution put him on its shoulders as spokesman and leader – in pretty much the same way the revolutionists of 1775 selected George Washington, or GOP gave its backing to Lincoln in 1860.

      I think because the Democrats – Progressives – Liberals – Communists or whatever they are calling themselves this week – are a typical top/down organization where the leadership is everything and the people below only count as pawns and voters, and are only good as cannon fodder to be thrown at the enemy – so they assume the patriot leadership model is the same – take out the leader and the movement falls apart.

      This is not going to happen on our side because even if Trump is assassinated – a new leader will be found.

      • Darin says:

        Ron,I figure too,they went to all that trouble(carrying a picket sign for an hour is like half a lifetime of work for a leftard) and all they succeeded in doing was running Trump’s poll numbers up some more
        Those idiots just don’t understand,it is THEY that we the people hate the most.

  9. Contempt says:

    Trump 2016

  10. Ronbo says:

    Darin said:

    Ron,I figure too,they went to all that trouble(carrying a picket sign for an hour is like half a lifetime of work for a leftard) and all they succeeded in doing was running Trump’s poll numbers up some more.

    Those idiots just don’t understand,it is THEY that we the people hate the most.


    As I said to Warren, these Leftards don’t see reality – they see the world thru dark, tinted, ideological glasses – in their Cloud Coo-Coo Land, the leader is all important, all everything, the one symbol of their party, the “Mr. Big” – thus take out the leader of the opposition and it collapses.

    Projection: The Leftards see everything they are in those in opposition. This is psychological projection.

    Yes, as you say in the “Real Village” – reality – that everyone else in the world lives – what they are doing is counter productive – and the Trump supporters are hating these Leftards more than they thought possible and their numbers are growing.

    A little history: In 1968 during the presidential election the Left went ape against the country over the Vietnam War.

    Result: Richard Nixon became president in 1969 and war continued until 1973, when the USA made an orderly withdrawal with peace treaty in hand.

  11. Robertv says:

    Can Trump Make America Great Again?

    Peter Schiff

    • Ronbo says:

      Did George Washington make America great?

      Did Abraham Lincoln make America great?

      Yes, but long after they died.

    • MikeH. says:

      “Can Trump Make America Great Again?”

      To be brutally honest; only a biblical style miracle of God can make America great again. Anything else would take more years than any of us here in the wabbit patch, or our progeny, will ever live to see.

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    The Left is engaging in what I’ve learned in the past couple of days is called a “Hecklers’ Veto”. It’s a scam that goes like this:

    Someone they don’t like (Trump, Shapiro, Yainnopoulos) is scheduled to hold an event.
    Leftards stage violent demonstrations
    Next time someone they don’t like is scheduled to hold an event, leftards approach law enforcement and suggest that violence follows this person’s events, so it might be best – in the interests of public safety – if the event was cancelled.

    Speech of people they don’t like: shut down.
    Strategy: 100% effective.

    They did that in Chicago – pressed Rahm-bo’s office to cancel a Trump event because of violence in North Carolina!

    • Bo Chandler says:

      An excellent synopsis, but their strategy is yielding diminishing returns.

      A minor candidate shut down like this would see his chances of getting his message out shattered.

      For someone like Trump, shutting down an event is just as good if not better than actually hosting it. Not only will the potential attendees be galvanised in their anger, but the rest of the nation will feel that same anger and be moved to stand with the rest of the Trump supporters.

  13. mara says:

    I have come to despise all politicians as well as the wanna be types. It seems that politics is the struggle between the people who want to be left alone and people who just won’t leave you the hell alone. In power, they hassle, tax, needle, legislate, browbeat, attempt to infantilise and create dependency on their largesse, thus creating a servile population of idiots oblivious to their own submission. Ironically this is why I continue to vote at elections; so as to at least minimise the problem. Arguably, some are even worse than others but I am losing hope, even of that.

  14. mara says:

    Thanks KG.

  15. dondiego says:

    My 0.02c worth of guesswork; Trump is one of those right-wingers who will take a paycut for 4-8 yrs because the current situ is crap.

    Remember Miss Anne Barnhardt shut down her investment advising business because she couldn’t honestly say things were going to get better?

    Also wondering out loud if Trump was the victim of one of those “Comedy Roast” shows; heard he was, and revenge might also be a motivator.

    And course the bloke comes across as an ego-maniac. Either way, I hope he destroys BOTH anti-white/American parties~