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- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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I find it difficult to believe that it has taken 100 years to work out that that instead of the 8000 NZ. troops that were estimated to have fought at Gallipoli, we now have evidence that there were in fact 16000. How the hell do you lose 8000 soldiers.
What the hell were previous military historians smoking that they could possibly loose 8000 troops. IMHO this is a national disgrace, is there anything about this countries history that we can now believe.
New Zealanders were rated the most ignorant people of the developed world….now starts to have a ring of truth.
“is there anything about this countries history that we can now believe.”
Very little, in my opinion. Certainly the history as taught is very suspect.
I was digging through some books in the hospital library that were slated for the dump.
I found a 60 year old British book on the history of Africa. I also found a full set of encyclopaedias from the 70’s.
You don’t have to read either for very long before you start to spot various pieces of history that have been utterly whitewashed (or is that “blackwashed”?)
oBowa in Cuba. The God Damn America Americans puke bile on all that is good. Sick.
And his financial backers (i.e. read beneficiaries of his policies) are there with him to see how much more money they can make as he greases the wheels.
more stink from the God Damn America Americans which , of course, includes the Clintons. The Clinton ego-centric commitment to America is Greed.
Yes Cointempt it is apparent that you are wide awake!! Appearances indicate that BlackBerry is much simpler in his GDA* commitment than his predecessors the Clinton. BlackBerry as discovered by yours very trulilililily’s vivid experience simply has a deep seated hatred of America while at the same time greed or shall we say the rape of all that is good concerning Life itself. Diplomatic Pouch joyfully loots America for worldly passions. May yvt say with simplicity that he discovered these preceding and continuing life aspects through his Ivy Leak Education at the premier Ivy Leak School i.e.**Harvard Unipervisity. !!!OOOPS!!!gotta beep!
*GDA – God Damn America
**i.e. – GDA Harvard Pyschiatric Teaching Hospitalular et Lunatic Asylum
Thanks for the update, Mr PotatoHead. But in future, could you please not use ‘Diplomatic Pouch’ and ‘passions’ in the same sentence? I’m going to need months of therapy now!
Harvard, Thank you for your simplistic post. I am sure that all who read it will be amazed at your esoteric, erudite and childish comment. Perhaps the bog admenstrueator will not delete it since he is quite likely rock ass asleep at this time.
He is never asleep.
Human Sexual Behavior
Robert Sapolsky explores behavioral patterns of human reproduction. He focuses on proximal and distal motivations, orgasm and fertility facilitation, non-reproductive sex, hormonal and cerebral sexual functions, and the differences and similarities between humans and animals in various
The latest Woodpile Report……”Frankly My Dear”….simply brilliant.
Nothing quite like Remus, is there?
Some people deserve to be marched off to the gas chamber!
They bloody well surely do!
File under whodathunkit:
‘PM John Key says intelligence officials surprised by Russia’s Syria pull-out
“My intelligence officials were a bit shocked by it and they didn’t have much information on it this morning. It came as quite unexpected news,” Key told reporters on his way to the weekly caucus meeting of National MPs…’
The pull out that is not a pull out.
Russia has set up permanently in bases in Syria which will continue to ensure that the gas pipeline from Oman through Syria and Turkey to the EU does not get built. This is the main reason that Obama has tried to get rid of Assad, and the reason Russia wants him there? – to protect their stalled Gazprom pipeline under the Baltic to Germany and onto the rest of the EU.
High stakes for the elites, and they play for keeps.
The stakes are our blood, treasure and future. They keep the winnings. We cover the losses.
Yep. Exactly so.
Wait,what?John Key has intelligence officials? Where have they been hiding all this time?
New Zealand relax!
When Trump is elected the great mass of exiled Leftards will be leaving for Canada.
…but the thing is Canada doesn’t want them!
Good move, Canucks!
“but the thing is Canada doesn’t want them!”
Yet they voted for Trudeau 2.0!
Local radio host asked a good question.All these leftys are threatening to leave and go to Canada,how come none of them are going to Mexico?
Or Cuba?
Believe it or not: 75,000 out of the 200,000 who say they will leave the country if Trump is elected will move to Mexico – no word on their legal right to be in America in first place.
Only 6,000 want to be Aussies…Now I’m sure Australia would just love 6,000 more socialists for the welfare rolls…NOT!
However, none polled want to settle in New Zealand, so I guess they heard about KG and Redbaiter!
With Mexico’s immigration laws (and, you know, the fact they actually enforce them), those 75,000 would likely be deported within a day!
And no, they’re not welcome in New Zealand. We already have a sufficient number of leftist weenie pyjama-boys to keep the place in penury. Hell, someone even let that commie cock-smoker Robert Reich in here the other day!
“The world’s most expensive golf cart” (Bill Whittle)
I can’t wait for this GOP nomination process to be over so we can get back to attacking the real enemy!
“justice”, NZ-style:
Hunters billed $60k for fire
A Dunedin hunter who called 111 after spotting a fire near his Waitaki Valley camp this summer was shocked to receive a $60,000 invoice from the Otago Rural Fire Authority this week.
…In the following days, police said there was “strong evidence” at the scene indicating the fire was started by a spark from a high-powered rifle.
“About a week later, I was rung up and told they were going to blame it on one of my rifles,” Mr Dodds said yesterday.
He then sent one of the shells from his SKS rifle to the fire investigator. Although it was the same calibre, he believed the brand did not match shells found where he showed fire investigators the fire had started…’
let’s see the cops and the Fire Authority try to prove this “beyond reasonable doubt” in a court of law.
“Strong” evidence?I’d like to see it,all the years I’ve been shooting,even when the grass was dry as the Sahara,neither I,nor anyone I know has ever started a fire from a rifle shot.Even with flintlocks and Soviet machine gun ammo which breathes fire like a Dragon.
If a patch of grass was dry enough to lite off from some half burnt powder,then just walking through it would be enough to do it.